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First Name Last Name Email
Yanling Yu yanling@apl.washington.edu

Organization: University of Washington

Department: Polar Science Center - Applied Physics Laboratory

Title: Oceanographer

Specialties: sea ice remote sensing, sea ice thermodynamics

Current Research: Sea ice geophysics. Ice thickness distribution. RadarSat sea ice observations. Sea ice interaction with climate.

Xiaojun Yuan xyuan@ldeo.columbia.edu

Organization: Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (Columbia University)

Department: Climate Modeling Group - Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO)

Title: Lamont research Professor

Specialties: air-sea-ice interactions, oceanography, climate change

Daragan-Suschov Yuriy Jozefovich darag@ctinet.ru

Organization: VNIIOkeangeologia

Department: Geology and Mineral Resources of the Arctic

Title: Senior Scientist, Geologist

Specialties: geology, igneous petrology, stratigraphy

Current Research: Spitsbergen. Siberia.

Vladimir Zabavnikov inter@pinro.murmansk.ru

Organization: Knipovich Polar Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography

Department: Russian State Fisheries Committee

Title: Chief Science Oceanographer

Specialties: physical oceanography, sea ice remote sensing, environmental studies

Current Research: Annual airborne remote sensing surveys in the Barents Sea and Spitsbergen area with research interests of oceanography, pollution control, fisheries oceanography, and sea ice distribution. Satellite monitoring of sea surface in Barents and White seas including use of ERS-2 SAR-data. Airborne and satellite data processing and analysis in the interests of environmental studies and monitoring, resource management (fisheries).

Yang Zaifu zaifuyang@yahoo.com.cn

Organization: East China Normal University

Department: Department of Life Science

Specialties: ecology, environmental sciences, aquaculture

Current Research: Arctic environment

Bernard Zak bdzak@sandia.gov

Organization: Sandia National Laboratories

Department: Atmospheric Science

Title: Senior Research Scientist

Specialties: climate change, atmospheric sciences, environmental monitoring

Current Research: North Slope of Alaska and Adjacent Arctic Ocean Cloud and Radiation Testbed. Atmospheric and surficial processes relevant to arctic climate change.

Igor Zakharov igor.zakharov@c-core.ca

Organization: C-CORE Centre for Arctic Research Development

Title: Senior Research Scientist

Current Research: Monitoring sea ice and icebegs using various satellites. Extracting ice parameters from satellite observations and models.

Victor Zakharov zakharov@uiggm.nsc.ru

Organization: Institute of Oil and Gas Problems, Siberian Branch (Russian Academy of Sciences)

Department: Department of Oil and Gas Geology

Title: Professor, Chief of Lab

Specialties: paleontology, biostratigraphy, paleogeography

Current Research: Northern parts of the West and East Siberia.

Vladimir Zalesny zalesny@inm.ras.ru

Organization: Earth Cryosphere Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch

Department: Institute of Numerical Mathematics

Title: Professor, Doctor of Sciences

Specialties: oceanography, computer modeling

Current Research: Numerical ocean modelling, ocean circulation, and ecosystem modeling.

Dmitri Zamolodchikov dzamolod@cepl.rssi.ru

Organization: Earth Cryosphere Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch

Department: Forest Ecology and Production Center

Specialties: ecology, permafrost, soil science

Current Research: Eddy covariance measurements in Chukotka, CALM sites in Chukotka and European Russia, plant productivity, carbon pool and fluxes assesment, modelling

Kendra Zamzow klzamzow@duck.com

Organization: Chickaloon Native Village

Title: Environmental Chemist

Specialties: environmental contaminants

Current Research: Determining likely environmental impacts and contaminants -- based on geologic, hydrologic, and aquatic information -- at mining facilities that are proposed, abandoned, or in closure. Provide technical and policy proposals to reduce the risk of environmental contamination.

Michael Zapf kzapf@ucalgary.ca

Organization: University of Calgary

Department: Faculty of Social Work

Specialties: education, social work, traditional knowledge and wisdom

Current Research: Rural and remote social work practice. Social work education.

John Zarling zae@gci.net

Organization: Zarling Aero & Engineering

Specialties: engineering

Current Research: Arctic engineering: energy conservation, heat transfer, building design, foundation systems, and thermosyphons.

