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First Name Last Name Email
Andrew Kerr andrew.kerr@ed.ac.uk

Organization: University of Edinburgh

Department: School of Geosciences

Title: Professor, Executive Director of the Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation

Specialties: public policy, global warming

Current Research: Director of SAGES, a pan-Scottish research network comprising over 120 scientists and social scientists researching the grand environmental challenges of the 21st century.

Dan Kerr daniel.kerr@canada.ca

Organization: Natural Resources Canada

Department: Geological Survey of Canada

Title: Research Scientist

Specialties: Quaternary geology, glacial geology, mineral exploration

Current Research: Drift prospecting in Northwest Territories and Nunavut Territory, Canada.

G. Peter Kershaw peter.kershaw@ualberta.ca

Organization: University of Alberta

Department: Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: biogeography, disturbance ecology, periglacial environment

Current Research: Mackenzie Mountains: periglacial landform evolution, disturbance ecology - long-term natural recovery of disturbances initiated in 1943 and under study since 1977 (includes monitoring of microclimates since 1990). Mackenzie River Valley, near Tulita (Fort Norman): ecosystem responses to surface disturbances associated with a transport corridor, oil spill, wildfire (includes monitoring of microclimates since 1985 and the fire in 1995).

Anna Kerttula de Echave akechave@gmail.com

Organization: Stefansson Arctic Institute

Title: Associate Scientist

Specialties: anthropology, Alaska/Russian relations, Native issues

Current Research: Cultural transformation and collective identity formation among Arctic indigenous peoples (field area Chukotka and Alaska).

Michael Kerwin mkerwin@du.edu

Organization: University of Denver

Department: Geography and Environmental Sciences

Title: Associate Professor

Specialties: global change, climate modeling, palynology

Current Research: Calibration of modern pollen assemblages found in lake sediments to the modern climate on Baffin Island, Canada. Using the GISS GCM to investigate the role of high latitude oceanic feedbacks on the Earth's climate system at 6000 years B.P. Using rock magnetic properties to study marine sediments in Hudson Strait, Canada.

Mary Keskinen mjkeskinen@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Department of Geology and Geophysics

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: petrology, geology, mineralogy

Current Research: Metamorphic petrology of the Fairbanks district. Hydrothermal alteration associated with volcanic and geothermal systems.

E. Carina Keskitalo carina.keskitalo@umu.se

Organization: Umeå University

Department: Department of Geography and Economic History

Title: Professor of Political Science

Specialties: arctic policy, environmental policy, resource management

Current Research: The development of the Arctic as an international eight-state region, the impact of globalization and climate change on renewable resource use sectors in the north, adaptation to climate change.

Inez Kettles ikettles@gsc.nrcan.gc.ca

Organization: Natural Resources Canada

Department: Geological Survey of Canada

Title: Research Scientist

Specialties: wetlands, glacial geology

Current Research: Mackenzie Valley peatlands. Peatland mapping. Peat geochemistry.

James Ketz fnjak@uaf.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Elmer E. Rasmuson Library - Wenger Project

Title: Database Administrator

Specialties: anthropology, archaeology, ethnohistory

Current Research: Wenger Anthropological Eskimo Database (a full-text database focusing on the early contact literature pertaining to Eskimos.)

Peter Kevan pkevan@uoguelph.ca

Organization: University of Guelph

Department: School of Environmental Sciences

Title: Professor

Specialties: plant ecology, entomology, community ecology, agriculture, biodiversity

Current Research: Arctic activity: Biodiversity and ecosystems connexions across the tree line from the boreal forest to the barren tundra.

Erica Key erica.key@belmontforum.org

Organization: Belmont Forum

Department: Office of Polar Programs, Arctic Observing Network

Title: Executive Director, Belmont Forum Secretariat

Specialties: atmospheric physics, cryospheric remote sensing, ocean-atmosphere interactions

Current Research: My current research focuses on cloud radiative forcing over Arctic polynyas and flaw lead systems as measured from icebreakers and derived from satellite data. I am also interested in the measurement and analysis of all variables relevant to cloud forcing such as aerosol optical depth, ozone profiles, surface albedo, and cloud microphysics. From these data and other shipboard and aircraft data, I am building a history of polynya meteorology.

