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First Name Last Name Email
Kurt Roth kurt.roth@iup.uni-heidelberg.de

Organization: Heidelberg University

Department: Institute of Environmental Physics

Specialties: physics of terrestrial systems, chaotic and complex systems, data assimilation and knowledge fusion, modeling and numerical simulation, ground-penetrating radar

Current Research: monitoring permafrost sites on Tibetan plateau (Qinghai and Xinjiang provinces) and on Svalbard; multi-channel ground-penetrating radar (GPR); modeling of thermal and hydraulic dynamics of permafrost; developing methods for knowledge fusion in soil hydrology;

Mitchell Roth roth.mitchell@gmail.com

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Mathematical Sciences Department

Specialties: modeling

Current Research: Visualization of Volcanic Ash Clouds. Advanced Visualization System for CRAY T3D.

Lorna Roth dr.lornaroth@gmail.com

Organization: Self

Department: Department of Communication Studies

Title: Retired

Specialties: communications, community development, cultural policy

Current Research: Broadcasting policy and history. In the process of completing a history/policy book on First Peoples Television in Canada.

D. Andrew Rothrock rothrock@apl.washington.edu

Organization: University of Washington

Department: Polar Science Center - Applied Physics Laboratory

Specialties: sea ice, remote sensing, sea ice dynamics

Current Research: POLES:Polar Exchange at the Sea Surface (NASA). Surface Heat Flux from AVHRR Ice Surface Temperature (ONR). Science Working Group of Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic (NSF).

Phil Rouget prouget@golder.com

Organization: Golder Associates, Inc.

Department: Marine Sciences

Title: Senior Marine Biologist

Specialties: Marine mammals, fisheries, underwater noise

Current Research: Industrial noise impacts on marine mammals

Wayne Rouse rouse@mcmaster.ca

Organization: McMaster University

Department: Department of Geography and Geology

Specialties: climatology, climate change

Current Research: Energy balance, water balance, and soil carbon cycling regimes in Arctic and sub-Arctic areas.

Erwan Roussel erwan.roussel@univ-bpclermont.fr

Organization: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / French National Center for Scientific Research

Department: Department of Physical Geography

Specialties: geomorphology, hydrology, geographic information systems

Current Research: Fluvial pattern changes in the proglacial area In south of Iceland.

Jean-Loup Rousselot jean-loup.rousselot@extern.lrz-muenchen.de

Department: North American and Arctic Collections

Title: Curator

Specialties: circumpolar cultures, ethnohistory, Yup'ik culture

Current Research: Native art. Shamanism. Material culture.

Penny Rowe prowe@skylark.ups.edu

Organization: University of Puget Sound

Department: Chemistry Department

Specialties: atmospheric chemistry, remote sensing, trace gases

Current Research: Remote sensing of the Arctic atmosphere by infrared radiometry.

Clinton Rowe crowe1@unl.edu

Organization: University of Nebraska - Lincoln

Department: Department of Geosciences

Specialties: climatology

Current Research: Surface energy fluxes over the Greenland ice sheet. Climate variability from ice core records.

Elana Rowe ew@nupi.no

Organization: Norwegian Institute of International Affairs

Title: Senior Research Fellow

Specialties: political geography, international relations, Russian studies

Current Research: I am currently heading a research project exploring the formation and influence of science and business networks in Arctic environmental governance. I am also updating my research on Russia's approach to Arctic sustainability.

Gilbert Rowe growe@astra.tamu.edu

Organization: Texas A&M University, College Station

Department: Department of Oceanography

Specialties: benthic ecology, ecosystem modeling, marine ecology

Current Research: Northeast Greenland Polynya (NEWP) studies supported by US NSF.

Charlotte Rowe char@griffy.nmt.edu

Organization: New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology

Department: Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences

Specialties: seismology, geophysics, volcanology

Current Research: Collection and analysis of Alaska earthquake data. Periodic earthquake swarms and their relationship to nearby glaciers. Glacier-generated seismic signals. Attempting to find quantitative means of discriminating between small, glacier-generated seismic signals and long-period volcanic signals on glaciated volcanoes as an aid to monitoring potential volcanic hazard.

Jan Rowell jrowell@redback.lter.alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Institute of Arctic Biology (IAB)

Specialties: endocrinology, comparative physiology, wildlife

Current Research: Reproductive endocrinology of caribou, muskox and reindeer. Muskox qiviut growth and nutrition. Endocrinology of antler growth and developmentand morphology of pedicle and first antler growth.

Sue Rowley susan_rowley@cmu.edu

Specialties: archaeology, history

Ronald Royer royer@warp6.cs.misu.nodak.edu

Organization: Minot State University

Department: Division of Science

Title: Coordinator

Specialties: entomology, biogeography

Current Research: Distribution and speciation in Arctic and Subarctic butterflies, particularly in the genera Boloria, Oeneis, Erebia and Colias, especially in transitional habitat/intergrade zones.

Thomas Royer royer@ccpo.odu.edu

Organization: Old Dominion University

Department: Center for Coastal Physical Oceanography

Specialties: oceanography, climatology, ocean circulation

Current Research: Long-term climate monitoring/change. Long term ocean climate change in relation to fisheries fluctuations. History of North Pacific oceanography with emphasis on early Russian works.

Eugene Rozanov e.rozanov@pmodwrc.ch

Organization: The Physical Meteorological Observatory in Davos

Specialties: atmospheric chemistry, atmospheric physics, atmospheric sciences

Current Research: Ozone evolution over Arctic area, influence of the aerosol on the radiation budget in the Arctic

Irene Rubinstein rubin@eol.crestech.ca

Department: Earth Observations Laboratory

Title: Project Leader

Specialties: air-sea-ice interactions, ice geophysics, snow hydrology

Current Research: Atmospheric effects on microwave remote sensing of sea ice. Assimilation of remote sensing observations of snow cover into surface water run-off models. Icing.

Barry Ruddick barry.ruddick@dal.ca

Organization: Dalhousie University

Department: Department of Oceanography

Title: Professor

Specialties: physical oceanography, ocean circulation

Current Research: Double-diffusive layers and intrusions.

Bert Rudels bert.rudels@fimr.fi

Specialties: physical oceanography, ocean circulation, climate modeling

Current Research: Deep water formation. Convection. Mixing processes Water mass transformations. Global thermohaline circulation.

David Rugh dave.rugh@noaa.gov

Organization: U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Department: Alaska Fisheries Science Center - National Marine Fisheries Service

Title: Wildlife Biologist, Cetacean Assessment and Ecology Program, National Marine Mammal Laboratory

Specialties: wildlife management, whale habitat, zoology

Current Research: Research on abundance and distribution of bowhead, gray, and beluga whales around Alaska.

Robert Rundstrom

Organization: University of Oklahoma

Department: Department of Geography

Title: Associate Professor of Geography

Specialties: geography, Inuit culture, mapping

Current Research: Cultural geography of the Inuit, including place-names and Inuit-environment relations.

J. Michael Ruohoniemi mike_ruohoniemi@jhuapl.edu

Organization: Johns Hopkins University

Department: Applied Physics Lab - Space Department

Specialties: magnetospheric physics, ionospheric physics

Current Research: Auroral physics. Convection of plasma in the high-latitude ionosphere.

T. Scott Rupp tsrupp@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Scenarios Network for Alaska & Arctic Planning (SNAP)

Title: Professor of Forestry, Director of Scenarios Network for Alaska & Arctic Planning (SNAP)

Specialties: ecosystem modeling, fire ecology, global warming