School of Human Evolution and Social Change
Arizona State University


Tempe , Arizona 85282
United States


York is a Professor and Director of Graduate Studies at the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University, with a PhD in Public Policy from Indiana University and BA in Economics from Knox College. She is a settler originally from Wisconsin who works on environmental governance and justice in the Arctic, and beyond. She co-directs Earth Systems Science for the Anthropocene (ESSA) initiative at ASU, which is motivated by the understanding that transdisciplinary scholarship embedded in partnerships with real-world practitioners, communities, and publics in meaningful ways is absolutely essential to inform actionable science that advances societal impact and social justice


Social Science, Interdisciplinary Research

Science Specialties

governance, collective action, environmental justice, adaptation

Current Research

York's work examines collective action - how people come together (or not) to solve commons dilemmas within multi-level governance systems. Within the Arctic, York leads the ARC NAV project focused on adaptation to sea ice change in Beringia. This research is transdisciplinary - defined as interdisciplinary and co-produced scholarship with communities and stakeholders.