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First Name Last Name Email
Marika Holland mholland@cgd.ucar.edu

Organization: National Center for Atmospheric Research

Department: Climate and Global Dynamics Division

Title: Senior Scientist

Specialties: climate modeling, sea ice modeling, socio-economic impact assessment

Current Research: The role of sea ice and polar regions in the climate system, including ice/ocean/atmosphere feedback mechanisms, high latitude climate variability, and abrupt climate change

James Hollibaugh aquadoc@uga.edu

Organization: University of Georgia

Department: Department of Marine Sciences

Title: Professor

Specialties: aquatic microbiology, biogeochemistry, biological oceanography

Current Research: Biological oceanography Microbial ecology.

Robert Hollister hollistr@gvsu.edu

Organization: Grand Valley State University

Department: Biology

Title: Professor

Specialties: plant ecology, global change, wetland ecology

Current Research: ITEX research at Barrow and Atqasuk, Alaska.

Greg Holloway greg.holloway@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Organization: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Pacific Region

Department: Institute of Ocean Sciences (Physics)

Title: Scientist

Specialties: ocean circulation, air-sea-ice interactions, climate modeling

Current Research: Physics of Arctic Ocean circulation and modeling thereof with coupled ice and snow layers. Estimation of heat and freshwater fluxes among all (hydro-, cryo-, and atmos) components. Seek to account for changes observed during recent decades, and to build a confident dynamical basis from which to anticipate and attribute future change.

Patricia Holloway psholloway@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Georgeson Botanical Garden

Title: Professor Emerita

Specialties: botany

Current Research: Director, Georgeson Botanical Garden. Cultivation of horticultural plants in subarctic environments. Cultivation of Alaska native plants. Conservation of rare species.

Osmund Holm-Hansen oholmhansen@ucsd.edu

Organization: University of California, San Diego

Department: Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: phytoplankton, biological oceanography, biochemistry

Current Research: UVR-ozone studies in northern Norway.

Charles Holmes charles.holmes@alaska.edu

Organization: Alaska Department of Natural Resources

Department: Office of History and Archaeology

Title: Affiliate Faculty

Specialties: archaeology, Athabaskan studies, paleoecology

Current Research: The Broken Mammoth Archaeological Project. Athabaskan Prehistory. Peopling of the New World, Prehistory of Beringia. Boreal Forest Archaeology.

Max Holmes rmholmes@woodwellclimate.org

Organization: Woodwell Climate Research Center

Title: Deputy Director and Senior Scientist

Specialties: biogeochemistry, hydrology, global change

Current Research: Land-ocean linkage in the Arctic. Biogeochemistry of large Eurasian river. Pan-Arctic river transport of nutrients, organic matter, and suspended sediments.

Jon Holmgren jon@jonsmachine.com

Organization: Self

Department: Alaska Projects Office

Specialties: snow characteristics, snow physics

Current Research: Snow properties distribution, currently in the Kuparuk River basin on the North Slope of Alaska.

Noél Holmgren noel.holmgren@slu.se

Organization: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Department: Department of Natural Sciences

Title: Head of Department of Aquatic Resources

Specialties: modeling, tundra ecology

Current Research: Bird behavior. Evolution of bird behavior.

Per Holmlund per.holmlund@natgeo.su.se

Organization: Stockholm University

Department: Department of Physical geography and Quaternary Geology

Title: Professor

Specialties: glaciology, global change, ground penetrating radar

Current Research: Climate influence on the temperature regime of Arctic glaciers; Ice cave coring; Permafrost extent in Scandinavia.

Wayne Holst wholst@ucalgary.ca

Organization: University of Calgary

Title: Instructor, Faculty of Continuing Education

Specialties: religion/belief systems

Current Research: History. Religion/belief systems.

Denver Holt owlmontana@blackfoot.net

Organization: Owl Research Institute

Title: Founder and President

Specialties: ornithology, mammalogy, ecology

Current Research: Examining the predator-prey relationship between brown lemmings and their populations fluctuations, and snowly owl breeding biology, and other life history traits.
Long-term research and monitoring of owls.

