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First Name Last Name Email
Lynne Dickson lynne.dickson@ec.gc.ca

Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Department: Environment Canada

Title: Wildlife Biologist

Specialties: avian biology, wildlife management, avian ecology

Current Research: Reproductive ecology and survival of the Pacific Common Eider in central arctic Canada. Use of satellite telemetry to locate King Eider and Pacific Common Eider migration routes; moulting and wintering areas. Population delineation and population dynamics of sea ducks.

Kathryn Dickson kathy.dickson@ec.gc.ca

Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Department: Environment Canada

Title: Waterfowl Populations Biologist

Specialties: waterfowl, waterfowl migration, bird populations

Current Research: Goose populations on the Great Plain of the Koukdjuak. Genetic structuring in circumpolar populations of Brant.

Deborah Diemand diemand@sover.net

Organization: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory

Department: Applied Research Division

Specialties: snow compaction, icebergs, snow construction

Current Research: Methods of constructing compacted snow roads and runways.

Rune Dietz rdi@bios.au.dk

Organization: Aarhus University

Department: Department of Arctic Environment

Title: Professor

Specialties: marine mammals, environmental monitoring, satellites

Current Research: Monitoring of contaminants. Satellite telemetry. Toxicology.

Karen Dillman karen.dillman@usda.gov

Organization: U.S. Department of Agriculture

Title: Ecologist

Specialties: lichenology, bryology, alpine ecology

Current Research: Lichens of the Bering Land Bridge. Botany and lichenology in Southeast Alaska.

Herminia Din hdin@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Anchorage

Department: ART

Title: Professor of Art Education

Specialties: Plastic Pollution in the Arctic, Education Outreach, Art & Science Integration

Current Research: Plastic Pollution in the Arctic, Art & Science Integration, Teaching & Learning, Art Education, Community Outreach

Cynthia Dinwiddie cdinwiddie@swri.org

Organization: Southwest Research Institute

Department: Earth, Material, and Planetary Sciences

Title: Staff Scientist

Specialties: hydrology, ground penetrating radar, slope stability, environmental sciences, landscape change

Current Research: Use of geophysical tools and cryo-hydrologic modeling to explore stratigraphy and dynamic freeze-thaw processes in aeolian deposits. Work took place at CRREL Permafrost Tunnel near Fox, AK, and at Great Kobuk Sand Dunes, Kobuk Valley National Park, AK. Activities include multidisciplinary work at the intersection of boundary layer meteorology, geomorphology, vadose zone hydrology and cryospheric science. Also remote-sensing characterization of landscape changes to polygonal terrain and thaw ponds over a period of 50 years.

Richard Dirks dirks2@ucar.edu

Organization: National Center for Atmospheric Research

Department: Earth Observing Laboratory

Title: Associate Director

Specialties: atmospheric sciences, data management, logistics

Current Research: Field data management support for SHEBA.

Charles Diters chuck_diters@fws.gov

Organization: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Title: Regional Archaeologist

Specialties: archaeology, anthropology, circumpolar cultures

Current Research: Cultural resource inventory and management. Arctic National Wildlife Refuge archaeological survey.

Thorsten Dittmar tdittmar@awi-bremerhaven.de

Organization: Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research

Department: Department of Marine Chemistry and Natural Products

Specialties: marine chemistry, biogeochemistry, organic geochemistry

Current Research: Fate and molecular modifications of terrestrial organic matter in the ocean.

Dmitry Divine dmitry.divine@npolar.no

Organization: Norwegian Polar Institute

Department: Polar Environmental Centre

Title: Research Scientist

Specialties: paleoclimatology, sea ice, climate change

Current Research: Arctic Ocean variability derived from historical observations; variability of ice extent, hydrological and meteorological conditions in the Arctic Ocean and the marginal seas on decadal and interdecadal time-scales; thermodynamic aspects of the modeling of ice formation and destruction; heat exchange in the atmosphere-ice-ocean system; remote sensing of ice and polynyas; heat exchange, deep water and new ice formation in polynyas; paleoclimate studies using proxy data.

