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First Name Last Name Email
Marvin Falk marvinf490@gmail.com

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Alaska and Polar Regions Department - Elmer E. Rasmuson Library

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: history, information systems/technology, library/information specialist

Current Research: Full-text and image database of first-contact English-language literature on the Eskimo (Wenger Anthropological Eskimo Database on CD-ROM). Rasmuson Library Historical Translation Series, University of Alaska Press. Historical cartography.

Knud Falk kf@dpc.dk

Organization: Self

Title: Independent Researcher

Specialties: avian ecology, seabirds, hunting

Current Research: Seabird foraging ecology. Seabird population monitoring. Satellite tracking of seabird foraging and migration movements. Effects of hunting on seabird populations. Lifetime reproduction and population turnover in Peregrine Falcons. Monitoring pesticed levels in Peregrine Falcons.

Stig Falk-Petersen sfp@akvaplan.niva.no

Organization: Akvaplan-niva

Department: Research Department

Title: Senior Scientist

Specialties: marine biology, zooplankton, science management

Current Research: Zooplankton in sea ice and arctic fjords. Lipids in ice-fauna and zooplankton in the Marginal Ice Zone. Variability in ecological and physical processes in the Marginal Ice Zone of the northern Barents Sea. Functional biodiversity in lipids of Antarctic zooplankton. Ice amphipod diversity and distribution under arctic pack ice. Life strategy of arctic Calanoid Copepods.

John Falkingham john.falkingham@rogers.com

Organization: Self

Title: Sea Ice Consultant

Specialties: sea ice, lake ice, icebergs

Current Research: Arctic Sea Ice from the perspective of ship navigation, influence on weather, and as a climate determinant and signal. Secretariat for the International Ice Charting Working Group

Kelly Falkner kfalkner@nsf.gov

Organization: U.S. National Science Foundation

Department: Division of Polar Programs (PLR)

Title: Director of Polar Programs

Specialties: chemical oceanography, marine geochemistry, aquatic chemistry, Arctic oceanography

Current Research: Aqueous geochemcistry. Tracking Arctic river waters by geochemical means. Biogeochemistry of minor and trace elements in the Arctic.

James Fall jim_fall@fishgame.state.ak.us

Organization: Alaska Department of Fish and Game

Department: Division of Subsistence

Title: Program Manager

Specialties: anthropology, subsistence, Native studies

Current Research: Subsistence harvests and uses of natural resources. Fish and wildlife management and co-management. Exxon Valdez oil spill impacts and restoration. Traditional ecological knowledge. Athabaskan and Alutiiq history, culture, and oral traditions.

James Fall jim.fall@alaska.gov

Organization: Alaska Department of Fish and Game

Department: Division of Subsistence

Title: Program Manager

Specialties: anthropology, subsistence, Native studies

Current Research: Subsistence harvests and uses of natural resources. Fish and wildlife management and co-management. Exxon Valdez oil spill impacts and restoration. Traditional ecological knowledge. Athabaskan and Alutiiq history, culture, and oral traditions.

Karen Fallas karen.fallas@canada.ca

Organization: Natural Resources Canada

Department: Geological Survey of Canada

Title: Research Scientist

Specialties: geology, bedrock mapping, structural geology, stratigraphy, GIS techniques

Current Research: Geological mapping and structural geology in the Mackenzie Mountains, Mackenzie Plain, Franklin Mountains, and Colville Hills.

Xingang Fan xingang.fan@wku.edu

Organization: Western Kentucky University

Title: Associate Professor

Specialties: atmospheric sciences, meteorology, climatology

Current Research: Satellite data assimilation, Numerical Weather Prediction, Observation sensitivity experiments

Sean Farley sean.farley@alaska.gov

Organization: Alaska Department of Fish and Game

Department: Division of Wildlife Conservation

Title: Research Physiologist

Specialties: animal physiology, nutritional ecology, stable isotopes

Current Research: Polar bears. Walrus.

Paul Farley pj_farley@pnl.gov

Organization: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Department: Marine Sciences Laboratory

Specialties: instrumentation, air-sea-ice interactions, mapping

Current Research: Atmospheric Radiation Measurement. CHAMMP ANWAP

John Farrell jfarrell@arctic.gov

Organization: U.S. Arctic Research Commission

Title: Executive Director

Specialties: oceanography, marine geology, paleoclimatology, paleoceanography

Sinead Farrell sineadf@umd.edu

Organization: University of Maryland, College Park

Department: Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center

Title: Associate Research Scientist

Specialties: Sea ice remote sensing; sea ice mass balance; Arctic Ocean remote sensing; global change

Current Research: Seasonal and inter-annual variability of the Earth’s sea ice cover, the circulation of the Arctic Ocean, and the marine gravity field of the Arctic Ocean.

