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First Name Last Name Email
Peter Lane plane@rsmas.miami.edu

Organization: University of Miami

Department: Marine Biology and Fisheries

Specialties: zooplankton, marine invertebrates, biology

Current Research: Shelf Basin Interactions.

Larry Lane larry.lane@canada.ca

Organization: Natural Resources Canada

Department: Earth Science Sector

Title: Research Scientist

Specialties: structural geology, plate tectonics, paleogeography, geophysics, thermochronology

Current Research: Tectonic evolution of Canada Basin. Structural and tectonic evolution of northern Yukon and adjacent Alaska. Geological mapping in northern Yukon. Structural evolution of the Canadian Cordillera. Mesozoic tectonic evolution of northeastern Russia.

Steve Langdon afsjl@uaa.alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Anchorage

Department: Department of Anthropology

Specialties: cultural anthropology, cultural adaptation, Native studies

Manfred Lange langema@uni-muenster.de

Organization: University of Münster

Department: Institute for Geophysics

Specialties: ice geophysics, sea ice thermodynamics, geophysics

Current Research: Barents Sea Impacts Study: an interdisciplinary assessment of global change impacts on resource dependent communities in the Barents Sea region. Contamination of sea ice: an experimental investigation into fine-scale physical and chemical processes related to oil pollution in sea-ice covered waters of the Arctic Ocean.

Karen Langgaard kala@slm.uni.gl

Organization: Ilisimatusarfik, University of Greenland

Department: Greenlandic Language, Literature and Media

Title: Associate Professor

Specialties: ethnohistory, linguistics, literature

Current Research: Greenlandic syntax Greenlandic spontaneous spoken language Greenlandic literature - and Greenland from a cultural and socio-political perspective Greenlandic newspapers from the 19th century and beginning of 20th century.

Philip Langlois langlois@quad-eng.com

Organization: Quadrant Engineering Inc.

Title: Research Engineer

Specialties: remote sensing, atmospheric sciences, ground penetrating radar

Current Research: High resolution ice penetrating radar.

Charles Langmuir langmuir@ldeo.columbia.edu

Organization: Columbia University

Department: Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO)

Specialties: geochemistry, volcanology

Current Research: Basalt from Arctic Ridges.

Uwe Langrock ulangrock@awi.de

Organization: Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research

Department: Department of Marine Geology

Specialties: marine sedimentology, organic geochemistry, paleoceanography

Current Research: Interdisciplinary Cretaceous Research of Atlantic Sedimentary Environments (INCREASE) project studying organic geochemistry together with petroleum source rock evaluation, origin, deposition, and preservation of organic matter.

Hugues Lantuit hugues.lantuit@awi.de

Organization: Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research

Title: PhD Candidate

Specialties: cryospheric remote sensing, geomorphology, geographic information systems

Current Research: I am looking at hyperspectral signatures of permafrost terrains. I am also undertaking DINSAR analysis of frost heave in the Canadian Arctic related to permafrost and compiling archive of airphotos in order to get sterophotogrammetric outputs

Cara-Lyn Lappen lappen@atmos.colostate.edu

Organization: Colorado State University

Department: Department of Atmospheric Science

Specialties: atmospheric sciences, air-sea-ice interactions, sea ice

Current Research: Sea ice dynamics, modeling and thermodynamics. Ice modeling.

William Larned william_larned@fws.gov

Organization: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Department: Waterfowl Management

Title: Wildlife Biologist/airplane pilot

Specialties: waterfowl, bird populations, bird migration

Current Research: Our work is primarily assessing and monitoring populations of eiders and other sea ducks in breeding, molting and wintering areas. We also work extensively with other ducks, geese, swans as well as loons, grebes, eagles, gulls and alcids.

Isabelle Larocque isabelle.larocque@ete.inrs.ca

Organization: Institut national de la recherche scientifique

Department: Centre Eau, Terre and Environement

Specialties: paleolimnology, fire ecology

Current Research: Reconstruction of climate in arctic and alpine areas of northern Sweden. Fire ecology on a long temporal scale in arctic and alpine areas of northern Sweden.

