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First Name Last Name Email
Merritt Helfferich innovate@mosquitonet.com

Organization: Innovation Consulting Inc

Title: Senior Consultant

Specialties: education, global change, urban development

Current Research: Coordinator and treasurer for Consortium for Alaska Native Higher Education. Chair, Chena Riverfront Commission. Technical reviewer, USGCRP, National Assessment Synthesis Team Summary report.

Dorothy Helm ffdjh@uaf.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station

Specialties: plant ecology, disturbance ecology, revegetation

Current Research: Natural succession or revegetation of natural or anthropogenic disturbances.

Detlev Helmig detlev.helmig@colorado.edu

Organization: University of Colorado Boulder

Department: Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR)

Title: Associate Research Professor

Specialties: atmospheric chemistry, air pollution, climate change

Current Research: Snow-atmosphere trace gas exchange Snow photochemistry

Elisabeth Helmke ehelmke@awi.de

Organization: Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research

Title: Microbiologist

Specialties: bacteriology, sea ice biota, benthic ecology

Current Research: Diversity and activity of microbial sea ice communities. Structure and activity of microbial deep sea communities.

Ailsa Henderson ailsa.henderson@ed.ac.uk

Organization: University of Edinburgh

Department: Department of Political Science

Title: Professor

Specialties: political science

Current Research: Political culture in Nunavut, voting behavior and political attitudes

Penny Henderson pehender@nrcan.gc.ca

Organization: Natural Resources Canada

Department: Geological Survey of Canada

Title: Research Scientist (Quaternary Geologist)

Specialties: quaternary geology, mapping

Current Research: Kivalliq region, Nunavut.

Gordon Hendler hendler@nhm.org

Organization: Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County

Department: Research and Collections Department

Title: Curator

Specialties: marine invertebrates

Current Research: Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea (brittle stars).

Peter Hendricks hendrickspj@code80.npt.nuwc.navy.mil

Organization: Naval Undersea Warfare Center

Title: Senior Scientist

Specialties: physical oceanography, ocean circulation

Current Research: Ocean current measurements from submarines.

William Henk henk@mail.vetmed.lsu.edu

Organization: Louisiana State University

Department: Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology School of Veterinary Medicine

Specialties: marine mammals, whale anatomy

Current Research: Anatomy and histology of the Bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus).

Thomas Hennessy thennessy@cdc.gov

Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Department: Arctic Investigations Program

Title: Chief Epidemiology

Specialties: public health, medical sciences, epidemiology

Current Research: Prevention and control of infectious diseases in Arctic and sub-Arctic populations. These include invasive bacterial diseases, Helicobacter pylori, Hepatitis, Botulism. Specific Projects include monitoring and control of antibiotic resistance among Streptococcus pneumoniae, elimination of Haemophilus influenzae infections, and reinfection with H. pylori. Interested in facilitating research to reduce disease disparities among indigenous peoples of the Arctic. Interested in international collaborations that would result in projects where useful comparative data could be generated that will lead to improved strategies to prevent infectious diseases.

Susan Henrichs smhenrichs@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Institute of Marine Science

Title: Dean of the Graduate School and Vice Provost Professor

Specialties: biogeochemistry

Current Research: Seasonal and interannual variations in the composition of sinking particulate matter in the SE Bering Sea.

Morgan Henrie mhenr005@odu.edu

Organization: Self

Department: Engineering Management and Systems Engineering

Title: PhD Candidate

Specialties: cultural studies, communications, Alaska/Russian relations

Current Research: Project management in multinational project teams

Niels Henriksen nh@geus.dk

Organization: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland

Department: Department of Geological Mapping

Title: State Geologist, Head of Geological Mapping

Specialties: geology, mapping

Current Research: North and East Greenland. Palaeozoic fold belts.

