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First Name Last Name Email
Patricia Johnston patricia.johnston1@ucalgary.ca

Organization: University of Calgary

Department: Canadian Studies Centre

Title: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social Work

Specialties: Community-based participatory research, social policy, colonial institutions, traditional knowledge, child and family wellness and wellbeing

Victoria Johnston vicky.johnston@canada.ca

Organization: Government of Canada

Department: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Title: Biologist/Policy Analyst

Specialties: arctic migratory birds; arctic protected areas; land claim negotiation and implementation; environmental policy

Current Research: Nunavut Land Use Plan, comprehensive land claims implementation policies, wildlife and species conservation in the north, use of traditional knowledge in land and wildlife management.

Stephen Johnston stjohnst@ualberta.ca

Organization: University of Alberta

Department: School of Earth and Ocean Sciences

Title: Professor, Chair Earth & Atmospheric Science

Specialties: geology, tectonophysics, paleomagnetism

Current Research: Geological and Tectonic Evolution of the Northern Cordillera of Alaska, Yukon and British Columbia

Margaret Johnston margaret.johnston@lakeheadu.ca

Organization: Lakehead University

Department: School of Outdoor Rec, Parks, and Tourism

Title: Director, Professor

Specialties: tourism

Current Research: Change and polar tourism. Interaction of communities and tourism. Polar tourism regulation

Wilfried Jokat wilfried.jokat@awi.de

Organization: Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research

Department: Dynamic of the Upper Lithosphere and Ice Shields

Title: Professor

Specialties: geophysics, tectonophysics, seismology

Current Research: Expedition to Gakkel Ridge in 2001.

Paul Jolicoeur paul.jolicoeur@canada.ca

Organization: Natural Resources Canada

Department: Natural Resources Canada

Title: Project Manager

Specialties: geographic information systems, cartography

Current Research: Use of Earth Observation Imagery for mapping the North

Patrick Jolicoeur patrick.jolicoeur@utoronto.ca

Organization: University of Toronto

Department: Anthropology

Title: Postdoctoral Fellow

Specialties: Archaeology; Material Culture; Interaction and Exchange; Pre-Contact; Dorset; Tuniit; Inuit; Palaeo-Inuit; Eastern Arctic; Labrador; Nunatsiavut

Current Research: Pre-contact metal use and exchange among the Dorset/Tuniit and Inuit; Chronology of latest Dorset/Tuniit and earliest Inuit; Dorset/Tuniit-Inuit contact

Carol Jolles cjolles@u.washington.edu

Organization: University of Washington

Department: Anthropology

Title: Emerita Research Associate Professor

Specialties: anthropology

Current Research: Yupik culture change. Inupiaq culture change. Change and its impact on culture, economy and identity in three North Bering Strait Alaskan Inupiat societies: Little Diomede Island, King Island, Wales (funded by the National Science Foundation). Focus: Transmission of subsistence related knowledge across three generations in three economically and culturally related, but distinct Inupiat communities. Reconstruction of Yupik and Inupiat community histories. Documenting place names for the Inupiaq communities of Little Diomede Island and Wales.

Aldona Jonaitis ajonaitis@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: University of Alaska Museum

Title: Director, UA Museum

Specialties: anthropology, art, Native studies

Current Research: Specializes in Native art of southeast Alaska and coastal British Columbia. Oversees representation of Native Alaskan cultures at University of Alaska Museum. Writing a book on whaling rituals of Nootka of Vancouver Island. Researching a book on totem poles.

Christer Jonasson

Organization: Abisko Scientific Research Station

Department: Lake Torne Area Biosphere Reserve

Specialties: natural resources management, geographic information systems, biodiversity

Current Research: Project Manager of the Man and Biosphere programme at Abisko Scientific Research Station.

Sven Jonasson svenj@bot.ku.dk

Organization: National History Museum, University of Copenhagen

Department: Botanical Institute

Title: Professor

Specialties: ecology, ecosystem science, biogeochemistry

Current Research: Effects of global change on ecosystem carbon balance and on biogeochemistry. Plant-microbial-soil interactions.

Ian Jones iljones@mun.ca

Organization: Memorial University of Newfoundland

Department: Department of Biology

Title: Professor

Specialties: avian ecology, marine ecology, seabirds

Current Research: Gannet Islands, Labrador, Canada: seabird ecology and demography in relation to environmental change. Buldir Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, U.S.A.: seabird demography, behavior, and ecology.