Pierre Larouche larouchep@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Organization: Maurice Lamontagne Institute (Fisheries and Oceans Canada)

Department: Ocean Sciences Division

Title: Head, Coastal Processes

Specialties: physical oceanography, remote sensing

Current Research: Participant to International North Water Polynya project to study the distribution of phytoplankton using SeaWiFS images. Measurements of ocean color using in situ radiometers.

Peter Larsen phlarsen@lbl.gov

Organization: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Department: Energy Analysis and Environmental Impacts

Title: Research Scientist/Assistant Group Leader

Specialties: Energy and natural resource economics, climate change, infrastructure, isolated power systems

Current Research: Risk to Arctic infrastructure from climate change, sustainable energy systems for remote/isolated Arctic communities, and many other topics.

Lotte Larsen

Organization: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland

Department: Department of Geological Mapping

Title: Senior Research Scientist

Specialties: geochemistry, geology, igneous petrology

Current Research: Paleogene basalts in W and E Greenland and on the SE Greenland shelf in relation to continental break-up: stratigraphy, volcanology, mineralogy, geochemistry, and petrogenesis. Alkaline rocks in W Greenland: kimberlites, lamprophyres, carbonatites, and their inclusions: mineralogy, geochemistry, petrogenesis, ages, and regional tectonic significance.

Mary Larson malarson@scs.unr.edu

Organization: University of Nevada, Reno

Department: Oral History Program

Title: Assistant Director

Specialties: anthropology, archaeology, whaling

Current Research: Oral history and ethnoarchaeology of coastal Inupiaq peoples. Project Jukebox: a series of multi-media, oral history databases of Alaska rural communities.

Karen Larson klarson2@gac.edu

Organization: Gustavus Adolphus College

Specialties: anthropology, linguistics

Current Research: Sociolinguistics of the Saami.

Erin Larson elarson15@alaska.edu

Organization: UAA Alaska Center for Conservation Science

Title: Research Assistant Professor

Specialties: aquatic ecosystems, community and ecosystem ecology, benthic macroinvertebrates

Nicholas Larter nic_larter@gov.nt.ca

Organization: Government of the Northwest Territories

Department: Resources Wildlife & Economic Development

Title: Deh Cho Regional Biologist

Specialties: population ecology, caribou, muskox

Current Research: Foraging dynamics. Use and availability of forage/habitats by herbivores and arctic wolves on Banks Island ecosystem in Canadian High Arctic.

Marlene Laruelle laruelle@gwu.edu

Organization: The George Washington University

Department: Elliott School of International Affairs

Title: Associate Director, Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies

Specialties: Arctic urban sustainability, migration, social and cultural changes

Current Research: Marlene Laruelle works on Russia and Central Asia and explores post-Soviet political, social and cultural changes through the prism of nationhood and nationalism. She has published three single-authored monographs, and two co-authored monographs, and has edited several collective volumes. She is the editor in chief of Central Asian Affairs and a member of the executive editorial board of Demokratizatsiya. The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization. She has been the Principal Investigator of several grants on Russian nationalism and political elites, on Russia’s strategies in the Arctic, and on Central Asia’s domestic and foreign policies. As director of the Central Asia Program she oversees about 30 events a year, monthly publications, and works on several programs of visiting fellows from Central Asia.

Norman Lasca nplasca@uwm.edu

Organization: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Department: Department of Geosciences

Title: Professor and Senior Scientist

Specialties: Glacial Geology, Process Geomorphology

Current Research: Russian Arctic. Canadian High Arctic. East Greenland

Dan LaSota dan.edu@ae-data.com

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Title: Instructional Designer

Kirsi Latola kirsi.latola@uarctic.org

Organization: University of the Arctic

Title: UArctic Vice-President Networks

Specialties: global change, northern studies, physiological ecology

Sergey Latukhov gmamak@mail.wplus.net

Organization: Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping

Title: Department Head

Specialties: education, navigation, water pollution

Current Research: North sea route. Emergency prevention, preparedness and response program of the Arctic Council. Code of polar navigation. Polar shipping rules.

Jfrgen Laudien jlaudien@awi.de

Organization: Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research

Department: Vergleichende Kosystemforschung

Title: Dipl. Biol.

Specialties: benthic ecology

Current Research: Resilience of benthic communities