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First Name Last Name Email
Carolyn Ruppel cruppel@usgs.gov

Organization: U.S. Geological Survey

Department: Gas Hydrates Project/Coastal & Marine Geology

Title: Research Geophysicist

Specialties: gas hydrates, subsea permafrost, methane

Current Research: Subsea permafrost mapping and degradation patterns in US Beaufort Sea; susceptibility of methane gas hydrates onshore, on continental shelves, and on upper continental slopes to dissociation in response to long-term and short-term climate warming; thermokarst thaw bulb evolution and resulting methane dynamics.

James Ruppert ffjkr@uaf.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Department of Alaska Native Studies

Specialties: Native studies, folklore, history

Current Research: Alaska Native oral literature. Literatures of the circumpolar north.

Vladimir Rusanov nauka@anadyr.ru

Organization: Earth Cryosphere Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch

Department: Agromelioration laboratory, North-East Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Institute - Far East Branch

Title: Manager group

Specialties: geology

Current Research: gydrogeology, monitoring,Chukotka

Viivi Russak russak@aai.ee

Organization: Tartu Observatory (University of Tartu)

Department: Department of Atmospheric Physics

Title: Dr. Sc. Geogr., Research Associate

Specialties: solar energy, climate change

Current Research: Atmospheric aerosol. Studies concerning the atmospheric aerosol in the Arctic as a possible factor influencing the optical state of the atmosphere in Estonia in spring.

Mark Russell mark.russell@ec.gc.ca

Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Department: Aquatic Ecosystem Impacts Research Branch

Title: Physical Scientist

Specialties: hydrology, climate change

Don Russell drussell@yukonu.ca

Organization: Yukon University

Title: Research Manager

Specialties: caribou, global change, computer modeling

Current Research: Impacts of global change on reindeer/caribou populations in the circumpolar north.

Ekaterina Ruth ekru@telia.com

Organization: Luleå University of Technology

Department: Department of Applied Geology

Title: Major Coordinator, Circumpolar PhD Network in Arctic Environmental Studies (CAES Network)

Specialties: soil chemistry, environmental studies, pollution

Current Research: Complex studies of boreal forest ecosystems. Sulphur migration in the plant-soil system. Disruption in soil nutrient status caused by downhill skiing in mountain areas in Finnish Lapland. Environmental degradation in boreal, subarctic, and alpine regions: ecological implications and restoration. Environmental remediation, air pollution, nutrient dynamics, soil chemistry and processes.

Vladimir Ryabinin vryabinin@wmo.int

Organization: World Meteorological Organization

Department: World Climate Research Programme

Adrian Ryan ryan@afoc.com

Organization: Arctic Council

Department: Arctic Council

Title: MD, Orthopedic Surgery

Specialties: environmental contaminants, Indigenous peoples, climate change

Current Research: Represents permanent participants (Indigenous Peoples) at the Human Health/Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme of the Arctic Council (AMAP).

Joan Ryan jryan@ucalgary.ca

Organization: University of Calgary

Department: Arctic Institute of North America (AINA)

Specialties: anthropology

Current Research: Northwest Territories, northern British Columbia and Alberta, northern Quebec. Mainly with First nations among the NWC and Dene in NWT, past work included Inuit of northern Quebec.

William Ryan billr@ldeo.columbia.edu

Organization: Columbia University

Department: Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO)

Title: Senior Research Scientist

Specialties: marine geology, marine geophysics

Current Research: Marine geology of the Labrador Sea.

Colleen Ryan cryan77@juno.com

Specialties: environmental assessment, publications, science writing

Current Research: NEPA documentation. Science books for juveniles. Writer/editor on Arctic/sub-Arctic.

Natalia Rybczynski nrybczynski@mus-nature.ca

Organization: Canadian Museum of Nature

Department: Earth Sciences

Title: Ph.D

Specialties: paleobiology, evolution

Current Research: Currently, my field interests focus on the recovery of Mesozoic and Cenozoic vertebrates from Canada's Arctic. One project involves excavation of the Beaver Pond locality, a Pliocene deposit preserved on Ellesmere Island. Evidence from this deposit offers insights into the appearance of high-latitude terrestrial communities prior to the Ice Age, and will help answer questions related to the role of high latitudes habitats in the dispersal and evolution of floral and faunal lineages.

