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Astrid Ogilvie astrid.ogilvie@colorado.edu

Organization: University of Colorado Boulder

Department: Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research

Title: INSTAAR Fellow

Specialties: paleoclimatology, sea ice, climate change

Current Research: The historical climatology of Iceland and Greenland, the British Isles, and Scandinavia. Comparison of historical data from these areas with other paleoclimatic proxy data such as oxygen isotope records, marine and lake sediments, and pollen data. Climate impact and human adaptation in Iceland and Greenland.

Robert Oglesby roglesby@purdue.edu

Organization: Purdue University

Department: Department of Earth and Atmosperic Sciences

Title: Associate Professor

Specialties: climate modeling, climate change, paleoclimatology

Current Research: Use of numerical models of climate (GCMs) to investigate past climates and future climate change. Initiation of continental glaciation and the relative roles of forcing factors such as greenhouse gases and changes in solar luminosity. Climate model representation of snow cover and sea ice.

Olayinka Ogunsola ffoio@uaf.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Mineral Industry Research Laboratory

Specialties: coal utilization

Current Research: Spontaneous combustion characteristics of coal. Combustion characteristics of coal and coal blends. Low-rank coal water fuel characterization and combustion. Low-rank coal utilization in blast furnace. Development of correlation models for predicting heating value. Effect of coal fines on power plant performance. Use of coal for space heating in rural villages.

Ulf Ohlsson ulf.ohlsson@ce.luth.se

Organization: Luleå University of Technology

Department: Department of Civil Engineering

Title: Senior Lecturer

Specialties: structural engineering, civil engineering, infrastructure

Current Research: Fatigue of concrete bridges. Railway bridges subjected to heavy load and cold conditions.

Atsumu Ohmura ohmura@geo.umnw.ethz.ch

Organization: ETH Zürich

Department: Institute for Climate Research

Title: Chairman

Specialties: atmospheric sciences, climate change, cryospheric interactions

Current Research: Greenland Summit Observatory. Modeling Greenland response to climate change. Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN).

Yoshihide Ohta yoshihide.ohta@ngu.no

Organization: Norwegian Polar Institute

Department: Department of Geology

Title: Senior Scientist, Ph.D.

Specialties: geology, geochronology

Current Research: Pre-Cambriam geology. Svalbard, Barents Sea, Northern Greenland, Ellesmere Island.

Shoichi Okano okano@pparc.geophys.tohoku.ac.jp

Organization: Tohoku University

Department: Planetary Plasma and Atmospheric Research Center

Title: Professor

Specialties: space physics, spectroscopy

Current Research: Aurora observation at Longyearbyen, Spitzbergen

Yuri Okolodkov yuriokolodkov@yahoo.com

Organization: Universidad Veracruzana

Department: Instituto de Ciencias Marinas y Pesquerias

Specialties: phytoplankton, microalgae, algae, harmful algal blooms, microphytobenthos, taxonomy, morphology, electron microscopy, ecology, biogeography

Current Research: Taxonomy, biogeography and ecology of marine phytoplankton and sea-ice algae, with a special emphasis on dinoflagellates. Vast field experience in the Eurasian Arctic, in 1980-1997 and 2007; research vessels: Dmitriy Laptev and Georgiy Maksimov (USSR, 1980-1985; AARI), Oceania (Poland, 1991-1996; IO PAS), Jan Mayen and Lance (Norway, 1995-1996; NPI and UiT), and Polarstern (Germany, 1997, 2007; AWI); winter "jumping" aircraft expeditions of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI), St. Petersburg, Russia "Sever-39, -40, -41, -42" (1987-1990).

Antti Oksanen antti.oksanen@eela.fi

Organization: Evira Finnish Food Safety Authority

Department: Oulu Regional Department

Specialties: veterinary medicine, parasitology, wildlife

Current Research: Arctic parasitology, reindeer health, parasitic zoonoses

Andrew Okulitch aokulitc@nrcan.gc.ca

Organization: Natural Resources Canada

Department: Geological Survey of Canada

Title: Research Scientist

Specialties: geology, mapping, structural geology

Current Research: Compilations of geological maps and geotectonic/stratigraphic correlation charts (Canadian Arctic Archipelago and Arctic Ocean seabed). Regional Arctic geology on land and offshore.

Yoshitomi Okura tawashihige@nifty.com

Department: Japanese Alpine Club

Title: Project Leader

Specialties: meteorological instrumentation

Current Research: Mountaineering and logistical support for mountain meteorology. Mount McKinley weather.