Vivienne Jones vivienne.jones@ucl.ac.uk

Organization: University College London

Department: Environmental Change Research Centre Department of Geography

Title: Professor

Specialties: algae, aquatic ecology

C. Scott Jones jsjones@acadia.net

Specialties: tourism, resource management

Current Research: Arctic ship tourism.

Kathleen Jones kathleen.f.jones@usace.army.mil

Organization: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory

Department: Terrestrial and Cryospheric Sciences Branch

Title: Research Scientist

Specialties: icing, icing meteorology

Current Research: Ice accretion on structures in freezing rain storms; in cloud icing; liquid water content of clouds forced over higher terrain; association between weather at elevation during icing events and at airport weather stations; sea spray icing on fixed offshore structures; extreme value analysis; galloping; ice load standards

Adrienne Jones adrienne_jones@gov.nt.ca

Organization: Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada

Department: GNWT Industry, Tourism and Investment

Title: Resource Development Geologist

Specialties: resource development, geology, geographic information systems

Current Research: Project coordinator for: Beaufort-Mackenzie Mineral Development Area (BMMDA) Information Project and Fort Liard Resources Directory.

Alan Jones alan@cp.dias.ie

Organization: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies

Department: School of Cosmic Physics

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: geophysics, tectonics, terrestrial geophysical exploration

H. Jones hgjones@email.unc.edu

Organization: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Department: Wilson Library

Title: Research Historian

Specialties: Inuit culture, art, history

Current Research: Baffin Island (Canada) Inuit art, culture, and history.

E. Peter Jones jonesp@mar.dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Organization: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Bedford Institute of Oceanography

Department: Ocean Sciences Division

Specialties: oceanography, ocean circulation, marine geochemistry

Current Research: Using chemical tracers (CFCs, nutrients, alkalinity, carbonate) to determine circulation, freshwater, and carbon budgets in the Arctic Ocean and to determine the role of the Arctic Ocean in global climate and climate change.

Nicholas Jones nicholasjones@trentu.ca

Organization: Trent University

Department: Department of Biological Sciences

Title: Research Scientist, Adjunct Professor

Specialties: aquatic ecology

Current Research: Examines the ecology of tundra streams of the NWT, Canada, with a particular focus on Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus). Stream ecology. Productive capacity. Fish habitat suitability. Bioenergetics and 2D hydraulic modeling. Diet and growth. Biotelemetry.

Michael Jones mjones@bates.edu

Organization: Bates College

Department: Department of History

Title: Professor

Specialties: history, ethnohistory, fisheries

Current Research: Impact of environmental changes on the society and economy of late Antiquity. Matching the proxy record of climate change from Greenland Ice Core with historical textural evidence for famine in the period 300-700CE.

Benjamin Jones bmjones3@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Institute of Northern Engineering

Title: Research Assistant Professor

Specialties: Arctic, GIS, Landscape Change, Permafrost, Remote Sensing, Thermokarst

Current Research: My research focuses on Arctic and Sub-Arctic Systems and combines the use of GIS and remote sensing techniques with field observations and laboratory analyses to better understand the causes and consequences of landscape change, processes, and feedbacks in northern high latitude environments across a multitude of spatial and temporal scales. I specialize in observing, understanding, and interpreting present as well as past permafrost region landscape dynamics and the various landscape-level impacts to hydrological, ecological, social, and physical systems.

Michael Jones jonesmh@kenyon.edu

Organization: Kenyon College

Department: Department of Biology

Title: Associate Director

Specialties: ecology, ecophysiology, stable isotopes

Current Research: Meta-analyses of vegetation response to CO2. Tundra responses to global change, species-level to ecosystems, including trace gas fluxes. International Tundra Experiment (ITEX)

Ingibjörg Jónsdóttir isj@hi.is

Organization: University of Iceland

Department: School of Engineering and Natural Sciences - Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences

Title: Professor of Ecology

Specialties: plant ecology, population biology, bryophyte-vascular plant interactions, terrestrial ecology, plant-herbivore interactions

Current Research: -plant-herbivore interactions -effects of climate and land use change on tundra ecosystems

Steingrimur Jonsson steing@unak.is

Organization: Marine Research Institute

Department: University of Akureyri

Title: Professor

Specialties: oceanography