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First Name Last Name Email
Takako Yamada t-i-yamada@mbox.kudpc.kyoto-u.ac.jp

Organization: Kyoto University

Department: Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies

Title: Professor

Specialties: cultural anthropology, Siberian peoples, Shamanism

Current Research: comparative study on religion and ethnicity

Tomomi Yamada donmaru@pop.lowtem.hokudai.ac.jp

Organization: Hokkaido University

Department: Institute of Low Temperature Science

Specialties: glaciology, snow, hydrology

Current Research: Svalbard islands. Glacier.

Takashi Yamanouchi yamanou@pmg.nipr.ac.jp

Organization: National Institute of Polar Research

Department: Center for Antarctic Environment Monitoring

Specialties: atmospheric sciences, radiation, climatology

Current Research: Variations of atmospheric constituents and their climatic impacts in the Arctic.

Daqing Yang dyang3@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Water and Environmental Research Center

Title: Assistant Research Professor

Specialties: hydrology, cryosphere

Current Research: Snowcover. Snowmelt. Snowfall measurement. Precipitation climatology.

Norbert Yankielun igloo@doctorwhy.com

Organization: Self

Title: Independent Consulting Electrical Engineer

Specialties: electrical engineering, ground penetrating radar, geophysical sensors, electromagnetic sensors, remote field operations

Current Research: Radar-based river and lake ice thickness measurement. Radar-based glacier ice depth and stratigraphy measurement. Radar-based snow depth measurement. Radar-based snow stratigraphy measurement. Ground penetrating radar (GPR) surveys. Geophysical instrumentation.

Poojitha Yapa pdy@sun.soe.clarkson.edu

Organization: Clarkson University

Department: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Specialties: oil spills, modeling

Current Research: Oil in ice-covered waters. Oil spill modeling.

John Yarie jyarie@lter.uaf.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Department of Forest Sciences

Title: Department Chair/Director/Professor

Specialties: silviculture

Olga Yazikova shurygin@uiggm.nsc.ru

Organization: Earth Cryosphere Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch

Department: Institute of Petroleum Geology

Specialties: paleontology, biostratigraphy, paleogeography

Current Research: Cretaceous Bivalvia of the northern parts of West and East Siberia.

Hengchun Ye hye2@calstatela.edu

Organization: California State University, Los Angeles

Department: Department of Geography and Urban Analysis

Title: Associate professor

Specialties: climatology, climate change, snow

Current Research: Climate change detection. Snow depth (snowfall) changes in the Arctic.

Hsin Yi Ling ling@earth.geol.niu.edu

Organization: Northern Illinois University

Department: Department of Geology

Specialties: micropaleontology, marine geology, biostratigraphy

Current Research: Siliceous microfossils from and around the Arctic Ocean.

Harald Yndestas harald.yndestad@hials.no

Organization: Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Department: ITN

Title: Associate Professor

Specialties: climate change, geodynamics, fish populations

Current Research: The ECOBE project: Lunar nodul cycle influence on Arctic climat Systems Theory Cybernetics Wavelet time series analysis. climate modeling http://ecobe.imr.no/

Nigel Yoccoz nigel.yoccoz@ninatos.ninaniku.no

Organization: Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

Department: Department of Arctic Ecology

Specialties: ecology, biostatistics, climatology

Current Research: Population ecology of arctic small mammals. Influence of snow cover and climate on population dynamics of small and large herbivores.

David Yokel dyokel@blm.gov

Organization: Bureau of Land Management Alaska

Title: Wildlife Biologist

Specialties: environmental impact assessment, wildlife, oil and gas development

Current Research: Impacts of seismic trails and ice roads on tundra vegetation.

Abigail York abigail.york@asu.edu

Organization: Arizona State University

Department: School of Human Evolution and Social Change

Title: Professor and Director of Graduate Studies

Specialties: governance, collective action, environmental justice, adaptation

Current Research: York's work examines collective action - how people come together (or not) to solve commons dilemmas within multi-level governance systems. Within the Arctic, York leads the ARC NAV project focused on adaptation to sea ice change in Beringia. This research is transdisciplinary - defined as interdisciplinary and co-produced scholarship with communities and stakeholders.

Alison York ayork@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Title: Alaska Fire Science Consortium Coordinator

Specialties: neurobiology, animal behavior, animal physiology

Current Research: Comparative neuroanatomy.

Geoffrey York gyork@pbears.org

Organization: Polar Bears International

Title: Senior Director of Conservation

Specialties: marine mammals, bears, logistics

Current Research: Senior Program Officer, Polar Bear Conservation

Atsushi Yoshida yoshida@bun.l.chiba-u.ac.jp

Organization: Chiba University

Department: Faculty of Letters

Title: Associate Professor

Specialties: cultural anthropology

Current Research: Yamal-Nenets Autnomous District, Russia

Kenji Yoshikawa kyoshikawa@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Water and Environmental Research Center

Specialties: permafrost, hydrology, geomorphology

Current Research: Interior Alaska.

Emily Youcha ekyoucha@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Water and Environmental Research Center

Title: Research Staff

Specialties: hydrology, groundwater, environmental geology

Current Research: Arctic hydrology

Christopher Young chris_young@nps.gov

Organization: U.S. National Park Service

Department: Western Arctic National Parklands

Title: Archaeologist

Specialties: archaeology

Current Research: Hunter-gatherer peoples of the circumpolar north; habitation structures; lithic technology; coastal erosion processes; cultural use of fossil amber in the North American Arctic.

Oran Young oran.young@gmail.com

Organization: University of California, Santa Barbara

Department: Bren School of Environmental Science and Management

Title: Professor (Environmental Institutions)

Specialties: international relations, global change, public policy

Current Research: The effectiveness of international regimes. The Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy: Looking Backward and Looking Foreward. The stages of international regime formation. Sustainable development in the Arctic: Paradoxes of Scale and Scope.

Kue Young kue.young@ualberta.ca

Organization: University of Alberta

Department: School of Public Health

Title: M.D., Ph.D., Professor and Dean

Specialties: public health, medical sciences, Native Studies

Current Research: Public health.

Kathy Young klyoung@yorku.ca

Organization: York University

Department: Geography Department

Specialties: hydrology

Current Research: Ecohydrology of vegetation bands associated with late-lying snowbeds.

Heather Young Leslie hyleslie@ualberta.ca

Organization: University of Alberta

Department: Canadian Circumpolar Institute

Title: Associate Director, Health Research

Specialties: anthropology, health care, Indigenous peoples

Current Research: Public health. Projects operating through, or under development in the Circumpolar Health Research Centre include: health reform (Canada/Siberia) telehealth and culturally appropriate technology (Canada).

Weidong Yu ywd@public.qd.sd.cn

Organization: First Institute of Oceanography (Ministry of Natural Resources of China)

Department: Laboratory of Marine Science and Numerical Modelling

Specialties: ocean-atmosphere interactions, ocean circulation, climate change

Current Research: The teleconnection and interaction between the polar and midlatitude; its global cimate impact.