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First Name Last Name Email
Stephen Saboundjian ffsks@aurora.uaf.edu

Organization: Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities

Department: Research and Technology Transfer

Title: Research Implementation Engineer

Specialties: pavements engineering, geotechnical engineering, materials engineering

Current Research: Air convection embankments for roadways, Passive cooling systems for roadways, Frost heaving in pavements, Thaw weakening and springtime load restrictions in pavements, Low-temperature cracking of asphalt concrete. collaborate: American Society of Civil Engineers, [Technical Council on Cold Regions Engineering],

Russell Sackett russs@dnr.state.ak.us

Organization: Alaska Department of Natural Resources

Department: Office of History and Archaeology

Title: Architectural Historian

Specialties: architecture, history

William Sackinger obelisk@mosquitonet.com

Title: President and CEO

Specialties: hydrocarbon chemistry, oil and gas development, ice mechanics

Current Research: Plasma conversion of hydrocarbons.

Walt Sadinkski wsadinski@usgs.gov

Organization: U.S. Geological Survey

Department: U.S. Department of the Interior

Title: Research Ecologist

Specialties: aquatic systems, global change, environmental studies

Current Research: Lead scientist for the Terrestrial Wetland Global Change Research Network, an international network of scientists studying integrated effects of climate/global change in wetland-upland matrices across ecoregions encompassed by the range of the wood frog (Rana sylvatica).

Jerrold Sadock jsadock@woodlawn.uchicago.edu

Organization: University of Chicago

Department: Linguistics Department

Specialties: linguistics

Current Research: Inuit grammar, particularly West Greenlandic.

Kjetil Sagerup kjetil.sagerup@npolar.no

Organization: Norwegian Polar Institute

Title: Cand. scient.

Specialties: ecology, environmental toxicology, parasitology

Current Research: Organochlorines and possible effects in glaucous gulls (Larus hyperboreus).

Auromeet Saha auromeet.saha@usherbrooke.ca

Organization: Université de Sherbrooke

Title: Senior Research Associate

Gregor Sailer info@gregorsailer.com

Title: Dipl.Des./MA

Yasunori Sakurai sakurai@pop.fish.hokudai.ac.jp

Organization: Hokkaido University

Department: Department of Marine Biological Sciences - Faculty of Fisheries

Title: Associate Professor

Specialties: aquatic biology, aquatic ecology, biological oceanography

Current Research: Bering Sea.

Becky Saleeby becky_saleeby@nps.gov

Organization: U.S. National Park Service

Department: Alaska Regional Office

Title: Archeologist

Specialties: archaeology, zooarchaeology

Current Research: Zooarchaeology of northwestern Alaska. Historic mining sites in Alaska.

Tapani Salminen tasalmin@cc.helsinki.fi

Organization: University of Helsinki

Department: Department of Finno-Ugrian Studies

Title: Researcher

Specialties: linguistics, Siberian peoples, Indigenous peoples

Current Research: Forest Nenets language. Tundra Nenets language. Nenets languages. Samoyed languages.

Patrick Saltonstall pgsalton@macc.wisc.edu

Organization: University of Wisconsin-Madison

Department: Alutiiq Museum

Title: Graduate Student

Specialties: archaeology, Inuit culture, cultural anthropology

Current Research: Gulf of Alaska (including Kodiak). Baffin Island.

Eric Saltzman eric.saltzman@uci.edu

Organization: University of California, Irvine

Department: Earth System Science

Specialties: atmospheric chemistry, ice chemistry

Current Research: Atmospheric chemistry of gases produced by the oceans. Use of polar ice cores to study the chemistry of ancient atmospheres. Role of biological sulfur gases in the long-term control of climate.

Otto Salvigsen otto.salvigsen@geo.uio.no

Organization: University of Oslo

Department: Institute of Geosciences

Title: Senior Research Scientist

Specialties: glacial geology, paleoclimatology, periglacial environment

Current Research: Svalbard. Glacial history. Shoreline displacement. Radiocarbon dating.

Hal Salzman hsalzman@rutgers.edu

Organization: Rutgers University

Department: School of Planning and Public Policy

Title: Professor

Specialties: Socio-economic analysis of Arctic communities and employment, Labor Policy, Political Institutions

Current Research: Hal Salzman is Professor of Public Policy at the Edward J. Bloustein School and Senior Faculty Fellow at the John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development. His research focuses on science and engineering labor markets, workplace restructuring, skill requirements, and globalization of innovation, engineering and technology design. Recently he has been writing on the science and technology policy implications of his research. A current project, as Principal Investigator, examines science and engineering education and careers and is funded by the Sloan Foundation. This project builds on Salzman’s previous research on science and engineering education and the workforce (see, for example, “Making the Grade” in Nature).