Randall Zarnke itrap2@gci.net

Organization: Alaska Trappers Association

Title: President

Specialties: Oral history

Current Research: Gathering oral history interviews from veteran hunters, guides, fishermen, pilots, trappers and wildlife biologists of Alaska.

Grant Zazula grant.zazula@gov.yk.ca

Organization: Government of Yukon, Canada

Department: Palaeontology Program

Title: Yukon Palaeontologist

Specialties: vertebrate palaeontology, palaeoecology

Current Research: Pleistocene mammal chronologies, biogeography, responses to climate change

Christian Zdanowicz czdanowi@nrcan.gc.ca

Organization: Natural Resources Canada

Department: National Glaciology Programme - Geological Survey of Canada

Title: Research Scientist

Specialties: glacial geochemistry, ice chemistry, snow chemistry

Current Research: Ice-coring program, Canadian High Arctic. Ice-coring program, Mount Logan, St. Elias Range, Yukon. Snowpack pollution survey, northern Canada.

JaapJan Zeeberg jaapjan.zeeberg@wur.nl

Organization: Wageningen University and Research Centre

Department: Netherlands Institute for Fisheries Research (formerly RIVO)

Title: PhD Student

Specialties: quaternary geology, paleoclimatology, exploration and travel

Current Research: Glacial geology, relative sea-level history, and climatology of Novaya Zemlya and the Eurasian Arctic, historical archaeology of polar exploration, including excavation of Willem Barents’ wintering quarter, periglacial aeolian formations in europe, russia, and Greenland.

Stephan Zeeman szeeman@une.edu

Organization: University of New England

Department: Department of Biological Sciences

Title: Professor

Specialties: phytoplankton, biological oceanography, remote sensing

Current Research: Food chain dynamics in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands. Interactions between land and nearshore coastal waters.

Irina Zenkova zenkova@inep.ksc.ru

Organization: Earth Cryosphere Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch

Department: Kola Science Centre

Specialties: biology, zoology, ecology

Current Research: Soil invertebrate ecology. Biodiversity. Decomposition.

Marcos Zentilli marcos.zentilli@dal.ca

Organization: Dalhousie University

Department: Department of Earth Sciences

Title: Professor of Geology

Specialties: geochronology, geology

Current Research: Petroleum geology. 1) Fission Track Thermogeochronology applied to tectonic and basin analysis studies in eastern Ellesmere Island, Canadian Arctic Archipelago, Nunavut, Canada, and the Nares Strait region, including Greeenland. 2) Study of petroleum involvement in the formation of metallic ore deposits (Nanisivik, Nunavut, Canada).

Qiuqing Zhang qzhang@met.utah.edu

Organization: University of Utah

Department: Department of Meteorology

Title: Research Associate

Specialties: atmospheric sciences, atmospheric physics, atmospheric chemistry

Current Research: Modeling study of the Arctic stratus cloud boundary layer.

Jinlun Zhang jlzhang@uw.edu

Organization: University of Washington

Department: Polar Science Center, Applied Physics Laboratory

Title: Senior Principal Oceanographer

Specialties: global change, oceanography, and sea ice/ocean/marine ecosystem modeling.

Current Research: Changes in sea ice, polar climate, and Arctic marine planktonic ecosystem.

Xiangdong Zhang xzhan238@ncsu.edu

Organization: North Carolina State University

Department: International Arctic Research Center (IARC)

Title: Professor

Specialties: air-sea-ice interactions, climate modeling, el ni̱o/southern oscillation

Current Research: Ocean/sea-ice/atmosphere interaction. Heat, freshwater budgets, and their pathways.

Shengkai Zhang zskai@whu.edu.cn

Organization: Chinese Antarctic Center of Surveying and Mapping

Department: School of Geomatics and Geodesy

Specialties: geodesy, geodynamics, glaciology

Current Research: ice motion of the glaciers in Svalbard

Tingjun Zhang tingjun.zhang@colorado.edu

Organization: University of Colorado Boulder

Department: National Snow and Ice Data Center - Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences

Title: Senior Research Scientist

Specialties: climatology, cryosphere, permafrost

Current Research: Interactions between the atmosphere and the land in cold regions. Atmosphere-lake ice-permafrost systems. Modeling the potential response of the active layer and permafrost to global warming.