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First Name Last Name Email
Allan Frei afrei@hunter.cuny.edu

Organization: Hunter College

Department: Department of Geography

Title: Chair, Professor

Specialties: climatology, snow, global change

Current Research: Snow cover extent and climate change.

Nancy French nhfrench@mtu.edu

Organization: Michigan Technological University

Department: Michigan Tech Research Institute

Title: Senior Research Scientist

Specialties: boreal forests, remote sensing, fire ecology

Current Research: Climate change. Ecosystem science.

Markus Frey maey@bas.ac.uk

Organization: British Antarctic Survey

Department: Atmosphere, Ice & Climate

Title: Atmospheric & Glaciochemist

Specialties: snow photochemistry, air- (sea) ice chemical exchange, polar aerosol, ice cores

Harald Frey hfrey@ssl.berkeley.edu

Organization: University of California, Berkeley

Department: Space Sciences Laboratory

Title: Research Physicist

Specialties: auroral studies, geophysics, ionospheric physics

Current Research: Optical observations of the aurora from the ground and space. Investigation of auroral physics with THEMIS mission. Lightning phenomena and transient luminous events like sprites, elves, halos.

Jeffrey Freymueller jfreymueller@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Geophysical Institute

Title: Professor

Specialties: geodesy, geodynamics, geophysics

Current Research: Measurement of ongoing crustal movements and active faults in Alaska and vicinity.

Robert Marc Friedman r.m.friedman@iakh.uio.no

Organization: University of Oslo

Department: Department of History

Title: Professor of History of Science

Specialties: history of science, history of polar research, arctic science policy

Current Research: History of polar research, esp. Norwegian. Cultural, sociological, and epistemological studies of polar research. Member of 'The Northern Space' project: comparative historical and anthropological studies of Nordic polar research and polar national-experiences.

Max Friesen max.friesen@utoronto.ca

Organization: University of Toronto

Department: Department of Anthropology

Title: Professor

Specialties: archaeology, zooarchaeology, Inuit culture

Current Research: Origins of Beluga whale hunting in the Mackenzie Delta. Inuit-European contact on Herschel Island, Yukon Territory. Ethnohistory of the Mackenzie Delta. Caribou hunters of the Barrenlands, Nunavut. Long-term human-environment interaction at Ekalluk River, Victoria Island.

Harold Fritts hfritts@ltrr.arizona.edu

Organization: University of Arizona

Department: Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: dendrochronology, ecophysiology, ecosystem modeling

Current Research: Modeling tree ring growth.

Sherilyn Fritz sfritz2@unl.edu

Organization: University of Nebraska - Lincoln

Department: Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Title: George Holmes University Professor

Specialties: limnology, paleoclimatology, Quaternary geology

Current Research: Lake-climate interactions

Diedrich Fritzsche diedrich.fritzsche@awi.de

Organization: Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research

Department: Research Department Potsdam

Title: Senior Scientist

Specialties: glaciology, geophysics, ice geophysics

Current Research: Greenland. Severnaya Zemlya. Deep ice drilling.

Bruno Frohlich bruno.frohlich@dartmouth.edu

Organization: Dartmouth College

Department: Department of Anthropology

Title: Visiting Professor

Specialties: physical anthropology, population biology, remote sensing

Current Research: Aleutian Islands, population demography, physical anthropology, archaeology. Also research in the Middle East, New England, and Europe.

Steve Frolking steve.frolking@unh.edu

Organization: University of New Hampshire

Department: Complex Systems Research Center

Title: Research Professor

Specialties: biogeochemistry, soil processes, wetlands

Current Research: BOREAS. Pan-Arctic hydrology. Modeling soil freeze/thaw.

