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First Name Last Name Email
Ye Dvorkin ashik@aari.nw.ru

Organization: Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute of Roshydromet

Department: Department of Oceanography

Specialties: oceanography

Current Research: Level oscillations, tides.

Arthur Dyke adyke@nrcan.gc.ca

Organization: Natural Resources Canada

Department: Geological Survey of Canada

Title: Emeritus Scientist

Specialties: quaternary geology

Current Research: Younger Dryas and postglacial climate threshold events in the western Canadian Arctic. Human and faunal response to climate change in the western Canadian Arctic. Articulating the archaeological and geological records.

Larry Dyke ldyke@nrcan.gc.ca

Organization: Natural Resources Canada

Department: Department of Geological Survey of Canada

Title: Research Scientist

Specialties: permafrost, groundwater

Current Research: Slope stability in a warming climate. Contaminant transport in permafrost. Impacts of climate chage in the Mackenzie River valley and Beaufort coast areas.

Oksana Dzyuba shurygin@uiggm.nsc.ru

Organization: Earth Cryosphere Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch

Department: Institute of Petroleum Geology

Title: Research Student

Specialties: paleontology, biostratigraphy, paleogeography

Current Research: Cretaceous belemnites of the northern parts of West and East Siberia.

Michael Eagle meagle@akmuseum.org.nz

Organization: Auckland War Memorial Museum

Department: Natural History Department

Title: Research Associate

Specialties: geology, paleontology, paleoecology

Current Research: Pliocene-Pliestocene geology. Terrestrial paleoecology-Northern and Southern Hemisphere comparisons. Mammuthus expedition: per Dick Mol, Nature Museum Rotterdam.

Claire Eamer ceamer@gmail.com

Organization: Self

Title: C-CIARN Program Officer

Specialties: science writing, history, publications

Current Research: - Writes popular science books and articles for both adults and children - Writes and edits research reports and other major documents for science-based organizations, particularly those associated with polar science

Susan Earnst searnst@eagle.boisestate.edu

Organization: U.S. Geological Survey

Department: Snake River Field Station

Title: Research Wildlife Biologist

Specialties: avian ecology, animal behavior, waterfowl

Current Research: Breeding ecology of loons, waterfowl, shorebirds, and Lapland longspurs.

Norman Easton neaston@yukoncollege.yk.ca

Organization: Yukon University

Department: Department of Arts and Sciences

Title: Instructor, Anthropology

Specialties: anthropology, archaeology, Athabaskan studies

Current Research: Current: Upper Tanana Athapaskan Social History and Cultural Geography. Past: Historic and Prehistoric Archaeology of Yukon and eastern Alaska; Underwater Archaeology and Prehistoric Migrations to North America; Underwater Archaeology of the Yukon River Basin; Teach a Field School in Subarctic Ethnography and Archaeology each summer in Yukon.

Syma Ebbin syma.ebbin@uconn.edu

Organization: University of Connecticut

Department: CT Sea Grant, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics

Title: Executive Officer

Specialties: fisheries management, human/environment interaction

Current Research: -Research focuses on the management of natural resources, with particular emphasis on co-management institutions and includes case study analyses of the co-management of Pacific salmon by American Indians and Native Alaskans in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, and soft-shell clams in the Georges River region in Maine.

Jaelyn Eberle jaelyn.eberle@colorado.edu

Organization: University of Colorado Boulder

Department: University of Colorado Museum and Geological Sciences

Title: Professor, Director of Museum and Field Studies Program

Specialties: paleontology, geology

James Ebersole jebersole@coloradocollege.edu

Organization: Colorado College

Department: Department of Biology

Title: Professor

Specialties: disturbance ecology, alpine ecology, revegetation

Current Research: Studying natural recovery on 30-45 year old exploratory oil wells in northern Alaska.