Benjamin Holt benjamin.m.holt@jpl.nasa.gov

Department: Oceanography Element

Title: Research Scientist

Specialties: sea ice remote sensing, sea ice, air-sea-ice interactions

Current Research: Floe size distribution. Summer melt processes. Summer heat budget. Alaska SAR facility. Use of radar imagery for sea ice studies.

Gary Holton holton@hawaii.edu

Organization: University of Hawaii at Manoa

Department: Linguistics

Title: Professor of Linguistics

Specialties: linguistics, Athabaskan studies, geography

Current Research: Documentation of endangered languages. Relationship between language, culture, and environment. Biocultural diversity.

Susumu Honjo shonjo@whoi.edu

Organization: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Department: Joint Pacific Research Center, Geology and Geophysics

Title: Scientist Emeritus

Specialties: biogeochemistry, CO2 chemistry, CO2 modeling

Current Research: Currently focussing on North West Pacific area. Not the arctic per se, but there is related research.

Geir Honneland geir.honneland@fni.no

Organization: Nansen Institute

Department: Polar Programme

Title: Research Professor

Specialties: international relations, resource management, fisheries management

Current Research: International relations in the European North. Fisheries management in the Barents Sea. Politics and resource management in Northwestern Russia. Russian northern identities.

Bryan Hood bryan.hood@uit.no

Organization: UiT: The Arctic University of Norway

Department: Department of Archaeology and Social Anthropology

Title: Professor

Specialties: archaeology, anthropology

Current Research: North Fennoscandinavia; early mesolithic colonization, pit-house settlements ca. 2000 BC, transition from reindeer hunting to herding. Research history of early North American arctic archaeology and ethnology.

David Hooper david.hooper@wwu.edu

Organization: Western Washington University

Department: Department of Biology

Title: Professor

Specialties: ecosystem science, biogeochemistry, plant ecology

Current Research: Vegetation and temperature controls on ecosystem carbon balance in Arctic tundra.

Donald Hooper dhooper@swri.org

Organization: WEX Foundation

Department: Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses (CNWRA)

Title: Geologist

Specialties: Geomorphology, remote sensing, volcanology

Current Research: Upcoming work to take place at the Great Kobuk Sand Dunes, Kobuk Valley National Park, Alaska. Planned activities include multidisciplinary work at the intersection of boundary layer geomorphology, meteorology, vadose zone hydrology, and cryospheric science

Haakon Hop haakon.hop@npolar.no

Organization: Norwegian Polar Institute

Department: Polar Environmental Centre

Title: Senior Research Scientist

Specialties: marine biology, sea ice biota

Current Research: Ice fauna distribution and abundance in drifting sea ice. Biodiversity of benthic fauna and flora in arctic glacial fjords. Bioenergetics and feeding ecology of arctic and sub-arctic fishes. Energy flow and trophic structures of arctic marine food chains.

Allen Hope hope1@mail.sdsu.edu

Organization: San Diego State University

Department: Department of Geography

Specialties: modeling, climate change, remote sensing

Current Research: Remote sensing of vegetation for carbon and energy balance studies.

Mark Hopkins hopkins@hanover-crrel.army.mil

Organization: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory

Title: Research Scientist

Specialties: ice mechanics, sea ice modeling, ice jams

Current Research: Energetics of pressure ridging. Mesoscale dynamics of the ice pack.

Tom Sawyer Hopkins tom_hopkins@ncsu.edu

Organization: North Carolina State University

Department: Department of Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences

Title: Visiting Professor

Specialties: physical oceanography, oceanography, environmental sciences

Current Research: Circulation and water masses in the Greenland-Iceland-Norwegian Seas. Circulation and water masses in the Canadian Basin. Climatic - Ocean Feedback Loops in the Arctic.

Rita Horner rita@uw.edu

Organization: University of Washington

Department: School of Oceanography

Specialties: sea ice biota, phytoplankton, harmful algal blooms (HABs),

Current Research: Distribution, abundance and ecology of phytoplankton and ice algae, distribution and taxonomy of harmful algal bloom species