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First Name Last Name Email
Terry Pavlis tpavlis@geology.uno.edu

Organization: University of New Orleans

Department: Department of Geology and Geophysics

Specialties: geology, geophysics, geodynamics

Current Research: Geology of the Chugach and St Elias Mountains. Geology of the Yukon-Tanana Upland.

Dmitriy Pavlov ddp@ibiw.yaroslavl.ru

Organization: Earth Cryosphere Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch

Department: Institute of Biology of Inland Waters (IBIW RAS)

Specialties: aquatic toxicology, pollution, environmental toxicology

Current Research: Studies of pollution of arctic ecosystems by persistent organic pollutants and trace elements. Riverine flux of pollutants to the arctic seas by Russian rivers.

Mark Pawlewicz pawlewicz@usgs.gov

Organization: U.S. Geological Survey

Title: Geologist

Specialties: geochemistry

Current Research: Geochemistry and geology of petroleum source rocks in ANWR. Thermal maturation and identification of organic matter in source rocks.

David Payer david_payer@nps.gov

Organization: U.S. National Park Service

Specialties: ecology, wildlife management

Current Research: Status and trends of arctic biodiveristy; Effects of climate change, development, and other stressors on arctic wildlife and habitats; Adaptive land management and conservation.

Serge Payette serge.payette@bio.ulaval.ca

Organization: Université Laval


Title: Professor

Specialties: plant ecology, fire ecology, climate change

Current Research: Tree line dynamics, disturbance ecology

Karen Pearson karen_pearson@health.state.ak.us

Organization: Alaska Department of Health and Social Services

Department: Division of Public Health

Title: Director

Specialties: public health, women's studies

Current Research: Working with women in the Russian Far East on self-sufficiency.

Roger Pearson mapping@alaska.net

Organization: Institute of the North

Specialties: geography, agriculture

Current Research: Alaska Atlas. Public Lands.

Georges Pearson ftgap@ku.edu

Organization: University of Kansas

Department: Anthropology Department

Title: Professor

Specialties: archaeology

Current Research: Moose Creek and Campus site re-excavation. Microblade technology. Early Beringian populations and the colonization of the Americas.

Carol Pease grtwater@mindspring.com

Department: Department of Physical Oceanography/Meteorology

Title: Arctic Environmental Consultant

Specialties: air-sea-ice interactions, fjord/shelf oceanography, heat transfer

Lindamae Peck lpeck@crrel.usace.army.mil

Organization: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory

Specialties: geophysics, environmental sciences, remote sensing

Leif Pedersen elmltp@gmail.com

Department: DTU-Space

Title: Senior Researcher

Specialties: sea ice remote sensing, sea ice modeling, sea ice navigation

Current Research: Air-sea-ice interaction in the Greenland Sea. Ice motion around Antarctica from satellite passive microwave observations. Internet distribution of ice charts and other relevant information for the European sector of the Arctic (Baffin Bay, Davis Strait, Kap Farewell Area, Denmark Strait, Iceland, Greenland Sea, Fram Strait, Barents Sea, Kara Sea).

Henning Pedersen hsp@greennet.gl

Organization: Government of Greenland

Department: Primary Health Care Center

Title: MD, PhD, District medical officer

Specialties: epidemiology, public health, environmental contaminants

Current Research: Cardiovascular diseases. Contaminants in humans. Human fertility in relation to contaminants. Osteoporosis.

Sverre Pedersen sverre_pedersen@fishgame.state.ak.us

Organization: Alaska Department of Fish and Game

Department: Division of Subsistence

Specialties: wildlife management, subsistence

Current Research: Energy development effects on spatial and quantitative aspects of subsistence harvest activities in arctic Alaskan communities.

Poul Møller Pedersen poulmp@bot.ku.dk

Organization: National History Museum, University of Copenhagen

Department: Department of Phycology

Title: Associate Professor

Specialties: macroalgae, biogeography

Current Research: Autecology and life-history patterns of arctic/sub-arctic macroalgae.

Søren Anker Pedersen sapfisk@msn.com

Title: Project Coordinator, PhD

Specialties: fisheries, zooplankton, marine ecology

Current Research: Ecosystem science. Coupling between climate, hydrography and recruitment variability of fishery resources off west Greenland.

Gunnar Pedersen gunnar.pedersen@akvaplan.niva.no

Organization: Akvaplan-niva

Department: Akvaplan-niva AS

Title: Scientist

Specialties: marine ecology, zooplankton, biological oceanography

W. Scott Pegau scott_pegau@fishgame.state.ak.us

Organization: Alaska Department of Fish and Game

Department: Kachemak Bay Research Reserve

Specialties: sea ice optics, physical oceanography, air-sea-ice interactions

Current Research: Frazil ice formation. Heat transfer in leads during the summer. Optical properties of sea ice.

Kim Pelle gc.usa@mindspring.com

Organization: Greenland Contractors

Department: Arctic Field Logistics

Title: Manager, Special Projects

Specialties: logistics, communications, engineering

Current Research: GC is the current O&M contractor for USAF at Thule AB in northern Greenland. With a staff of nearly 600 people located at Thule we are capable of providing logistics support to any science effort in the high arctic. GC also has a strong representation in Kangerlussuaq and in Nuuk. Furthermore, the GC project headquarters is located in Copenhagen, Denmark, with strong ties to the Danish government as well as the Greenland Home Rule government.

Tim (TC) Peltier fttcp@uaf.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Institute of Arctic Biology (IAB)

Title: Research Assistant

Specialties: muskox, nutrition, physiology

Current Research: Seasonal effects on metabolism of protein and energy in muskox.

Pertti J. (Bert) Pelto pjpelto@uconnvm.uconn.edu

Specialties: anthropology, medical sciences

Current Research: Sociocultural anthropology of the Saami peoples.

Beverly Pelto pelto@apl.washington.edu

Organization: University of Washington

Department: Polar Science Center - Applied Physics Laboratory

Title: SHEBA Program Coordinator

Current Research: SHEBA Program Coordinator.

Keith Pence pence@mail.sdsu.edu

Organization: San Diego State University

Department: Department of Geography

Title: Graduate Assistant

Specialties: aerobiology, microclimatology

Current Research: Temporal change of tundra phenology through aircraft NDVI.

Mihkali Pennanen mihkali.pennanen@helsinki.fi

Organization: University of Helsinki

Department: Department of Limnology

Title: Student of limnology

Specialties: limnology, fish

John Percival joperciv@nrcan.gc.ca

Organization: Natural Resources Canada

Department: Geological Survey of Canada - Continental Geoscience Division

Title: Research Scientist

Specialties: geology, mapping

Current Research: Geo-mapping for energy and minerals.

Sophia Perdikaris sophiap@brooklyn.cuny.edu

Organization: Brooklyn College

Department: Department of Anthropology and Archaeology

Title: Associate Professor

Specialties: archaeology, environmental studies

Current Research: The transition from the Viking Age to medieval times in North Norway and how the early commercialization of the cod fisheries (AD 1200) affected the people and the economy of the area. zooarchaeology collecting DNA information from fish bone assemblages from ancient sites.