Jon Olafsson jon@hafro.is

Organization: University of Iceland

Department: Marine Research Institute

Title: Professor

Specialties: chemical oceanography, CO2 chemistry, nutrient dynamics

Current Research: Carbon and nutrient chemistry of the Iceland Sea.

Haraldur Olafsson haraldur@rhi.hi.is

Organization: University of Iceland

Department: Faculty of Social Science

Title: Professor

Specialties: indigenous peoples, religion/belief systems

Current Research: Religious movements in Iceland.

Ole Olesen obo@geus.dk

Organization: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland

Department: Department of Hydrology and Glaciology

Title: Senior Glaciologist

Specialties: glaciology, instrumentation, ice drilling

Current Research: Ablation/climate in connection with hydroelectricity at the inland ice margin.

John Olson jvo@gi.alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Geophysical Institute (GI)

Specialties: space physics, geomagnetism, physics

Current Research: Study of the dayside auroral oval, its nature and the region in the distant magnetosphere which couple to it. Geomagnetic pulsations. Signal processing.

Peter Olsson olsson@aeff.uaa.alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Anchorage

Department: Alaska Experimental Forecast Facility

Title: Chief Scientist and Associate Professor

Specialties: meteorology, atmospheric sciences, air-sea-ice interactions

Current Research: Atmospheric boundary layer dynamics in the marginal ice zone. Aviation and mountain meteorology. Quantitative precipitation forecasting. Numerical weather prediction. Regional and mesoscale atmospheric modeling.

Kristina Olsson kristina.olsson@akvplan.niva.no

Organization: Akvaplan-niva

Department: Akvaplan-niva AS

Specialties: chemical oceanography, environmental chemistry, CO2 chemistry

Current Research: Variety of environmental contaminant studies with focus on organic contaminants.

Samuel Oltmans samuel.j.oltmans@noaa.gov

Organization: U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Department: Earth System Research Laboratory

Title: Research Physicist

Specialties: atmospheric sciences, atmospheric chemistry, climate change

Current Research: Stratospheric Ozone Change, Tropospheric Ozone in the Arctic, Water Vapor

Christopher Omelon comelon@uwo.ca

Organization: University of Western Ontario

Department: Earth Sciences

Specialties: microbiology, cold chemistry, biogeochemistry

Current Research: Endolith community stuctures and survival strategies. Mineral precipitation and dissolution reactions in saline solutions. Groundwater hydrology in permafrost environments.

Anders Omstedt anders.omstedt@smhi.se

Organization: University of Gothenburg

Department: Department of Oceanography

Specialties: ice, climate change

Current Research: Ice-ocean modeling.

Keiichi Omura bxq06636@niftyserve.or.jp

Organization: Osaka University

Department: Faculty of Language and Culture

Title: Assistant Professor/Lecturer

Specialties: Inuit culture, cultural anthropology, linguistics

Current Research: Natsilik Inuit (Pelly Bay, NWT, Canada).

Paul Ongtooguk pcongtooguk@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Anchorage

Department: Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER)

Title: Senior Research Associate

Specialties: education, Inuit culture, Native studies

Current Research: Web site being developed to support a better understanding, teaching, and learning of Alaska Native communities and cultures (http://www.alaskool.org).

V. Oparin

Organization: Earth Cryosphere Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch

Department: Institute of Mining

Title: Academician

Specialties: mining, rock mechanics, soil mechanics

Current Research: Geomechanic interactions between rock masses and fillings under mining of stratified ore deposits. Multichannel opti-electronic deformometer of longitudinal type.

Stephen Opsahl opsahl.stephen@epamail.epa.gov

Organization: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Department: Ecosystems Research Division

Specialties: oceanography, organic geochemistry, biogeochemistry

Monica Orellana morellan@uw.edu

Organization: University of Washington

Department: Polar Science Center, Applied Physics Lab

Title: Senior Research Scientist, Principal Oceanographer

Specialties: biological oceanography

Current Research: Matrai P. and M.V. Orellana. Collaborative Research: Marine microgels: A microlayer source of summer CCN in high Arctic open leads - This study focuses in identifying and quantifying primary organic aerosols precursors in the ocean SML during the summer season, when melt is maximal and leads are most prevalent; this will provide insight into the influence of marine biological sources in surface water and the SML on aerosol particle production or growth.