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Hester Jiskoot hester.jiskoot@uleth.ca

Organization: University of Lethbridge

Department: Geography

Title: Associate Professor

Specialties: Glaciology, East Greenland, Svalbard, Jan Mayen, Glacier surging, Arctic atmosphere, Remote sensing, Fog on glaciers, Ice flow dynamics, Tidewater glaciers, Alpine glaciers, Glacier inventories

Current Research: Fog on Arctic glaciers, Glacier surging, Greenland, Canadian Arctic and Canadian Rockies, Jan Mayen

Malcolm Jobling malcolm.jobling@uit.no

Organization: UiT: The Arctic University of Norway

Department: IAMB

Title: Professor (Aquaculture and Fish Physiology)

Specialties: aquatic biology, ecophysiology, aquaculture, fish

Current Research: See Project catalogue at the Departmental home page (http://www.nfh.uit.no/iarm/default2.htm).

Pertti Joenniemi pjo@diis.dk

Organization: Danish Institute for International Studies

Title: Senior Research Fellow

Specialties: political science

Current Research: Politics of the European Union vis-a-vis the Arctic.

Jacob Joensen jakuppj@hfs.fo

Organization: Thor

Department: Environmental Department

Title: Sustainability Adviser

Specialties: coastal management, sustainable development, government policy

Current Research: Govermental management of Arctic Council issues, especially regarding AMAP and PAME.

Anne Mette Joergensen amj@dmi.dk

Organization: Danish Meteorological Institute

Department: Research and Development Department

Title: PhD, Director

Specialties: climate change, meteorology, modeling

Current Research: Science management.

Ola Johannessen ola.johannessen@nersc.no

Organization: Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center

Title: Professor

Specialties: climate change, sea ice, acoustics

Current Research: Application of remote sensing in coastal and deep sea oceanography, ice research, climate, marine biology, and operational ice monitoring and forecasting.

Johnny Johannessen johnny.johannessen@nersc.no

Organization: Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center

Title: Acting Director

Specialties: remote sensing, oceanography, mesoscale processes and dynamics, operational oceanography

Current Research: Active and passive microwave remote sensing. Mean dynamic topography and mean sea level;

Tomas Johannesson tj@vedur.is

Organization: Icelandic Meteorological Office

Department: Weather Department

Title: Coordinator of Glaciological Research

Specialties: glaciology, snow hydrology, climate change

Bernt Johansen bernt.johansen@norut.no

Organization: Norut Northern Research Institute

Department: Earth Observation and Remote Sensing

Title: Senior Research Scientist

Specialties: vegetation ecology, remote sensing, resource management

Current Research: Vegetation mapping and monitoring in Northern Scandinavia by use of remote sensing data and GIS. Vegetation changes due to overgrazing by reindeer - Northern Scandinavia and Spitsbergen. Circumpolar vegetation pattern.

Poul Johansen poj@dmu.dk

Organization: Aarhus University

Department: Department of Arctic Environment

Title: Senior Research Scientist

Specialties: environmental studies

Current Research: Baseline and monitoring studies of heavy metal pollution from mining. Studies of contaminants in local food items in Greenland. Lead contamination of seabirds from the use of lead shot pellets.

Philip Johnson philip_johnson@ios.doi.gov

Organization: U.S. Department of the Interior

Department: Fisheries and Ecological Services

Title: Regional Environmental Officer

Specialties: environmental toxicology, aquatic toxicology

Kenneth Johnson ken.johnson@cryofront.com

Organization: Cryofront

Department: Arctic Division

Title: Planner and Engineer

Specialties: community development, infrastructure, wastewater management

Current Research: Wastewater treatment in cold regions. Climate change impacts on community infrastructure in cold regions. Solid waste management in cold regions.

Jerome Johnson jjohnson@crrel.usace.army.mil

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Specialties: geophysics, ice mechanics, snow mechanics

Current Research: Physics of snow compaction - theory and experiment. Shockwave propagation and attenuation in snow. Physical properties of snow. Geophysical ice stress measurement instrumentation. Experimental and theoretical snow mechanics instrumentation.

Peter Johnson peterj@uottawa.ca

Organization: University of Ottawa

Department: Department of Geography

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: geomorphology, hydrology

Current Research: Paleoenvironment reconstruction. Hydrology of mountain regions. Mountain geomorphology.

Philip Johnson philip_johnson@fws.gov

Organization: U.S. Department of the Interior

Department: Fisheries and Ecological Services

Title: Regional Environmental Officer

Specialties: environmental toxicology, aquatic toxicology

William Johnson billj@dri.edu

Organization: Desert Research Institute

Department: Division of Earth and Ecosystem Sciences

Specialties: archaeology

Current Research: Alaskan cultural resources management with federal agencies such as National Park Service and Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Lucille Johnson johnsonl@vassar.edu

Organization: Vassar College

Department: Department of Anthropology

Title: Professor Emerita

Specialties: archaeology, human/environment interaction, human settlements

Current Research: Prehistory of the Shumagin Islands. Aleutian prehistory in general.

Leslie Johnson lesliej@athabascau.ca

Organization: Athabasca University

Department: Department of Anthropology

Title: Professor

Specialties: ethnobotany, anthropology, environmental perception

Current Research: Landscape perception and ethnoecology, Gwich’in (NWT, Canada) and Kaska (Yukon, Canada).

Donald Johnson donald.johnson@frontier.com

Organization: Lakehead University

Department: Department of Anthropology

Title: Adjunct Professor

Specialties: anthropology, archaeology, ethnohistory

Current Research: Long-term intersocietal interaction in the Central Canadian Arctic. Paleoeskimo archaeology. 19th Century Inuit - European contact and interaction. Royal Navy Arctic "exploration."

G. Leonard Johnson len.johnsoniii@verizon.net

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences (SFOS)

Specialties: tectonophysics, marine geology, marine geophysics

Current Research: Petrochemistry in Iceland. Russian sea ice. Radioactive waste in the Arctic.

Mark Johnson majohnson@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Institute of Marine Science

Title: Professor of Oceanography

Specialties: air-sea-ice interactions, climate modeling, physical oceanography, sea-ice

Current Research: The role of sea ice in climate and assessment of the timing of freeze-up and break-up.
Decadal variability of the circumarctic region, with a focus on ocean circulation and its role in the high-latitude climate.

Charles Johnson rjohnson@abrinc.com

Organization: ABR, Inc. — Environmental Research and Services

Title: Senior Scientist

Specialties: wildlife, avian ecology, marine mammals

Current Research: Wildlife on the Colville River Delta and adjacent coastal plain. Caribou and oilfield interactions. Waterfowl ecology on the coastal plain. Disturbance effects on nesting birds in oil fields Nesting ecology Yellow-billed loons Spectacled eiders

Ronald Johnson rajohnson@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: School of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: mechanical engineering, environmental engineering, water quality

Current Research: Renewable energy, especially fuel cells. Indoor air quality.

Martha Johnson johnsonma@ainc-inac.gc.ca

Organization: Parks Canada

Title: Senior Analyst

Specialties: arctic policy

Current Research: policy analyst for the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada

Donald Johnson donald.r.johnson@usm.edu

Organization: University of Southern Mississippi

Department: Center for Fisheries Research and Development

Title: Senior Research Scientist

Specialties: oceanography

Current Research: Circulation of Kara and adjacent seas.