Anatoly Frolov ipquis@redline.ru

Organization: Earth Cryosphere Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch

Department: Division of Scientific Council on Earth Cryology - Geophysics of Cryolithozone

Title: Professor, Renowned Scientist of Russian Federation, Head of Department

Specialties: geophysics, permafrost, soil physics

Current Research: Peculiarities of electric and mechanical properties of saline frozen soils. Dielectric properties of dry and wet snow. Physics (electrodynamics and acoustics) of frozen soils, ice, and snow.

Sergey Frolov lilp@aari.nw.ru

Organization: Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute of Roshydromet

Department: Ice Navigation Laboratory - Ice Regime and Forecasts Department

Title: Head of Laboratory

Specialties: sea ice navigation, sea ice, sea ice monitoring

Current Research: Ice conditions for navigation in the Arctic Basin, Northern Sea Route, Okhotsk Sea. Participated in 30 Arctic expeditions, including 8 voyages to the North Pole aboard Russian icebreakers.

Gerald Frost jfrost@abrinc.com

Organization: ABR, Inc. — Environmental Research and Services

Title: Senior Scientist

Peter Frost pfrost@globetrotter.qc.ca

Organization: Université Laval

Department: GETIC

Title: Researcher

Specialties: anthropology, genetics, paleo-Eskimo

Current Research: Paleoanthropology. Genetics of the Labrador Inuit. Upper paleolithic Europe and Siberia.

Alan Fryday fryday@msu.edu

Organization: Michigan State University

Department: Department of Plant Biology

Specialties: lichenology, alpine ecology, plant ecology

Current Research: Taxonomy and ecology of non-corticolous, crustose lichens. Lichen phytosociology.

Paul Fryer paul.fryer@uef.fi

Organization: University of Eastern Finland

Department: Department of Geography

Title: Lecturer

Specialties: Native transitions, circumpolar cultures, Native education

Current Research: Russian North: Ethnic boundaries in transition on the Kola Peninsula. Ethnic revival in the Komi Republic.

Dieter Fuetterer dieter.fuetterer@awi.de

Organization: Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research

Department: Department of Geosystems

Title: Professor

Specialties: marine geology, paleoceanography

Current Research: Ocean sediment. Siberian River Run-off (SIRRO). Karasea and Ob-Yenisei estuaries.

Eva Fuglei eva.fuglei@npolar.no

Organization: Norwegian Polar Institute

Department: Biology Department

Title: Research Scientist

Specialties: biology, animal physiology, bioenergetics

Current Research: Ecophysiology of the arctic fox at Svalbard. Ecotoxicology of the arctic fox at Svalbard.

Yoshiyuki Fujii fujii@pmg.nipr.ac.jp

Organization: National Institute of Polar Research

Department: Arctic Environment Research Center

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: glaciology, global change, global warming

Current Research: Circum-Arctic ice core climate research

Seizo Fujikawa sfuji@for.agr.hokudai.ac.jp

Organization: Hokkaido University

Department: Division of Environmental Resources

Title: Professor

Specialties: cold adaptation, plant pathology

Current Research: Plant physiology. Plant response (adaptation and injury mechanisms) to naturally (environmentally) occurring freezing.

Kei Fujimura kei.fujimura@ucsf.edu

Organization: University of California, San Francisco

Department: NRES

Title: Specialist

Specialties: mycology, ecology, global warming

Current Research: Examining the effects of global warming on the mycorrhizal fungal community on Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canada. Experiment includes open-top chambers to simulate increase temperature as predicted for 2050.

Kazuya Fujita fujita@msu.edu

Organization: Michigan State University

Department: Department of Geological Sciences

Title: Professor

Specialties: plate tectonics, seismology, tectonophysics

Current Research: Seismicity and seismotectonics of northeast Russia and western Alaska. Tectonic evolution of northeast Russia and the Arctic basin. Crustal structure of northeast Russia.

Yasushi Fujiyoshi fujiyo@lowtem.hokudai.ac.jp

Organization: Hokkaido University

Department: Institute of Low Temperature Science

Title: Professor

Specialties: meteorology, atmospheric physics

Current Research: Bering Sea and Arctic Sea.