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First Name Last Name Email
James O'Brien jobrien@coaps.fsu.edu

Organization: Florida State University

Department: Center for Ocean Atmospheric Prediction Studies

Title: Professor emeritus, meteorology and oceanography

Specialties: physical oceanography, sea ice modeling, meteorology

Current Research: See web site: www.coaps.fsu.edu.

Suzanne O'Hara sohara@ldeo.columbia.edu

Organization: Columbia University

Department: Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO)

Specialties: logistics

Current Research: Ice camp and arctic cruise support and logistics. Logging systems for GPS. Weather and ctd data in the Arctic.

Todd O'Hara fftmo@uaf.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Institute of Arctic Biology (IAB)

Specialties: toxicology, veterinary medicine, biology

Kevin O'Neill koneill@crrel.usace.army.mil

Organization: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory

Department: Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Research Division

Specialties: electromagnetic modeling, ground penetrating radar, modeling

Current Research: Numerical computation and remote sensing of ground thermal regime and phase change. Numerical modeling for radar detection of buried metallic mines, pipes, unexploded ordnance, etc. in the active layer.

Todd O’Brien todd.obrien@noaa.gov

Organization: U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Department: Marine Ecosystems Division

Title: Oceanographer

Specialties: zooplankton

Current Research: Building a global database (COPEPOD) of zooplankton and phytoplankton abundance, biomass, and composition data.

Colm O’Cofaigh colm.ocofaigh@bristol.ac.uk

Organization: University of Bristol

Department: School of Geographical Sciences

Specialties: geology, glacial geology, glacimarine processes

Current Research: Quaternary geology. Geophysical and geological investigations of Late Quaternary continental margin sedimentation in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. Late Quaternary iceberg-rafting and palaeo-ice sheet dynamics, Antarctica.

Christopher O’Connors oconnorsc@natice.noaa.gov

Organization: U.S. National Ice Center


Title: Meteorologist

Specialties: meteorology, sea ice, lake ice

Current Research: Member of the International Arctic Buoy Programme (IABP) which works to maintain a drifting buoys array in the high Arctic to collect surface temperature, pressure, and ice drift. Ice Forecaster at the National Ice Center, doing weekly analysis of gobal sea ice cover using various remote sensing instruments. In addition to the analysis, we produce a variety of forecast products.

Jane O’Dwyer jane@npolar.no

Organization: Norwegian Polar Institute

Specialties: oceanography, ocean circulation, climate change

Current Research: Exchanges between the Nordic seas, the Arctic Ocean, and the Barents Sea and how these affect climate.

John O’Neil oneilj@ms.umanitoba.ca

Organization: University of Manitoba

Department: Department of Community Health Sciences

Title: Professor and Director

Specialties: public health

Current Research: Public health in arctic communities.

Dan O’Neill onefam@gci.net

Title: Independent Writer

Current Research: Literary historical research and writing. Author of “The Firecracker Boys,” a history of Project Chariot. Currently completing book on the Bering Land Bridge: part a history of the development of the applicable scientific work, and part a biography of David M. Hopkins.

Jill Oakes jill_oakes@umanitoba.ca

Organization: Centre of Earth Observation Science (University of Manitoba)

Department: Clayton H. Ridell Faculty of Environment, Earth and Resources

Title: Professor

Specialties: circumpolar anthropology, man/environment interaction

Current Research: Sami lifestyles. Relationship between spirituality and environment, clothing and footwear.

Michelle Oakley michelle.oakley@gov.yk.ca

Organization: Government of Yukon, Canada

Department: Department of Environment, Fish & Wildlife Branch

Title: regional biolgist and wildlife veterinarian

Specialties: wildlife management, veterinary medicine

Current Research: Ecology, management and health/disease studies of wolves, woodland caribou, moose, Dall sheep, grizzly and black bears, and wood bison. Captive caribou breeding program. Fertility control of wolves. Chemical immobilization of wildlife. Applications of portable ultrasound to wildlife projects- pregnancy determination, body condition determination, fish egg collections. Hoary marmot radio transmitter and data logger implants (internal).