His other area of research and teaching is on human capital development, firm strategy, and community sustainability in the Arctic. He is Principal Investigator of an International Polar Year grant from the National Science Foundation, Arctic Social Science Program/Office of Polar Programs.

Past projects include Principal Investigator of a National Science Foundation-funded project on globalization, innovation, and human capital; this work has continued in his research on “collaborative advantage” in globalization, engineering, technology entrepreneurship (research funded by the National Science Foundation and Kauffman Foundation, with Leonard Lynn of Case Western Reserve University and conducted with colleagues in the U.S., Germany, Japan, China, India, and Latin America). Prof. Salzman has conducted a number of studies of the IT industry, on both software design and work practices and on labor force issues in the IT industry. A recently completed project was on corporate restructuring and the impact on low-wage jobs and skills. His publications include Software By Design: Shaping Technology and the Workplace (Oxford University Press) and articles on issues of technology, skills, and the workplace, including “Collaborative Advantage” (in Issues in Science and Technology), “Under Construction: The Continuing Evolution of Job Structures in Call Centers,” in Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society, “Too Many Cooks?: Changing Wages and Job Ladders in the Food Industry.” Regional Review, and forthcoming, Technology Entrepreneurs in the Emerging Economies: The new shape of global innovation.

Raymond Sambrotto sambrott@ldeo.columbia.edu

Organization: Columbia University

Department: Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO)

Specialties: marine ecology, CO2 chemistry, environmental assessment

Current Research: Project 1 - analysis of CO2 system in Arctic Ocean (NSF). Plankton production and nitrogen chemistry in high latitude seas.

Makoto Sampei sampei@nipr.ac.jp

Organization: National Institute of Polar Research

Department: Department of Biology

Specialties: marine ecology, marine biology

Current Research: North Water Polynya Study, Canadian Arctic Shelf Exchange Study

Torkjel Sandanger torkjel.sandanger@nilu.no

Organization: Norwegian Institute for Air Research

Title: Reseracher, PhD

Specialties: environmental health, epidemiology, environmental monitoring

Current Research: Emerging pollutants in human plasma, POPs and breast cancer

Hamish Sandeman hsandema@nrcan.gc.ca

Organization: Natural Resources Canada

Department: Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office

Title: Bedrock Geologist

Specialties: geology, petrology, geochemistry

Current Research: Mapping the Committe Bay supracrustal belt, central mainland, Nunavut. Western Churchill NATMAP project.

Gunnar Sander gunnar.sander@eea.europa.eu

Organization: European Environmental Agency

Title: Program Coordinator

Specialties: environmental contaminants, science management, environmental impact assessment

Current Research: Coordinates Norwegian-Russian program on transport and effects of contaminants to the Barents Sea region. EVINET (network of arctic-alpine research infrastructures). Works in environmental management department of Norwegian Polar Institute, on topics such as environmental monitoring in the Svalbard area (MOSJ), environmental impact assessments, and oil and gas development.

Robert Sanders robert.b.sanders@poa02.usace.army.mil

Organization: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Title: Doctor

Specialties: geology, natural resources management, coastal engineering

Current Research: 1. Coastal Navigation and harbor studies; 2. Natural hazards; 3. Village relocation.

Nancy Sanders afnls@uaa.alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Anchorage

Department: School of Nursing and Health Science

Specialties: medical sciences, Native issues

Current Research: Generic and professional Care of the Yup'ik of Southwest Alaska.

Haakan Sandersen haakan.sandersen@hibo.no

Organization: Nordland Research Institute

Title: Researcher

Specialties: fisheries management, coastal management, community development

Current Research: Fisheries co-management. Coastal zone management. Fjord management. Development of fisheries fleet structure.

Annika Sanfilippo asanfilippo@ucsd.edu

Organization: Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Department: Geosciences Research Division (0220)

Specialties: micropaleontology, biostratigraphy, evolution

Current Research: Climatic influence on the evolution of Cenozoic Antarctic and tropical radiolarians. This research project is now expanding into the Arctic realm.

Chesley Sanger csanger@morgan.ucs.mun.ca

Organization: Memorial University of Newfoundland

Department: Department of Geography

Title: Professor (Ret) and Honorary Research Professor

Specialties: bowhead whales, whaling

Current Research: Historical geography. Northern whaling. Scottish Northern Whale Fishery. Newfoundland and Labrador Shore-Station whaling:1898-1972.