Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
Government of Canada


Gatineau , Quebec K1A 0H4


Born in Bulgaria, loves the North. Shortly after graduation in Literature (Sofia University, 1995) went on a 3-month field trip in reindeer-herding tundra camps on the Kola Peninsula. Lived and worked with various tundra collectives in the Barents Region between 1999 and 2008.

Following the completion of Ph.D. studies (Laval University, 2004) spent 2 years as SSHRC post-doctoral fellow at McGill University (Northern Studies Program, Department of Geography). Member of the Northern Research Forum Young Researchers Board (2006-2008). Involved in the organization of the 2001 IASSA Conference (Quebec City) and participated in numerous circumpolar forums (Arctic Ungulate Conference 1999 and 2003; ARCUS 2003; Northern Research Forum 2000, 2006, and 2008; IASSA 2001, 2004, and 2008).

In 2007, mushed 1,500 km as Chief Scientist for the IPY expedition The Arctic Frontline, in collaboration with NASA and the Royal Geographical Society.

Working at the Government of Canada since 2008 as Manager at Indigenous and Northern Affairs with focus on northern food security, policy and stakeholder relations.

Science Specialties

northern food security, economic policy, land management, circumpolar cultures

Current Research

Food security in isolated (fly-in-fly-off) northern communities. Climate change and cultural adaptations Circumpolar cooperation with emphasis on traditional economies and logistical support.