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First Name Last Name Email
Nancy Liston nliston@crrel.usace.army.mil

Organization: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory

Department: Technical Information Branch - Library

Title: Librarian

Specialties: library/information specialist

Current Research: Information services. Databases. Library sources.

Ronald Liston rliston@crrel.usace.army.mil

Organization: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory

Specialties: vehicle mobility

Edward Little edward.little@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca

Organization: Natural Resources Canada

Title: Research Scientist

Specialties: quaternary geology, global change, glacial geology

Current Research: Committee Bay Project, Committee Bay (NTS 56K, J, -O and P), Mainland Nunavut. North Baffin Island Project (NTS 37E, F, G and H), Baffin Island, Nunavut.

Yusheng Liu yusheng.liu@uwsp.edu

Organization: University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

Department: Department of Biology

Title: Assistant Professor

Specialties: paleobiology, paleoclimatology, paleoecology

Current Research: Early Tertiary flora from Axel Heiberg Island, Canadian high

Antony Liu tonyakliu@gmail.com

Organization: U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Department: Oceans and Ice Branch

Specialties: air-sea-ice interactions, oceanography, remote sensing

Current Research: Marginal ice zone dynamics. Wavelet Analysis of Satellite Images for Alaska Coastal Monitoring. SAR image processing Mesoscale ocean-ice interaction.

Guosheng Liu gliu@fsu.edu

Organization: Florida State University

Department: Department of Meteorology

Title: Assistant Professor

Specialties: radiation remote sensing, air-sea-ice interactions, atmospheric sciences

Current Research: Remote sensing sea ice, clouds, and precipitation in the Arctic. Long-term storm activity variation and global change. Clouds and radiation in the Arctic. Satellites. Snow. Climate change.

Lin Liu liulin@stanford.edu

Organization: Stanford University

Department: Geophysics

Specialties: cryosphere, geodesy, permafrost

Helen Liu afhl@uaa.alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Anchorage

Department: School of Engineering

Title: Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering

Specialties: earthquake engineering, structural engineering, civil engineering

Current Research: Earthquake engineering.

Jiping Liu jliu@eas.gatech.edu

Organization: Georgia Institute of Technology

Department: School of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences

Title: Research Scientist II

Specialties: air-sea-ice interactions, sea ice modeling, climate change

Current Research: Improve climate modeling in polar regions. Study the mechanisms for polar-extropolar climate teleconnection.

Zhizhao Liu lszzliu@polyu.edu.hk

Organization: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Department: Department of Land Surveying & Geo-Informatics (LSGI)

Title: Associate Professor

Specialties: GPS/GNSS, water vapor observation, geodesy

Current Research: GPS/GNSS based water vapor remote sensing; water vapor observation from remote sensing satellites

Hugh Livingston hugh@dataone.whoi.edu

Organization: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Department: Department of Chemistry and Geochemistry

Specialties: radioactive isotopes, chemical oceanography, marine sedimentology

Current Research: Chronology of deposition of nuclear contaminants in sediments of the Ob River system.

David Livingstone livingstone21@hotmail.com

Organization: Holarctic Environmental Consulting Ltd.

Title: Director, Holarctic Environmental Consulting Ltd.

Specialties: environmental sciences, environmental impact assessment, natural resources management

Current Research: Environmental impact assessment, research, monitoring and management. Barren-ground caribou management plan development. Contaminated sites remediation. Traditional ecological knowledge and environmental management. Conservation planning. Land use planning. Broad range of northern, national, and international environmental stewardship policy issues.

Edward Llewellyn edward.llewellyn@usask.ca

Organization: University of Saskatchewan

Department: Department of Physics and Engineering Physics

Title: Professor of Engineering Physics

Specialties: aeronomy, atmospheric physics, satellites

Current Research: Ozone depletion, stratospheric chemistry, atmospheric tomography. Primary project at the present time is data collection, and subsequent analysis, for the OSIRIS instrument on the Odin satellite.

Jeremy Lloyd j.m.lloyd@durham.ac.uk

Organization: Durham University

Department: Department of Geography

Specialties: paleoceanography, micropaleontology, climate change

Current Research: Interaction between palaeoceanography and ice sheet dynamics. Recent research has focused on west Greenland (Disko Bay and Jakobshavn Isbrae) with current research also investingating the northeast Greenland margin and the Antarctic Peninsula. I am also interested in the relative sea-level history from northwest Iceland.

Andrea Lloyd lloyd@middlebury.edu

Organization: Middlebury College

Department: Department of Biology

Title: Philip Battell/Sarah Stewart Professor of Biology

Specialties: plant ecology, paleoecology, boreal forests

Current Research: Response of altitudinal and latitudinal treelines to past and future climate change in Alaska.

Colin Lloyd c.lloyd@ceh.ac.uk

Organization: U.K. Natural Environment Research Council

Department: Institute of Hydrology

Specialties: boundary-layer meteorology, climate change, trace gases

Current Research: Was Consortium Leader for LAPP (Land Arctic Physical Processes), a European Commission Framework 4 project investigating CO2, CH4, and Energy balance exchange at four sites in the European Arctic. Currently member of teams within CONGAS and BASIS - other EC projects within the European Arctic and sub-arctic.

Harald Loeng harald.loeng@imr.no

Organization: Institute of Marine Research (Norway)

Department: Oceanography and Climate

Title: Senior Scientist

Specialties: physical oceanography, climate change

Current Research: Climate impact on marine ecosystems. Lead author of the Marine chapter in ACIA (Arctic Climate Impact Assessment). GOOS. Climate variability and impact on fish stocks in the Barents and Norwegian seas.

John Logue jlogue@kentum.kent.edu

Organization: Kent State University

Department: Department of Political Science

Specialties: political science

Current Research: Scandianavial comparative politics.

Tom Lohman tomlohman2@aol.com

Organization: North Slope Borough Department of Wildlife Management

Title: Environmental Resource Specialist

Specialties: environmental policy, wildlife management, natural resources management

Current Research: Oil and gas exploration ANd development project review.

Ulrike Lohmann lohmann@fizz.phys.dal.ca

Organization: Dalhousie University

Department: Department of Physics and Atmospheric Science

Title: Associate Professor in Atmospheric Science

Specialties: climate modeling, atmospheric physics

Current Research: Arctic ice clouds and their radiative properties.

Donald Lokken ffdal@uaf.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Upward Bound Math and Science Center

Specialties: chemistry, education, Native education

Current Research: Science education for rural/Native Alaskans. Distance-delivered science education.

Erwin Long elong@arcticfoundations.com

Organization: Arctic Foundations, Inc.

Title: President

Specialties: permafrost engineering, heat transfer, microclimatology

Current Research: Ground freezing. Long-term freezing and thawing indexes. Soil thermal conductivity.

Maureen Long mlong@yukoncollege.yk.ca

Organization: Yukon University

Department: Liberal Arts

Title: Instructor, English

Specialties: literature, exploration and travel

Darrel Long dlong@nickel.laurentian.ca

Organization: Laurentian University

Department: Department of Earth Sciences

Specialties: sedimentology, geology

Current Research: Proterozoic and Paleozoic geology of the Canadian Arctic, Ellesmere Island, and Devon Island, and Melville Peninsula, concentrating on the interpretation of siliciclastic fluvial and marine units.

David Long long@byu.edu

Organization: Brigham Young University

Department: Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Title: Professor

Specialties: boundary-layer meteorology, data processing/analysis, ice geophysics

Current Research: Microwave remote sensing. Monitoring of Greenland. Arctic sea-ice cover.