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First Name Last Name Email
David Lee dlee@tunngavik.ca

Organization: Nunavut Tunngavik Inc.

Department: Department of Wildlife

Title: Wildlife Biologist

Specialties: wildlife management, landscape ecology

Current Research: Reviewing and studying scientific literature, traditional knowledge, Inuit qaujimajatuqangit to assist in the population management of wildlife

Olivia Lee olivia.alee@gmail.com

Organization: International Arctic Research Center (University of Alaska Fairbanks)

Department: International Arctic Research Center

Title: Asst. Professor

Specialties: Marine mammal ecology, sea ice habitat, community based observing networks

Current Research: Arctic sea ice habitat and marine ecosystem change in coastal Alaska.

Karlene Leeper karlene_leeper@elmendorf.af.mil

Organization: U.S. Air Force

Department: 611th Civil Engineer Squardron

Title: Archaeologist

Specialties: archaeology, history, anthropology

Current Research: Historical archaeology, Alaska focus.

Jeff Leer ffjal1@uaf.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Alaska Native Language Center

Specialties: linguistics, Athabaskan studies

Current Research: Athabaskan-Eyak-Tlingit comparative lexical database. Tlingit lexical database. Alutiiq dictionary. Athabaskan-Eyak-Tlingit comparative morphology.

Barry Lefer blefer@uh.edu

Organization: University of Houston

Department: Department of Geosciences

Title: Assistant Professor

Specialties: atmospheric chemistry, atmospheric sciences, air pollution

Christine Lefevre lefevre@mnhn.fr

Organization: Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle

Department: Laboratoire d'Anatomie Comparée

Title: Curator

Specialties: Aleut culture, archaeology, zooarchaeology

Current Research: Western Aleutians archaeology. Zooarchaeology of Aleut middens. Maritime adaptation.

Andre Legare andre_legare@gov.nt.ca

Organization: Government of the Northwest Territories

Department: Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations

Title: Chief Negotiator

Specialties: geography, political science, Native governments

Current Research: "Aboriginal Land Claims and Self-Government in Canada's North"

Allice Legat alegat@internorth.com

Department: Whaehdoo Naowo Ko (Dogrib Knowledge and Heritage House)

Title: Programme Director

Specialties: social anthropology, ethnography, traditional knowledge and wisdom

Current Research: Overseeing several Dogrib research projects including the mapping of habitat, place names, vegetation communities, harvesting activities. We are working on a Dogrib atlas and plant book. More specifically research involves Dogrib traditional governance, caribou migration and the state of the habitat, Place names as indicators of bio-geographical knowledge, and Dogrib habitat classification system.

Louis Legendre louis.legendre@bio.ulaval.ca

Organization: Université Laval

Department: Department of Biology

Title: Professor

Specialties: biological oceanography, CO2 modeling

Current Research: Primary production and biogenic carbon flux in the North Water Polynya.

Daniel Leggett dleggett@crrel.usace.army.mil

Organization: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory

Specialties: ice chemistry, environmental chemistry, organic chemistry

Current Research: Adsorption/diffusion of semi-volatile organic compounds in snow. Snow/ice surface chemistry properties. Transport of organic vapors through snow.

John Lehman ffjal@uaf.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Office of International Programs

Title: Director

Specialties: information systems/technology, Alaska/Russian relations, international relations

Current Research: Coordinating UAF exchanges with the Russian Far East

Ralph Lehmann rlehmann@awi-potsdam.de

Organization: Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research

Department: Research Unit Potsdam

Specialties: atmospheric chemistry, computer modeling, mathematics

Current Research: Modelling of chemical ozone depletion in the Arctic stratosphere.

Hannu Lehtonen hannu.lehtonen@helsinki.fi

Organization: University of Helsinki

Department: Biological and Environmental Sciences

Title: Professor

Specialties: fish ecology, Arctic Char, climate change

Current Research: Interactions between freshwater fish species

Marina Leibman moleibman@mail.ru

Organization: Earth Cryosphere Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch

Department: Laboratory of the complex methods of cryogenic geosystems study

Title: Chief scientist

Specialties: permafrost, cryogenic processes, ground ice

Current Research: Gas-emission craters. Active-layer dynamics. Slope processes in permafrost area. Ground ice origin, distribution, and chemistry. Coastal erosion.

Elizabeth Leighton

Specialties: arctic policy

Current Research: Circumpolar arctic policy.

Robert Leik leik@atlas.socsci.umn.edu

Organization: University of Minnesota

Department: Department of Sociology

Title: Professor

Specialties: health care, sociology

Current Research: Changes in Nordic health care, with particular attention to the far north.

Timo Leisioe timo.leisio@uta.fi

Organization: Tampere University

Department: School of Communication, Media and Theatre

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: Traditional cultures Arctic peoples, human song as a global fact

Current Research: (1) West Saami yoik in relation to Eurasian and Sub-Saharan African song
(2) Phylogenetic structures of song traditions of the Uralic peoples in arctic and subartic Eurasia
(3) Syntax in Human Song

Flore Lekanof, Sr. lekanof@aol.com

Organization: Aleut International Association

Title: Consultant

Specialties: Aleut culture, Alaska Native corporations

Current Research: Aleut Village Corporations organized Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANSCA). Aleut subsistence lifestyle in transition.

Peter Lemke plemke@awi.de

Organization: Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research

Department: Department of Climate Systems

Title: Professor

Specialties: meteorology, sea ice modeling, climatology

Current Research: Atmosphere-sea ice-ocean interaction. Atmospheric and oceanic boundary layers. Dynamic-thermodynamic sea ice models. Regional atmospheric circulation models.

Genevieve LeMoine glemoine@bowdoin.edu

Organization: Bowdoin College

Department: Peary-MacMillan Arctic Museum and Arctic Studies Center

Title: Curator

Specialties: archaeology, anthropology, prehistory

Current Research: Bone technology. Dorset Prehistory. North Greenland oral history. Inuhghuit history/archaeology North Pole expedition history

Mikko Lensu mikko.lensu@hut.fi

Organization: Helsinki University of Technology

Department: Ship Laboratory

Title: Research Scientist

Specialties: sea ice modeling, ice physics

Current Research: Ice ridges. Ice morphology, morphological evolution. Ice thickness distribution. Baltic Sea ice cover.

John Lents lents@osg.saic.com

Organization: Science Applications International Corporation

Department: Ocean Systems Division

Title: Assistant Vice President for Program Management

Specialties: acoustics, climate change, logistics

Current Research: Arctic climate observations using Underwater Sound (ACOUS) Project.

Alfred Lenz aclenz@uwo.ca

Organization: University of Western Ontario

Department: Department of Earth Sciences

Title: Professor emeritus

Specialties: geology, paleontology, paleoecology

Current Research: Evolution. Wenlock to Devonian graptolites, Arctic Canada. Lower Paleozoic history of northern and Arctic Canada. Integration of graptolite, radiolarian, acritarch biostratigraphy with geochemical signatures during Wenlock and Ludlow (Silurian), Arctic Canada. Retiolitid graptolite evolution.

Maximov Arkady Leonidovich arkady@magadan.su

Organization: International Scientific Center Arkitka

Department: Department of Phusiology of Extreme States

Specialties: anthropology, bioenergetics, cold adaptation

Current Research: Adaptation of indigenous population in the extreme north. Bioenergetics of adaptation to cold.

Estella Leopold eleopold@apl.washington.edu

Organization: University of Washington

Department: Department of Botany

Specialties: paleobotany, palynology

Current Research: History of the Arctic and the arctic front. palynology.