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First Name Last Name Email
Trausti Jonsson trausti@vedur.is

Organization: Icelandic Meteorological Office

Department: Department of Research Processing

Title: Climatologist

Specialties: meteorology, climatology, climate change

Current Research: Instrumental meteorological observations during the last 250 years. Dynamical climatology.

James Jordan jjordan@antioch.edu

Organization: Antioch University New England

Department: Department of Environmental Studies

Title: Director of Field Studies Program, Environmental Studies

Specialties: geomorphology, quaternary geology

Current Research: Coastal geomorphology and late Quaternary sea level history . Late quaternary landscape evolution and climate change. Northwest Alaska: Bering Strait to Barrow. Southwest Alaska: Alaska Peninsula, eastern Aleutian Islands.

Rachel Jordan rjordan@crrel.usace.army.mil

Organization: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory

Specialties: snow modeling, snow physics, snow hydrology

Current Research: Energy balance modeling and meltwater prediction over glaciers.

Even Jorgensen even.jorgensen@uit.no

Organization: UiT: The Arctic University of Norway

Department: Department of Arctic Ecology

Title: Professor

Specialties: animal physiology, nutritional adaptation, toxicology

Current Research: Dynamics and toxicity of persistent organic pollutants in relation to arctic ecophysiology (seasonal regulation of appetite, growth, lipid turnover, migration, sexual maturation, etc.) of fish.

Mark Jorgenson ecoscience@alaska.net

Organization: Alaska Ecoscience

Title: Owner

Specialties: plant ecology, geomorphology, revegetation

Current Research: Geomorphology of the Colville Delta . Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta ecosystem response to climate change. Land rehabilitation after oil development. Ecological land classification for Colville Delta. Ecological land classification for Ft. Wainwright. Ecological land classification for Ft. Greely. Bioremediation after arctic oil spills.

Janet Jorgenson janet_jorgenson@fws.gov

Organization: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Department: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

Title: Botanist

Specialties: vegetation monitoring, disturbance ecology, tundra ecology

Edward Josberger ejosberg@usgs.gov

Organization: U.S. Geological Survey

Department: Washington Water Scinece Center

Specialties: glaciology, snow physics, remote sensing

Current Research: Passive microwave remote sensing of snow and glacier mass balance - climate change relationships.

Terje Domaas Josefsen terje.d.josefsen@nord.no

Organization: Nord University

Title: Senior Researcher

Specialties: pathology, veterinary medicine, reindeer

Current Research: Pathological, parasitological and bacteriological diagnostics of all domstic and wild animals in the local area, but with main emphasis on sheep, goat and reindeer. Special field of interest: Diseases of reindeer.

Heiner Josenhans josenhan@agc.bio.ns.ca

Organization: Natural Resources Canada

Department: Geological Survey of Canada

Title: Marine Geologist

Specialties: marine geology, mapping, archaeology

Current Research: Sea level changes and archaeology on the continental shelf of northern British Columbia and Southern Alaska.

John Joseph jejoseph@nps.edu

Organization: Naval Postgraduate School

Department: 300 Department

Title: Research Assistant Professor

Specialties: meteorology, oceanography

Marko Jouste marko.jouste@oulu.fi

Organization: University of Oulu

Department: Department of Folk Tradition

Title: University Lecturer

Specialties: ethnomusicology, ethnohistory, cultural anthropology

Current Research: Traditional Sámi yoik (Yoik is the oldest still living tradition of primitive chanting in Europe).

Lis Jørgensen lis.lindal.joergensen@imr.no

Organization: Institute of Marine Research (Norway)

Department: Ecosystem processes

Title: Seniour Scientist

Specialties: marine biology, benthic ecology, environmental studies, long term monitoring, ecosystem based management

Current Research: Arctic benthic mega- and macrofaunal associations in the Barents Sea and Russian Kara Sea, and along the coast and in fiords of Northern Norway and West Svalbard. Effects on benthos from climate change, bottomtrawling, new predatory species. The use of benthos in management.

Glenn Juday gjuday@lter.uaf.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Department of Forest Sciences

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: forest ecology, climate change, biodiversity

Current Research: Response of high-latitude forests to climate change. Treeline dynamics in Alaska. Alaska climate history. Environmental factors controlling forest growth in Alaska. Response of species diversity to forest management and climate change. Modeling of boreal forest disturbance and regrowth.

René Juhler rkj@geus.dk

Organization: Novo Nordisk

Department: Department of Geochemistry

Title: Science & Compliance Chemist

Specialties: plant pigments, environmental chemistry, paleoecology

Current Research: Paleopigment and climate change. Analysis of plant pigment from algae and bacteria in sediment cores sampled in arctic lakes in Greenland.

Pirjo Jukarainen pirjo.jukarainen@uta.fi

Organization: Tampere University

Department: Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI)

Title: Researcher

Specialties: sociology, political science, geography

Current Research: Research on youth of northern borderlands. Young peoples geopolitics and identity politics, their attitudes to the society and people on other side of the border. International Border Researchers’ network building project.

Karen Junge kjunge@apl.washington.edu

Organization: University of Washington

Department: School of Oceanography

Title: Senior Oceanographer

Specialties: microbiology, oceanography, ice

Current Research: Microbial communities in sea ice: activity of microorganisms, abundances of microorganisms, diversity of microorganism in arctic sea ice.

Kim Juniper kjuniper@uvic.ca

Organization: University of Victoria

Department: GEOTOP Research Centre

Title: Chief Scientist, Executive

Specialties: biogeochemistry, benthic oceanography, microbiology

Current Research: Bioturbation. Polynyas. Deep-water benthic ecology.

Jeremiah Junken jeremiah@retina.net

Department: Software Research and Development

Specialties: communications

Current Research: Ice flow and transportation.

David Kadko dkadko@fiu.edu

Organization: Florida International University

Department: Applied Research Center

Title: Research Professor; Associate Director, Applied Research Center (ARC)

Specialties: Tracers of ocean processes

Current Research: Geochemical tracer studies of Arctic Ocean and ice processes

Joanna Kafarowski joannakafarowski@gmail.com

Organization: Self

Title: Independent scholar and consultant

Specialties: Natural resource management, gender, polar history

Current Research: Women and polar history

Jonathan Kahl kahl@uwm.edu

Organization: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Department: Department of Geosciences

Title: Professor

Specialties: atmospheric sciences, marine ecology, climatology

Current Research: Arctic boundary layers. Arctic climate change. Rescue of historical meteorological data in Arctic regions.

Brian Kahler brian.kahler@ec.gc.ca

Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Department: Prairie & Northern Region

Title: Head, Aerological & Surface Weather Stations

Specialties: meteorology, logistics

Current Research: Arctic meteorology.

Ralf-Dietrich Kahlke rdkahlke@senckenberg.de

Organization: Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum

Department: Research Station for Quaternary Palaeontology Weimar

Title: Professor, Palaeontologist

Specialties: paleoecology, paleobiology

Current Research: Quaternary Large Mammal faunas of the Tajmyr Peninsula, Arctic Siberia

Elisabeth Kaine elisabeth_kaine@uqac.ca

Organization: Université du Québec à Chicoutimi

Department: Arts Department/Module des Arts

Title: Professor

Specialties: art, architecture

Current Research: Native art and architecture. Inuit design.

Seppo Kaitala seppo.kaitala@ymparisto.fi

Organization: Finnish Environment Institute

Department: Department of Ecology and Systematics

Title: Leading Research Scientist

Specialties: mapping, environmental sciences

Current Research: Conservation of arctic flora and fauna. Arctic biodiversity.