Miles Ecclestone mecclestone@trentu.ca

Organization: Trent University

Department: Department of Geography

Title: Senior Technician

Specialties: glaciology, climate change

Current Research: mass balance of high arctic glaciers

William Eckerle weckerle@ix.netcom.com

Organization: Western GeoArch Research

Title: Geoarchaeologist

Specialties: archaeology

Current Research: Alaskan Geoarchaeology. Paleoclimates. Landscape Reconstruction. Human Evolutionary Ecology.

Jim Edmundson jime@fishgame.state.ak.us

Organization: Alaska Department of Fish and Game

Department: Limnology Unit

Specialties: limnology, salmon, nutrient dynamics

Current Research: Studies of trophic processes and productivity differences across various lake types (and regions). Evaluation of lake fertilization and juvenile salmon stocking projects in both barren and anadromous systems. Sockeye salmon over escapement effects resulting from the Exxon Valdez oil spill.

Robert Edson robert.edson@altarum.org

Organization: The MITRE Corporation

Department: Center for Energy and Environmental Research

Title: Senior Researcher/Engineer

Specialties: arctic policy, environmental impact assessment, environmental monitoring

Current Research: Arctic contamination research.

Kevin Edwards kevin.edwards@abdn.ac.uk

Organization: University of Aberdeen

Department: Department of Geography and Environment

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: palynology, quaternary paleoecology, archaeology

Current Research: Faroe Islands. Iceland. Greenland.

Nelta Edwards nmedwards@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Anchorage

Department: Department of Sociology

Title: Associate Professor

Specialties: sociology

Current Research: Studying the claims-making activities of scientists in instances of Arctic environmental contamination.

Thomas Edwards twdedwar@uwaterloo.ca

Organization: University of Waterloo

Department: Earth and Environmental Sciences

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: paleoclimatology, paleolimnology, hydrology

Current Research: None - retired!

Margo Edwards margo@soest.hawaii.edu

Organization: University of Hawaii at Manoa

Department: Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology

Title: Researcher

Specialties: marine geology, marine geophysics, remote sensing

Current Research: Mapping the Arctic Basin sea floor using a sonar system attached to the hull of the USS HAWKBILL.

MARY Edwards m.e.edwards@soton.ac.uk

Organization: University of Southampton

Department: Department of Geography

Title: Professor

Specialties: paleoecology, vegetation ecology, paleoclimatology

Current Research: Paleoecology and vegetation history. Long-term history of the interior Alaska boreal forest. Fire history of the boreal forest. Late-Quaternary paleohydrology and vegetation change. Data-model comparisons: arctic vegetation and climate.

Peter Effertz peter.effertz@noaa.gov

Organization: University of Colorado Boulder

Title: Professional Research Assistant

Specialties: Atmospheric Composition and Chemistry, ozone, Atmosphere- Ocean - Ice interactions.

Current Research: I research the long term trends and changes in atmospheric ozone (Both Stratospheric and Tropospheric). I am the PI for the NOAA surface ozone network and contribute to the NOAA Dobson spectrophotometer network.

Carsten Egevang caeg@natur.gl

Organization: Greenland Institute of Natural Resources

Department: Arctic Environment

Title: Scientist - External Consultant

Specialties: avian ecology, seabirds, management

Current Research: Seabird foraging ecology. Seabird population estimates using remote sensing. Waterbird management in Greenland.

Keith Egger egger@unbc.ca

Organization: University of Northern British Columbia

Department: Natural Resources and Environmental Studies (NRES)

Title: Professor

Specialties: biodiversity, ecology, soil microbiology

Current Research: Alexandra Fiord, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canada. Impacts of simulated climate change on belowground mi crobial diversity and community structure.

Jens Ehn jens_ehn@umanitoba.ca

Organization: Centre of Earth Observation Science (University of Manitoba)

Department: Clayton H. Ridell Faculty of Environment, Earth and Resources

Title: Associate Professor

Specialties: sea ice optics, sea ice thermodynamics

Aline Ehrenfried a.ehrenfried@abdn.ac.uk

Title: Project Management Office

Specialties: Athabaskan studies, museum studies, ethnohistory

Current Research: Warfare and interethnic relationships at the Northpacific Rim. Siberia and the circumpolar north.