Jeffrey Key jeff.key@noaa.gov

Organization: U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Department: National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS)

Title: Supervisory Physical Scientist

Specialties: climatology, remote sensing, radiation

Current Research: Remote sensing of the polar regions (snow, ice, clouds, and radiation). Trends and interactions in the Arctic climate system.

Patrick Keys patrick.keys@colostate.edu

Department: Department of Atmospheric Science

Title: Assistant Professor

Current Research: Using interdisciplinary empirical methods blended with science fiction prototyping and graphic art to envision novel futures in the Arctic.

Alisa Keyser arkeyser@unm.edu

Organization: University of Montana

Department: NTSG / School of Forestry

Title: Post-Doc

Specialties: ecosystem modeling, forest ecology, climate change

Olga Khachay khachay@nexcom.ru

Organization: Earth Cryosphere Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch

Department: Institute of Geophysics

Title: Professor

Specialties: permafrost engineering, rock mechanics, geophysics

Bulat Khassanov biocenol@glas.apc.org

Organization: Earth Cryosphere Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch

Department: Historical Ecology Department - Institute of Ecology and Evolution

Specialties: quaternary paleoecology, quaternary palynology, paleobotany

Current Research: History of near-sea ecosystems of Chukotka, Alaska, Aleutian Islands.

Frank Kienast frank.kienast@senckenberg.de

Organization: Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum

Department: Research Station of Quaternary Palaeontology

Title: Researcher

Specialties: paleobotany, phytogeography, quaternary paleoecology, vegetation ecology, permafrost

Current Research: Vegetational development during the Pleistocene in Northern Siberia. Climatic indication by macrofossils of vascular plants, preserved in permafrost deposits. Phytogeography of "tundra-steppe" relicts, main focus on Beringia, vegetation - herbivore interactions

John Kilmarx jkilly@binghamton.edu

Organization: Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Department: Department of Anthropology

Title: Associate Vice President for Academic Administration

Specialties: archaeology, anthropology

Current Research: Dorset period archaeology of Newfoundland, small sites, lithics.

Ekaterina Kim ekaterina.kim@ntnu.no

Organization: Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Department: Department of Marine Technology

Title: Associate Professor

Specialties: sea ice, local ice loads, marine systems

Current Research: My current research interests include learning from the past ocean data and solving limitations of new technologies (artificial intelligence, augmented intelligence, transfer learning, etc.) using the northernmost regions as a testbed.

Hongjin Kim

Organization: University of Alaska Anchorage

Department: Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER)

Title: research associate

Specialties: econometrics, economic modeling

Current Research: Economic value of Alaska sport fisheries. Economic effects of re-allocating Kenai River red salmon.

Yongwon Kim kimywjp@gmail.com

Organization: International Arctic Research Center (University of Alaska Fairbanks)

Title: Research Associate Professor

Specialties: climate change, biogeochemistry, remote sensing

Current Research: Trace gases: CO2, N2O, CH4. Global change and warming. Frostfire burning experiment (1998-1999). Alaska Transect Experiment (2000-2002).

Edward Kim ed.kim@nasa.gov

Organization: U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Department: Goddard Space Flight Center

Specialties: remote sensing, modeling, snow, frozen ground, ice

Current Research: Remote sensing of snow, frozen soil, permafrost, and ice.

Alexandra Kim-Maloney kim@tspu.edu.ru

Organization: Tomsk State Pedagogical University

Department: Department of Linguistics

Title: Full Professor, Director of Foreign Languages Institute

Specialties: linguistics, folklore, cultural studies

Current Research: Contrastive study of languages and culture of indigenous peoples of Siberia and North America; Selkup floklore; Education in the North; Religion of indigenous peoples of Siberia.

John Kimball johnk@ntsg.umt.edu

Organization: University of Montana

Department: School of Forestry - Numerical Terradynamic Simulation Group (NTSG)

Title: Professor of Systems Ecology; NTSG Director

Specialties: ecosystem modeling, hydrology, ecology

Current Research: Development of radar-based measures of high-latitude, freeze-thaw and phenology. Assessing boreal/arctic energy/water/carbon exchange using coupled ecosystem process models and remote sensing inputs.

Maureen King maureen.king@dri.edu

Organization: Desert Research Institute

Department: Quaternary Sciences Center

Title: Associate Research Scientist

Specialties: archaeology

Current Research: Upper Kolyma Region, Northeastern Siberia. Terminal Pleistocene and early Holocene prehistory of western Beringia.