Mona Henriksen mona.henriksen@nmbu.no

Organization: Norwegian University of Life Sciences

Department: Department of Environmental Sciences

Title: Associate professor

Specialties: quaternary geology

Current Research: Arctic Russia, Svalbard, Norway

Greg Henry greg.henry@ubc.ca

Organization: University of British Columbia

Department: Department of Geography

Title: Professor

Specialties: plant ecology, ecosystem science, plant/herbivore relations

Current Research: Effects of simulated climate change on tundra ecosystems (ITEX, NATEX). Plant succession and ecosystem development in the High Arctic. Plant/herbivore interactions - effects of grazing on tundra systems. Treeline ecology in NW Canada - population biology of clonal white spruce ‘tree islands’. Retrospective analysis of growth and reproduction Cassiope tetragona: a circumarctic, evergreen, dwarf shrub. Arctic plant ecology.

David Henry david.henry@pc.gc.ca

Organization: Parks Canada

Department: Yukon Field Unit

Title: Conservation Ecologist

Specialties: ecology

Current Research: conservation ecology

Chase Hensel chasehensel1@gmail.com

Organization: Self

Department: Department of Psychology

Title: Consultant

Specialties: Native education, subsistence, Yup'ik culture

Current Research: Alaska Native ethnicity and identity. Alaska Native education. Subsistence. Alaska Native language revitalization. Alaska Natives and the courts.

Anne Henshaw anne.henshaw@oakfnd.org

Organization: Oak Foundation

Title: Program Officer

Specialties: anthropology, archaeology, ethnohistory

Current Research: Faunal analysis. Baffin Island culture, history and contemporary issues.

Heikki Henttonen heikki.henttonen@luke.fi

Organization: Natural Resources Institute Finland

Department: Forest and animal ecology

Title: Professor of forest zoology

Specialties: Population Ecology
Epidemiology of northern zoonoses

Current Research: Population dynamics and ecology of small mammals
Taxonomy, ecology and evolution of parasites and pathogens of small mammals
Epidemiology of northern zoonoses

Karen Heppenstall k_heppenstall@hotmail.com

Organization: University of Alberta

Department: Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Specialties: glaciology, glaciochemistry, water quality

Current Research: Glacier hydrochemistry. Glacier hydrology. Currently writing up Masters thesis, on the chemical and isotopic composition of meltwaters draining a High Arctic polythermal glacier. This includes testing the use of sulfur-35 as a tracer for subglacial hydrological processes within this environment, as well as more traditional chemical analyses (anion and cation chromatography, EC, pH and HCO3 measurements, SSC and discharge calculations).

Andreas Herber andreas.herber@awi.de

Organization: Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research

Department: Department of Physics and Chemistry of the Atmosphere

Specialties: air pollution, atmospheric physics, climate change

Current Research: Arctic Study of Tropospheric Aerosol and Radiation (ASTAR).

Rhett Herman rherman@radford.edu

Organization: Radford University

Department: Physics

Title: Professor of Physics

Specialties: creating microclimate sensors from Arduino microcontrollers; semiclassical gravity

Current Research: sea ice; near-surface arctic environment; ground-penetrating radar studies in temperate climates

Mark Hermanson mark.hermanson@unis.no

Organization: University Centre in Svalbard

Department: Arctic Technology

Title: Director

Specialties: atmospheric chemistry, chemistry, environmental contaminants

Current Research: We are investigating the net inputs of organic contaminants to glacier snow, firn and ice using snow pits and ice cores. We are also investigating the likely sources of these contaminants to Svalbard.

Anne Hershey anne_hershey@uncg.edu

Organization: University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Department: Department of Biology

Title: Professor

Specialties: aquatic ecology, benthic ecology, stream ecology

Current Research: Landscape control of trophic structure in arctic Alaskan lakes. Toolik Lake LTER (top-down and bottom-up controls in lakes and streams)

Ute Herzfeld ute.herzfeld@colorado.edu

Organization: University of Colorado Boulder

Department: Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR)

Title: Research Associate Professor, ECEE

Specialties: glaciology, structural geology, remote sensing

Current Research: Bering Glacier (Alaska) surge (1993-1995). Fast-moving ice and analysis of GPS data, videography, and satellite data, Jakobshavens Isbrae (West Greenland). Gravity, magnetics, bathymetry of the seafloor (Explora Escarpment, Weddell Sea). Mapping the topography of ice streams, glaciers and ice sheets from satellite radar altimeter data . Monitoring of changes in elevation (Lambert Glacier/Amery Ice Shelf); Development of new mathematical methods for data processing; analysis of ice data at various scales of resolution.