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First Name Last Name Email
Patricia Reynolds patricia_reynolds@fws.gov

Organization: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Department: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

Title: Ecologist

Specialties: muskox, population ecology, wildlife management

Current Research: Population dynamics. Ecology and behavior of re-established muskox populations in northern Alaska.

James Reynolds ffjbr@uaf.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences (SFOS)

Title: Professor of Fisheries- retired

Specialties: aquatic ecology, fisheries, habitat selection

Current Research: Overwintering ecology of freshwater fishes. Habitat preference and restoration for arctic grayling.

Charles Reynolds reynolds@hanover-crrel.army.mil

Organization: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory

Specialties: soil science, soil processes, bioremediation

Current Research: Enhancing bioremediation processes in cold region soils. Rhizosphere-enhanced soil bioremediation. Optimizing nutrient levels for bioremediation. Using microbial heat production to enhance soil bioremediation.

James Reynolds james.f.reynolds@duke.edu

Organization: Duke University

Department: Biology Department

Title: Professor

Specialties: ecosystem modeling, ecosystem science, physiological ecology

Harry Reynolds, III harry_reynolds@fishgame.state.ak.us

Organization: Alaska Department of Fish and Game

Department: Division of Wildlife Conservation

Specialties: population ecology, wildlife management, predation

Current Research: Grizzly bear population ecology and predation.

Robert Rhew rrhew@atmos.berkeley.edu

Organization: University of California, Berkeley

Department: Department of Geography

Title: Assistant Professor

Donald Rice ddr@flux.isr.alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Geophysical Institute (GI)

Specialties: engineering, information systems/technology, auroral studies

Current Research: CRL imaging riometer construction and communications. Poker Flat Research Range home page (Internet/World Wide Web). Space science/aurora research educational projects for Alaska Space Grant Program, Houston Museum of Natural Science.

Keren Rice rice@chass.utoronto.ca

Organization: University of Toronto

Department: Department of Linguistics

Title: Professor

Specialties: linguistics, Dene (Athabaskan) studies,language

Current Research: Dene (Athabaskan) language research; grammar work on Dene; language and community.

Pierre Richard richardpr@gmail.com

Organization: Self

Specialties: marine mammals, population biology, population ecology

Current Research: Population biology and ecology of beluga and narwhal populations in Canadian Arctic and adjacent waters. Focus is on aerial census suveys, distributional and behavioural studies using satellite tracking and time-depth recording, and population risk assessment using computer modeling.

Paul Richards richards@ldeo.columbia.edu

Organization: Columbia University

Department: Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO)

Specialties: seismology

Current Research: Novaya Zemlya. Nuclear explosions. Nuclear testing.

Scott Richardson srichardson@psu.edu

Organization: Pennsylvania State University

Department: Department of Meteorology

Title: Research Scientist

Specialties: meteorological instrumentation, meteorology

Current Research: DOE ARM NSA Site Science Team Member

Richard Richardson rick.richardson@gov.ab.ac

Organization: Alberta Energy Regulator

Department: Alberta Geological Survey

Title: Provincial Geologist and Manager

Specialties: geology, energy resources, mineral resource assessment

Current Research: Coal and Coalbed Methane geology

Cecilia Richardson Näslund cecilia@natgeo.su.se

Organization: Stockholm University

Department: Department of Physical Geography

Title: Ph.D. Student

Specialties: glaciology, snow, glacial geomorphology

Paul Richmond richmond@crrel.usace.army.mil

Organization: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory

Specialties: mechanical engineering, snow mobility

Current Research: Heat transfer in utility distribution systems. Oversnow mobility of vehicles.

Andreas Richter andreas.richter@univie.ac.at

Organization: University of Vienna

Department: Department of Ecology and Nature Conservation

Title: Professor

Specialties: plant ecology, biogeochemistry, soil microbiology

Current Research: N dynamics in arctic and alpine ecosystems. C and N fluxes in relation to global warming and enhanced N deposition. Mineralization and immobilization in tundra soils. Russian Arctic - Taymyr Peninsula.

Jacqueline Richter-Menge jarichtermenge@alaska.edu

Organization: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Title: Senior Research Civil Engineer

Specialties: sea ice, sea ice monitoring, climate change

Current Research: Deployment of ice-based drifting buoys designed to observe and attribute changes in the thickness of the sea ice cover; Coordinating editor of NOAA-sponsored Arctic Report Card, a web-based summary of current observations related to the state of the Arctic.

Steve Ricketts steve.ricketts@ec.gc.ca

Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Department: Prairie and Arctic Storm Prediction Centre - Meteorological Service of Canada

Title: Manager

Specialties: meteorology, history of polar research, remote sensing

Current Research: Provide weather forecasts and warnings for the Arctic.

B. A. Ridley ridley@ucar.edu

Organization: National Center for Atmospheric Research

Department: Atmospheric Chemistry Division

Title: Senior Scientist

Specialties: atmospheric chemistry, snow chemistry

Current Research: ground studies at Alert, Nunavut Canada, NSF/NCAR aircraft flights over the Arctic (TOPSE program)

Franz Riemann friemann@awi-bremerhaven.de

Organization: Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research

Department: Department of Biological Oceanography

Specialties: sea ice biota

Current Research: Nematodes in sea-ice, nematodes in baleen of whales.

Rick Riewe riewerr@ms.umanitoba.ca

Organization: University of Manitoba

Department: Department of Zoology

Title: Professor

Specialties: circumpolar cultures, ecology, environmental studies

Current Research: Sami lifestyles, clothing, and footwear.

Beau Riffenburgh bar10@cam.ac.uk

Organization: University of Cambridge

Department: Scott Polar Research Institute

Title: Editor, Polar Record

Specialties: history, exploration and travel, communications

Current Research: Relation of the popular press and exploration in the 19th-20th centuries. Expedition accounts of arctic exploration.

Bruce Rigby brigby@xplornet.com

Organization: Self

Title: Research Design and Logistics Consultant

Specialties: sustainable development, environmental monitoring, resource management, research and logistics planning, community engagement

Current Research: Integration of Inuit traditional knowledge into long-term change monitoring. Science policy and decision making. Metadata structures for long-term research and monitoring programs. Environmental monitoring protocols.

Chris Riggio chrisr@apiai.com

Organization: Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association Inc.

Department: Community Services Department

Title: Federal Sites Restoration Coordinator

Specialties: engineering, science management, environmental engineering

Eric Rignot erignot@uci.edu

Organization: University of California, Irvine

Department: Earth System Science

Title: Professor of Earth System Science

Specialties: cryospheric remote sensing, glaciology, climate modeling

Current Research: Mass balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet, sponsored by NASA's Polar Research Program. Topography and dynamics of polar ice sheets from satellite radar interferometry, sponsored by NASA's topography and surface change program. Studies of ice-shelf tearing and stability using radar interferometry and finite element modeling, ADRO/NASA research project. Land cover and land use change mapping in the tropics using radar and optical data, ADRO/NASA project in coll. w. Univ. New Hampshire BOREAS co-investigator, land cover mapping and carbon budgeting of boreal forests.

Ignatius Rigor ignatius@uw.edu

Organization: University of Washington

Title: Mathematician, Research Scientist

Specialties: climate change, atmospheric sciences, sea ice

Current Research: Coordinator of the International Arctic Buoy Programme. Air-sea-ice interaction and changes.