David Divins david.divins@unh.edu

Organization: University of New Hampshire

Department: School of Marine Science and Ocean Engineering

Title: Associate Director, Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space

Specialties: bathymetry

Current Research: Participating in the International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO) project.

George Divoky divoky@cooperisland.org

Organization: Friends of Cooper Island

Specialties: ornithology, marine ecology, climate change

Current Research: Conducting long-term monitoring of a Black Guillemot colony in northern Alaska

E. James Dixon jdixon@unm.edu

Organization: University of New Mexico

Department: Department of Anthropology and Maxwell Museum of Anthropology

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: Arctic and paleoindian archaeology
Quaternary paleoecology and climate change

Current Research: Glacial archeology
Late Pleistocene archeology of southeast Alaska
Paleoindian archeology of Beringia and North America

John Dixon jcdixon@uark.edu

Organization: University of Arkansas

Department: Department of Geosciences

Title: Professor

Specialties: geomorphology, global change, human/environment interaction, planetary geology

Current Research: Solute and sediment fluxes in cold, non-glacial environments.

Igor Dmitrenko dmitreni@cc.umanitoba.ca

Organization: Centre of Earth Observation Science (University of Manitoba)

Department: Clayton H. Ridell Faculty of Environment, Earth and Resources

Title: Research Professor

Specialties: oceanography, marine geochemistry

Viktor Dmitriev v_dmitriev@aari.nw.ru

Organization: Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute of Roshydromet

Title: Science Secretary

Specialties: data management

Dan Doak daniel.doak@colorado.edu

Organization: University of Colorado Boulder

Department: Department of Ecology and Environmental Biology

Title: Professor

Specialties: plant ecology, plant demography, wildlife

Current Research: Geographic variation in arctic/alpine plant demography and life history.

Dean Dobberfuhl ddobberfuhl@sjrwmd.com

Organization: St. Johns River Water Management District

Department: Department of Biology

Title: Bureau Chief

Specialties: ecosystem science, aquatic ecology, zooplankton

Current Research: Evolutionary causes of differences in elemental and biochemical composition of zooplankton across latitudinal gradients. Latitudinal differences in zooplankton nutrient recycling and food quality constraints.

Kathryn Dodge kdodge@alaska.edu

Specialties: women's studies, management

Current Research: Exploration of Alaska Native Women's experiences in Native and Non-Native organizations

Ronald Doel rdoel@fsu.edu

Organization: Florida State University

Department: Department of History

Title: Associate Professor

Specialties: history, environmental sciences, arctic science policy

Current Research: History of science in the north, including Alaska. History of earth sciences in the twentieth century. International science policy in the Cold War era.

Trond Dokken trond.dokken@uni.no

Organization: NORCE Norwegian Research Centre

Department: Department of Geology

Title: Research Director

Specialties: geology, paleoceanography

Current Research: Involved in the IMAGES programme. Working on two long cores from the Spitsbergen margin taken by the R/V Marion Dufresne in 1999, and one core collected during the IMAGES cruise in 1995 from the Voering plateau. Mainly deal with stable isotopes and sedimentology.

Sverre Thune Dokken sverre.dokken@nr.no

Organization: Norwegian Computing Center

Department: Statistical Analysis

Specialties: remote sensing, sea ice monitoring, climate change

Current Research: I am interested in physical understanding of satellite observations and applied aspects of oceanographic science. In particular I am interested in remote sensing for modern climate issues such as global warming, sea ice coverage, and North Atlantic Oscillation.

Andrey Dolgov dolgov@pinro.ru

Organization: Polar Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography

Department: Trophology Department

Title: Head of laboratory

Specialties: folklore, fisheries management, biodiversity

Alexander Dolitsky adolitsky@gci.net

Organization: Alaska-Siberia Research Center

Title: President/Chairman

Specialties: archaeology, ethnohistory, folklore

Current Research: Translation of the fairy tales and myths of the Bering Strait Chukchi. Translation of the fairy tales and myths of the Asiatic Eskimos.