Helen Fast fasth@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Organization: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Bedford Institute of Oceanography

Department: Oceans Programs Division - Central and Arctic Region

Title: Integrated Management Advisor

Specialties: human/environment interaction, land use planning, Native communities

Current Research: Integrated management and planning processes for arctic and subarctic coastal regions.

Claude Faucher cfaucher@nrcan.gc.ca

Organization: Natural Resources Canada

Department: CANMET Energy Technology Centre (CETC)

Specialties: energy resources, hydrology, geographic information systems

Current Research: Develop methodology to assess, at the pre-feasibility level, the potential of small hydro at ungauged site.

Howard Feder feder@ims.uaf.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: Arctic benthic ecology, environmental assessment, marine invertebrates

Current Research: Arctic benthic ecology Southeastern and northeastern Chukchi Sea benthic ecology.

Vladimir Fedorov ichthlab@zin.ru

Organization: Earth Cryosphere Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch

Department: Laboratory of Ichthyology Zoological Institute

Title: Senior scientific worker

Specialties: ichthyology, biosystematics, biodiversity

Current Research: Systematics and biodiversity of fishes of families Cottidae and Liparidae (Scorpaeniformes), Bathymasteridae, Zoarcidae, Stichaeidae, Cryptacanthodidae, Phjlididae, Anarhichadidae, Ptilichthyidae, Zaproridae, Trichodontidae and Icosteidae (Perciformes); Ichthyofauna of the Chukchi Sea and Northern Bering Sea; biozoogeography

Dale Feist

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Specialties: animal physiology, physiological ecology, cold adaptation

Current Research: Environmental controls and physiological mechanisms in seasonal thermoregulation, growth and reproduction of Alaskan small mammals (particularly in microtine rodents - voles and lemmings.)

Harvey Feit feit@mcmaster.ca

Organization: McMaster University

Department: Department of Anthropology

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: anthropology, Indigenous rights, natural resources management, ethnography, governance, history of anthropology

Current Research: James Bay Cree Management and Conservation of Wildlife. James Bay Resource Conflicts. Negotiating Indigenous Rights - Long-term Outcomes. Indigenous People, Civil Society and Environment.

Bela Fejer bela.fejer@usu.edu

Organization: Utah State University

Department: Physics Department

Title: Professor

Specialties: space physics, aeronomy, auroral studies

Kerry Feldman kdfeldman@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Anchorage

Department: Department of Anthropology

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: cultural anthropology, ethnology, whaling

Current Research: Revising the Boston Naming Test for use among Alaska Natives. This test assists speech therapist diagnose speech loss problems following strokes or injury.

Benjamin Felzer bsf208@lehigh.edu

Organization: Lehigh University

Specialties: climate modeling, global warming, paleoclimatology

Current Research: Serves as climate scenarios coordinator for the U.S. National Assessment of the Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change. Climate modeling of glacial/interglacial climates and mesoscale modeling of the Arctic.

Ronald Ferek ron.ferek@navy.mil

Organization: Office of Naval Research

Department: Department of Atmospheric Sciences

Specialties: atmospheric chemistry, air pollution, oil spills

Steven Ferguson steve.ferguson@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Organization: Fisheries and Oceans Canada in the Arctic Region

Department: Department of Fisheries

Title: Research Scientist

Specialties: caribou, climate modeling, ecology

Current Research: Applying for Northern Research Chair to study "Climate change and arctic caribou conservation."

Michael Ferguson wildlifeadvisor@niws.ca

Organization: Qikiqtaaluk Wildlife Board

Title: Senior Wildlife Advisor

Specialties: wildlife management, population ecology, wildlife, indigenous ecological knowledge, human/environment interaction

Current Research: Long-term population fluctuations and ecology of arctic wildlife. Human dimensions and indigenous knowledge of arctic environments, and integration with scientific research. Arctic wildlife management. Climate change impacts on wildlife. Multi-scale spatial and temporal ecology. Seasonal migrations and long-term population shifts, physical condition, foraging habits, etc. Community-based wildlife monitoring. Development of wildlife research and management priorities and guidelines based on consensus with local and regional Inuit communities. Indigenous conserved areas, customary practices and governance.