Dag Rydmark rydmark@npolar.no

Organization: Norwegian Polar Institute

Department: Information Officer

Specialties: information systems/technology

Charles Ryerson charles.c.ryerson@usace.army.mil

Organization: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory

Department: Terrestrial and Cryospheric Sciences Branch

Specialties: icing, offshore structures, global change

Current Research: -Assessment of Superstructure Ice Protection as applied to offshore -Oil operations safety -Cold regions small wind turbine technology demonstration -Advisor to Norwegian MARICE program

Jette Rygaard jr.unigreen@greennet.gl

Organization: Ilisimatusarfik, University of Greenland

Department: Greenlandic Language, Literature and Media

Title: Associate Professor

Specialties: sociology, psychology

Current Research: Quantitative and qualitative media research among 12-19 year old children and youth in Greenland. Youth and media culture in Greenland - a reception perspective. Media research. Literature and psychoanalysis.

Timothy Ryherd tjr@dnr.state.ak.us

Organization: Alaska Department of Natural Resources

Department: Division of Oil and Gas

Title: Geologist

Specialties: data management, geology, oil and gas development

Current Research: Alaska North Slope and Alaska Cook Inlet petroleum geology. Alaska oil and gas well database development and maintenance.

Stefanie Rynders stefryn@noc.ac.uk

Organization: National Oceanography Centre

Title: Post-Doctoral Research Associate

Specialties: physical oceanography

Current Research: Coupled sea ice - ocean - waves modelling

Soren Rysgaard rysgaard@cc.umanitoba.ca

Organization: Centre of Earth Observation Science (University of Manitoba)

Department: Clayton H. Ridell Faculty of Environment, Earth and Resources

Title: Professor, Canada Excellence Research Chair

Specialties: marine biology, marine chemistrymicrobiology, marine geochemistry

Current Research: PI researcher in Changes in Arctic Marine Production, Northeast Greenland. 9/17/12: Canada Excellence Research Chairs, Western High Arctic IRIS Lead, ArcticNet Phases 1 and 2, IPY-CFL

David Ryves dr@geus.dk

Organization: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland

Department: Department of Environmental History and Climate Change

Specialties: paleolimnology, climate change, phytoplankton

Current Research: West Greenland lakes Diatom-conductivity transfer functions Holocene climate reconstructions

Kerstin Saalmann kerstin.saalmann@gtk.fi

Organization: Geological Survey of Finland

Specialties: structural geology, tectonics, mineralogy

Current Research: Formation of mountain belts, brittle and ductile deformation, Precambrian to Cenozoic structural evolution and tectonics

Timo Saarinen tijusa@utu.fi

Organization: University of Turku

Department: Quaternary Geology

Specialties: paleomagnetism, paleolimnology, paleoclimatology

Current Research: Annually laminated lake sediments and high latitude paleosecular variation of the Earth's magnetic field

Ilpo Saastamoinen ilpsaas@gmail.com

Title: Composer

Specialties: ethnomusicology

Current Research: Kola Sami Musical Tradition project (1994- ) by Tromsø University, Norway. "Laulupuurumpu"; (about Sami Music, 611 pp.) Jyväskylä Univ. Finland

Dessislav Sabev dessislav.sabev@aadnc-aandc.gc.ca

Organization: Government of Canada

Department: Indian and Northern Affairs Canada

Title: Manager, Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada

Specialties: northern food security, economic policy, land management, circumpolar cultures

Current Research: Food security in isolated (fly-in-fly-off) northern communities. Climate change and cultural adaptations Circumpolar cooperation with emphasis on traditional economies and logistical support.

Fran Saborido-Rey fran@iim.csic.es

Organization: Marine Research Institute (Spain)

Department: Department of Ecology and Marine Resources

Specialties: fish populations, marine ecology

Current Research: Marine fish populations dynamics. Reproductive ecology of marine fish. Recruitment process in marine fish. Stock identification in marine fish. Relationship between oceanographic features and fish dynamics and recruitment.