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First Name Last Name Email
Orville Huntington orville_h_huntington@hotmail.com

Organization: Alaska Native Science Commission

Department: Interior Athabascan Tribal College

Title: Vice Chairman

Specialties: subsistence, Indigenous knowledge, Alaska Native corporations

Current Research: Research directed at how subsistence hunters and gatherers are managing fish and wildlife populations in Interior Alaska through their harvest. Monitor predation on moose and caribou by wolves and bears in the Western Interior of Alaska, and assess population dynamics of these animals and how those change will affect subsistence harvest.

Brian Huntley brian.huntley@durham.ac.uk

Organization: Durham University

Department: Department of Biosciences

Title: Professor

Specialties: ecology, paleoecology, biogeography

Current Research: Pleistocene vegetation and climate
Landscape microclimate diversity and climatic change refugia for northern butterflies
Pleistocene megafauna

Jerry Hupp jhupp@usgs.gov

Organization: U.S. Geological Survey

Department: Alaska Science Center

Title: Wildlife Biologist (Research)

Specialties: avian ecology, waterfowl migration, interactions between geese and forage plants

Current Research: Snow goose and black brant population ecology in northern Alaska. Effects of goose grazing on arctic plant communities. Effects of increasing snow goose populations on sympatric species.

James Hurrell jhurrell@ucar.edu

Organization: National Center for Atmospheric Research

Department: Directorate

Title: Director, NCAR

Specialties: atmospheric sciences, climate change

Fred Husby

Title: Retired from UAF

Specialties: animal husbandry, agriculture, nutrition

W. Timothy Hushen thushen@sdsu.edu

Organization: San Diego State University

Department: Research Management Foundation

Title: Associate Executive Director, Research Advancement

Specialties: science management, arctic science policy

Lee Huskey tlhuskey@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Anchorage

Department: Department of Economics

Title: Emeritus Professor of Economics

Specialties: economics, migration, development

Current Research: Sustainability and development of remote regional economies in the North

Victoria Hust victoria.s.hust@gmail.com

Organization: Center for Circumpolar Studies, Inc.

Title: Instructor

Specialties: community development, arctic policy, northern studies

Jeffrey Hutchings jhutch@dal.ca

Organization: Dalhousie University

Department: Department of Biology

Title: Professor

Specialties: fish ecology, fish populations, evolution

Current Research: Evolutionary ecology of Arctic marine fishes, especially landlocked populations of Atlantic cod; biodiversity of marine fishes

Philippe Huybrechts philippe.huybrechts@vub.be

Organization: Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Department: Department of Glaciology

Title: Professor

Specialties: glaciology, modeling, global change

John Iacozza john.iacozza@umanitoba.ca

Organization: Centre of Earth Observation Science (University of Manitoba)

Department: Clayton H. Ridell Faculty of Environment, Earth and Resources

Title: Senior Instructor

Specialties: biodiversity, marine mammals, habitat selection

Current Research: ArcticNet

Gabriela Ibarguchi gabriela.ibarguchi@ucalgary.ca

Organization: San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research

Department: Arctic Institute of North America

Title: Conservation Program Manager

Specialties: avian ecology, biogeography, evolution

Current Research: Biodiversity in harsh environments including polar regions, mountains, drylands and marine ecosystems; population genetics; diversification; behavioural ecology; molecular evolution; phylogeography; conservation; education and outreach.

Nasseer Idrisi nidrisi01@msn.com

Organization: University of Basra

Department: Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science

Title: Adjunct Professor

Specialties: aquatic ecology, zooplankton, animal physiology

Current Research: Shelf-Basin Interaction: Modeling diapause as a life-history strategy in large-bodied copepods in the Arctic Ocean. Ecological modeling and food web interactions.

Yaeko Igarashi vzq06055@nifty.ne.jp

Title: Senior Researcher

Specialties: palynology, paleoclimatology, geology

Current Research: Tertiary to present. Northeast Siberia. Kamchatka. Sakhalin. Northwest Alaska. Nepal and northeast China.

