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First Name Last Name Email
Kandace Williams kandace.williams@utoledo.edu

Organization: University of Toledo

Department: Biochemistry & Cancer Biology

Specialties: genetics

Current Research: Site Specific DNA muta-genesis and human cancer.

Jason Williams jason@asf.alaska.edu

Title: Operations Center Manager

Specialties: electrical engineering, remote sensing

Current Research: Generating images of Arctic and Antarctic regions from Synthetic Aperture Radar.

Richard Williams geoinfo@comcast.net

Organization: Woodwell Climate Research Center

Title: Visiting Scientist

Specialties: glaciology, global change, cryospheric remote sensing

Current Research: Airborne and satellite remote sensing of the glaciers and volcanoes of Iceland. Senior Editor for “Satellite Image Atlas of Glaciers of the World.”

Mark Williams markw@snobear.colorado.edu

Organization: University of Colorado Boulder

Department: Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR)

Title: Editor, Arctic and Alpine Research

Specialties: geochemistry, snow hydrology

Current Research: Spatial statistics of meltwater flow through snow (US Forest Service). Hydrochemical modeling (NASA EOS). Nitrogen cycling under snow (National Biological Service). Biogeochemical cycling in alpine basins (NSF LTER).

Peter Williams peterjwilliams@freezingground.org

Organization: Scott Polar Research Institute (University of Cambridge)

Title: Senior Associate

Specialties: frost action, pipelines, permafrost

Current Research: Soil microstructure--effects of contamination with freezing. Interpretation of Russian information on cold regions. Pipelines in permafrost regions. Senior Associate at Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge, UK.

Douglas Williams doug.williams@schc.sc.edu

Organization: University of South Carolina

Department: SC Honors COllege

Title: Associate Dean

Specialties: oceanography, climate change, paleolimnology

Current Research: Stable isotope geochemistry.

Mathew Williams mat.williams@ed.ac.uk

Organization: University of Edinburgh

Department: School of GeoSciences

Specialties: ecosystem modeling

Current Research: Ecosystem ecology in arctic tundra - research in Sweden and Alaska. Investigating links between C and N cycling in arctic ecosystems.

Michael Williams mwilliams@lgl.com

Organization: LGL Alaska Research Associates Inc

Title: Marine Mammal Biologist

Specialties: marine mammals, subsistence, oil and gas development

Current Research: Comanagement of marine mammals utilized for subsistence, small take authorizations under the MMPA.

Karla Jessen Williamson wkjessen@ucalgary.ca

Organization: University of Calgary

Department: Arctic Institute of North America (AINA)

Title: Executive Director

Specialties: science management

Marie-Claude Williamson mwilliam@nrcan.gc.ca

Organization: Natural Resources Canada

Department: Geological Survey of Canada (Atlantic)

Title: Research Scientist

Specialties: geology, petrology, geophysics

Current Research: Economic potential of the Sverdup Basin Magmatic Province, Canadian Arctic Islands. Relationship between magmatism and margin segmentation, Davis Strait area, eastern Canada.

Frank Willingham francis.f.willingham@nhmccd.edu

Organization: Lone Star College, Tomball

Department: North Harris Montgomery Community College District

Title: Director of Academic Programs

Specialties: botany, mycology, education

Current Research: Updating the higher and lower plant and fungi checklists for North Slope of Alaska.

Cort Willmott willmott@udel.edu

Organization: University of Delaware

Department: Department of Geography

Title: Chair

Specialties: climatology

Current Research: Contemporary water and constituent balances for the pan-arctic drainage system: continent to coastal ocean fluxes.

Mark Wilson mark.wilson@ualberta.ca

Organization: University of Alberta

Department: Department of Biological Sciences

Title: Professor

Specialties: paleontology, biosystematics, taphonomy

Current Research: Early vertebrate fossils of northern Canada, including the Mackenzie Mountains, Northwest Territories, and Cornwallis and Baillie-Hamilton Islands, Nunavut. Leader, IGCP 406 "Circum-Arctic Palaeozoic Vertebrates." Mesozoic and Cenozoic fossil fishes. Vertebrate paleontology.

Robert Wilson wilsonrj@pacbell.net

Organization: Polar Bears International

Title: Chair, Board of Directors

Specialties: bears, wildlife management, environmental law

Current Research: Polar Bears International is primarily involved with education on issues involving polar bears. We also fund and otherwise assist polar bear research throughout the arctic.

Simon Wilson s.wilson@inter.nl.net

Organization: Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme

Department: AMAP Secretariat

Title: Deputy Executive Secretary

Specialties: data management, environmental monitoring, pollution

Current Research: International coordination of AMAP-related monitoring and assessment activities.

Lorraine Wilson wilson.lorraine@hq.navy.mil

Organization: Virginia Tech

Specialties: cultural adaptation, Indigenous knowledge, information systems/technology

Current Research: Impact of Science and Technology on Alaska Inuit. Impact of Internet and Satellite Communications on culture. Use of Internet for distance education and cultural preservation. Implications, benefits and Issues.

Alex Wilson atwilson@u.arizona.edu

Organization: University of Arizona

Department: Department of Geosciences

Specialties: ice, CO2 chemistry, global warming

Current Research: Arctic ice.

Derek Wilton dwilton@sparky2.esd.mun.ca

Organization: Memorial University of Newfoundland

Department: Department of Earth Sciences

Title: Professor

Specialties: mining, mapping, geochemistry

Current Research: Labrador geology. Metallogeny. Mineral deposits.

Nick Winder nick.winder@smc.kiruna.se

Title: Professor

Specialties: human/environment interaction, prehistory

Current Research: Micro-simulation modeling. Study of the socio-economic forces that influence the interaction of humans and the environment. Findings are implemented into systems models allowing for policy relevant impact analysis.

Dale Winebrenner dpw@apl.washington.edu

Organization: University of Washington

Department: Polar Science Center - Applied Physics Laboratory

Title: Senior Research Scientist

Specialties: remote sensing, glaciology, air-sea-ice interactions

Current Research: The physics of remote sensing; wave propagation and scattering in disordered and geophysical media, especially firn and sea ice; inverse theory for remote sensing. Estimation of geophysical variables on the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets (e.g., temperature, accumulation rate) and on sea ice (e.g., thickness). Polarimetric and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar, Microwave Emission, Altimetry.

John Wingfield jwingfie@u.washington.edu

Organization: University of Washington

Department: Department of Zoology

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: bird migration, avian biology, avian behavior

Current Research: Hormone-behavior adaptations of arctic birds. Territorial behavior in arctic birds. Environmental stress in arctic birds. Migration in arctic birds. Endocrinology of arctic birds.

Kevin Winker kevin.winker@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: University of Alaska Museum

Title: Professor & Curator

Specialties: population genetics, genomics, bird migration, ornithology, avian influenza

Current Research: Population genomics of birds, avian migration, speciation, geographic variation and systematics of birds.

David Winkler dww4@cornell.edu

Organization: Cornell University

Department: Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Title: Professor

Specialties: ornithology

Birger Winsa birger.winsa@finska.su.se

Organization: Stockholm University

Department: Department of Finnish

Title: Assistant Professor

Current Research: Studies on the socioeconomic and cultural impact of illiteracy in the mother tongue (L1) among autochtonous and indigenous minorities. Language planning in border bilingual regions.

Peter Winsor pwinsor@sfos.uaf.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Institute of Marine Science

Specialties: physical oceanography, air-sea-ice interactions, modeling

Current Research: Sea ice High-latitude oceanography; Use of autonomous vehicles; Numerical modeling; Global climate change.