Rachel Obbard robbard@seti.org

Organization: SETI Institute

Department: Thayer School of Engineering

Title: Senior Scientist

Specialties: Sea ice microstructure; materials characterization techniques; porous materials

Current Research: brine network topology

Martyn Obbard martyn.obbard@ontario.ca

Organization: Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry

Department: Wildlife Research and Development Section

Title: Research Scientist

Specialties: bears, population ecology, wildlife management

Current Research: Population ecology of southern Hudson Bay polar bears; denning habitat requirements; genetic structure of Hudson Bay polar bear populations

Steven Oberbauer oberbaue@fiu.edu

Organization: Florida International University

Department: Department of Biological Sciences

Title: Professor and Chair

Specialties: physiological ecology, ecosystem science, global warming

Current Research: Effects of long term warming and climate change on phenology and composition of tundra plant communities. Cold season physiology of tundra plants. Effects of altered soil water level on tundra ecosystem response, particularly trace gas fluxes. Combining manual and automated measurements for long-term monitoring of changes in tundra plant structure and function.

Friedrich Obleitner friedrich.obleitner@uibk.ac.at

Organization: University of Innsbruck

Department: Department of Meteorology and Geophysics

Specialties: environmental monitoring, atmospheric physics, glaciology

Current Research: ICEMASS project, mass balance, and energy balance investigations at Kongsvegen glacier, Svalbard. Regional atmospheric structure and relationships to glaciers.

Satochi Ochiai ochiai@crl.go.jp

Organization: National Institute of Information and Communications Technology

Department: Applied Research and Standards Division

Specialties: atmospheric sciences, remote sensing

Current Research: Study on stratosphere by microwave remote sensing. Development ground-based and spaceborne microwave instruments.

Ann Marie Odasz-Albrigtsen annmarie@fagmed.uit.no

Organization: UiT: The Arctic University of Norway

Department: Department of Arctic Biology

Title: Associate Professor

Specialties: plant ecology, botany

Current Research: Arctic plant population demographics. Plant response to grazing by reindeer in Norway and on Svalbard.

Daniel Odess daniel_odess@nps.gov

Organization: U.S. National Park Service

Title: assistant associate director, Park Cultural Resources Programs

Specialties: archaeology, anthropology, paleoecology

Current Research: North American Arctic prehistory. Arctic Small Tool tradition. Archaeology and Paleoecology of Laptev and East Siberian Seas. Siberian prehistory. Museum anthropology.

Jon Øyvind Odland joodland@online.no

Organization: UiT: The Arctic University of Norway

Department: Institute of Community Medicine

Title: Ass. Professor, Epidemiologist/ Gynecologist

Specialties: health care, epidemiology, medical sciences

Current Research: Reproductive health in arctic areas.

Walter Oechel oechel@sunstroke.sdsu.edu

Organization: San Diego State University

Department: Department of Biology - Global Change Research Group

Title: Director of Global Change Research Group

Specialties: global change, remote sensing, tundra ecology

Current Research: Carbon balance of arctic tundra. Land/atmosphere interaction. Positive and negative feedbacks on global change. Ecosystem physiology. Large scale functioning of arctic ecosystems.

Christoph Oelke coelke@uni-muenster.de

Organization: University of Münster

Department: Institute for Geophysics

Specialties: modeling, permafrost, remote sensing

Current Research: Historical arctic sea-ice charts. Hydrographic climatology for the Nordic, Barents, and Kara seas (including interaction with sea ice and the atmosphere [NAO]).

Julia Offen joffen@stanfordalumni.org

Organization: State University of New York at Oswego

Department: Anthropology

Title: Ph.D.

Specialties: cultural anthropology

Current Research: Arctic/Antarctic research communities

David Ogbe ffdoo@uaf.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Petroleum Development Laboratory

Specialties: petroleum engineering, modeling

Current Research: Coalbed Methane Resource Development for Energy in Rural Alaska. Optimization models for effective utilization of Alaskan North Slope natural gas resources. Formation evaluation and dynamic data integration for reservoir characterization. High-performance computing and methods for large-scale petroleum reservoir simulation.

Aynslie Ogden aynslie.ogden@gov.yk.ca

Organization: Government of Yukon, Canada

Department: Executive Council Office

Title: Senior Science Advisor

Specialties: science policy