Vanda Ignatyeva v_ignat@mail.ru

Organization: Institute of the Humanities and the Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberian Branch (Russian Academy of Sciences)

Department: Center of Ethnosociology

Title: Doctor of History

Specialties: Ethnosociology, demography

Current Research: Permafrost and Culture, ethnosocial processes

Motoyoshi Ikeda mikeda@ees.hokudai.ac.jp

Organization: Hokkaido University

Department: Graduate School of Environmental Science

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: climate change, marine science, modeling

Vladimir Ilinskii ilinskiivladimir@mtu-net.ru

Organization: Moscow State University

Department: Biological Department

Title: Senior Scientist (D.Sc., PhD)

Specialties: aquatic microbiology, hydrocarbon pollution, marine ecology

Current Research: Oil biodegradation and microbial ecology in Arctic Seas.

Boris Ilyashuk boris.ilyashuk@uibk.ac.at

Organization: University of Innsbruck

Department: Kola Science Centre

Title: Research Scientist

Specialties: benthic ecology, environmental assessment, paleolimnology

Current Research: Biomonitoring (benthic invertebrate) of the Lake Imandra (the problems of eutrophication and pollutionby heavymetals), Kola Peninsula, Northwestern Russia. Benthic communities of the mountain Lake Chuna, Kola Peninsula, Russia: MOLAR-project. Benthic invertebrate and water mosses of acidic lakes, Northwestern Russia.

Elena Ilyashuk elena.ilyashuk@uibk.ac.at

Organization: University of Innsbruck

Department: Kola Science Centre

Title: Research Scientist

Specialties: paleolimnology, benthic ecology, environmental assessment

Current Research: Paleoecological analysis (subfossile chironomid remains) of the mountain Lake Chuna, Kola Peninsula, Russia: MOLAR-project. Paleoecological analysis (subfossile chironomid remains) of the Lake Imandra (the problems of eutrophication and pollution by heavy metals), Kola Peninsula, Northwestern Russia.

Ulas Im ulas@envs.au.dk

Organization: Aarhus University

Department: Department of Environmental Science

Title: Researcher

Specialties: Atmospheric composition
Chemistry-climate interactions

Simon Inger s.inger@bath.ac.uk

Organization: University of Bath

Title: Talent Development Manager

Specialties: geology, structural geology, geochronology

Current Research: Taimyr, Arctic Russia.

Jon Ingimundarson jhi@svs.is

Organization: Stefansson Arctic Institute

Title: Senior Scientist, Associate Professor

Specialties: anthropology, history, human ecology

Current Research: Linkages Between Marine and Terrestrial Environments and Human Populations in the North Atlantic" (Collaborative Research, HARC, NSF) . University of the Arctic Interim Council. Bachelor of Circumpolar Studies program development team. Northern Research Forum secretariat. Circumpolar Agricultural Association secretariat. North Atlantic Biocultural Organization coordination office in Iceland. Human Dimensions of Arctic Environments Web-based Information Project.

Tim Ingold tim.ingold@abdn.ac.uk

Organization: University of Aberdeen

Department: Department of Sociology

Title: Professor

Specialties: cultural anthropology, indigenous peoples, prehistory

Current Research: Northern Fennoscandia/Lapland. Anthropological field work among Finns and Saami in Finnish Lapland. Perceptions of environmental change.

Olafur Ingolfsson oi@hi.is

Organization: University Centre in Svalbard

Department: Department of Geology

Title: Adjunct Professor

Specialties: quaternary geology, paleoclimatology, glacial geology

Current Research: Svalbard, western Siberia, and Greenland: late Quaternary glacial history and environmental changes.

Syrovatsky Dimitry Innokentievich robbeck@yakutsk.rospac.ru

Organization: Russian Academy of Sciences

Department: Institute of Problems of the Minority Peoples of the North

Specialties: reindeer breeding, Native issues, Native studies

Current Research: Searching the ways of improvement of technology on keeping reindeer. Organizing everyday life of nomadic reindeer breeders.