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First Name Last Name Email
Satu Rasanen satu.rasanen@oulu.fi

Organization: University of Oulu

Department: Geography Department

Title: MSc

Specialties: palynology, paleoecology, geography

Morten Rasch mras@dmu.dk

Organization: Aarhus University

Department: Department of Bioscience

Specialties: geography, geomorphology

Current Research: Ecosystem monitoring. Arctic geomorphology, coastal geomorphology. Quaternary geology. Holocene relative sea-level changes.

Phil Rasch philip.rasch@pnnl.gov

Organization: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Department: Atmospheric Sciences & Global Change Division

Title: Chief Scientist

Jeffrey Rasic jeff_rasic@nps.gov

Department: Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve

Title: Archeologist

Specialties: archaeology, prehistory, human behavior

Current Research: Prehistoric hunter-gatherer adaptations in Arctic Alaska. Peopling of the new world. Pleistocene-Holocene climate change.

Rasmus Rasmussen rasmus@ruc.dk

Organization: Roskilde University

Department: North Atlantic Regional Studies (NORS)

Title: Associate Professor

Specialties: sustainable development, community development, human settlements

Current Research: Conditions for sustainable development in the Arctic. Circumpolar settlement development.

Erland Rasmussen ebr@dhi.dk

Organization: Danish Hydraulic Institute

Department: Marine Impacts Department

Title: Head of Department

Specialties: modeling, oceanography, sea ice modeling

Current Research: Arctic Ocean. Coupled air-sea-ice modeling. Formation of deep water in the Greenland Sea. Thermohaline circulation.

Edward Rastetter erastett@mbl.edu

Organization: Marine Biological Laboratory

Department: Ecosystems Center

Title: Senior Scientist

Specialties: modeling, biogeochemistry

Current Research: C-N interactions.

Natalia Ratchkovski natasha@giseis.alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Geophysical Institute (GI)

Title: Research Assistant

Specialties: seismology, tectonophysics, geophysics

Frank Rau frank.rau@geographie.uni-freiburg.de

Organization: University of Freiburg

Department: Department of Physical Geography

Specialties: climate change, glaciology, landscape ecology

Current Research: Traill Island. Northeast Greenland. Antarctic Peninsula.

Milla Rautio milla.rautio@ugac.ca

Organization: Université du Québec à Chicoutimi

Department: Dépt de Biologie

Specialties: limnology, global change, zooplankton

Current Research: My research interests include the distribution of zooplankton in northern lakes and ponds, the response of zooplankton to ultraviolet radiation, and the benthic-pelagic coupling in shallow subarctic and arctic ponds. I do my work both in subarctic Finland (KilpisjÌÛrvi 69åπN, 21åπE) and Canada (Kuujjuarapik 55åπN, 77åπW), and arctic Canada (Resolute 75åπN, 98åπW). During the last years I have undertaken research in the EU projects MOLAR and EMERGE on topics covering several limnological aspects and in particular zooplankton dynamics.

Michael Rawlins mrawlins@umass.edu

Organization: University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Title: Associate Director, Climate System Research Center

Specialties: climatology, environmental sciences, geoclimatology

Current Research: Arctic surface air temperature and precipitation. Arctic tropospheric air temperature structure.

Shelly Rayback srayback@uvm.edu

Organization: University of Vermont

Department: Department of Geography

Title: Assistant Professor

Specialties: dendrochronology, climate change, biogeography

Current Research: Cassiope tetragona (arctic white heather) and Cassiope mertensiana (white mountain heather), climate reconstruction, stable isotope analysis, ArcticNet, International Tundra Experiment.

Gleb Raygorodetsky glebr@usa.net

Organization: Columbia University

Department: Center for Environmental Research Conservation

Title: Fellow

Specialties: biodiversity, traditional knowledge and wisdom, human/environment interaction

Current Research: Biodiversity assessment and monitoring in the volcanoes of Kamchatka World Heritage Site, Russia using traditional ecological knowledge.

James Raymond raymond@nevada.edu

Organization: University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Department: Department of Biological Sciences

Specialties: cold adaptation, sea ice biota, algae

Current Research: Cold adaptation in fishes. Antifreezes. Organic osmolytes. Interactions between sea ice algae and sea ice. Sea ice diatoms.

Charles Raymond charlie@geophys.washington.edu

Organization: University of Washington

Department: Department of Earth and Space Sciences

Specialties: glaciology, geophysics

Current Research: Effect of hydrological processes on basal conditions and flow of glaciers. Glacier climate relationships.

Julie Raymond-Yakoubian juliery@kawerak.org

Organization: Kawerak, Inc.

Title: Social Science Program Director

Specialties: cultural anthropology, traditional knowledge, archival research, archaeology

Current Research: human-environment/human-animal relationships in the Bering Strait region of Alaska; research impacts on indigenous communities; research methods

Nick Rayner

Organization: Met Office (United Kingdom)

Department: Meteorological Office

Specialties: climate change, sea ice

Current Research: Creating an homogenised record of sea-ice concentration for 1871 onwards.

Martha Raynolds mkraynolds@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Institute of Arctic Biology (IAB)

Title: Post-Doctoral Researcher

Specialties: vegetation mapping, tundra ecology, arctic biogeography

Bruce Ream bar@hartcrowser.com

Organization: Hart Crowser Inc.

Specialties: archaeology, environmental assessment, hazardous substances

Current Research: Archaeological mitigation of the historic Fairbanks waterfront. Asbestos and lead-paint surveys of Alaska military family housing units. RI/FS historical support for former WW-II military sites.

Richard Reanier reanier@eskimo.com

Organization: Self

Specialties: archaeology, quaternary paleoecology, soil science

Current Research: Paleoindian occupations of norhtern Alaska. Ipiutak and Late Prehistoric adaptation. Late Glacial climate and environmental change. Geoarchaeology.

Chris Reason cjr@egs.uct.ac.za

Organization: University of Cape Town

Department: EGS & Oceanography

Specialties: climatology, ocean-atmosphere interactions, modeling

Current Research: Ocean climatology.

Helge Rebhan hrebhan@jw.estec.esa.nl

Organization: European Space Agency

Department: Earth Sciences Division

Specialties: remote sensing

Current Research: Science management for ESA Cryosate mission (Radar-altimetry for ice sheets and sea ice) Optical remote sensing in oceanography.

Carolyn Redl carolynr@athabascau.ca

Organization: Athabasca University

Title: Professor

Specialties: exploration and travel, women's studies, ethnohistory

Current Research: English with cross-discipline work in women’s studies, northern studies, regional science, ethnography, and anthropology. Compilation and annotation of a bibliography of life- and travel-writings in or translated into English by women of the circumpolar Arctic. Analysis of these works from eight relevant countries during different periods using a critical framework influenced by previous studies of autobiography and travel writings.

Brendan Redmond redmond16@gmail.com

Organization: Dassault Systemes SolidWorks Corporation

Department: Legal

Title: Deputy General Counsel

William Reeburgh reeburgh@uci.edu

Organization: University of California, Santa Barbara

Department: Department of Geosciences - Earth System Science

Specialties: marine geochemistry, atmospheric chemistry, microbiology

Current Research: Marine and terrestrial methane geochemistry.