News – On 1 February 2021, NSF announced the new Navigating the New Arctic Community Office (NNA-CO), which is a collaborative effort of the University of Colorado Boulder, Alaska Pacific University, and the University of Alaska Fairbanks. See the new NNA-CO website here. All updates and further information on NNA projects will be soon available at the NNA-CO website. The information compiled on these webpages hosted by ARCUS will not be updated, but will remain accessible here during this transition.
About Navigating the New Arctic
Navigating the New Arctic (NNA), one of NSF's 10 Big Ideas, supports fundamental convergence research across the social, natural, environmental, engineering, and computing and information sciences. Envisioned as at 5+ year agency-wide program, NNA will support the research and dissemination of new knowledge needed to inform the economy, security, and resilience of the Nation, the larger Arctic region, and the globe with respect to Arctic change.
NSF's Goals for the Navigating the New Arctic Program include:
- Improved understanding of Arctic change and its local and global effects that capitalize on innovative and optimized observation infrastructure, advances in understanding of fundamental processes, and new approaches to modeling interactions among the natural environment, built environment, and social systems.
- New and enhanced research communities that are diverse, integrative, and well-positioned to carry out productive research on the interactions or connections between natural and built environments and social systems and how these connections inform our understanding of Arctic change and its local and global effects.
- Research outcomes that inform national security, economic development, and societal well-being, and enable resilient and sustainable Arctic communities.
- Enhanced efforts in formal and informal education that focus on the social, built, and natural impacts of Arctic change on multiple scales and broadly disseminate research outcomes.
For more information on the NNA program, please visit the NNA NSF website.
Navigating the New Arctic Projects Hub
In 2020, the Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S. (ARCUS) was invited to create a hub of webpages featuring information about each of projects that have been supported through the Navigating the New Arctic program to date. At present, this project hub includes information on both the Arctic research projects funded through NSF's Dear Colleague letter solicitations in 2017 and 2018 as well as the Track 1 and Track 2 projects funded in 2019 and 2020 through the current NNA program solicitation. Track 1 supports research activities, while Track 2 is dedicated to planning grants to develop convergence research teams to tackle projects of larger scope in the future.