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First Name Last Name Email
Don Conlee dconlee@tamu.edu

Organization: Texas A&M University, College Station

Title: Instructional Professor

Specialties: meteorology, remote sensing

Current Research: SSM/T-2 retrievals of Integrated Water Vapor in polar regions. SSM/I retrievals of Ice Concentration.

Sandra Connelly sjcsbi@rit.edu

Organization: Rochester Institute of Technology

Department: Department of Biological Sciences

Title: Assistant Professor

Specialties: aquatic ecology, evolution

James Conner jconner@asf.alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Alaska SAR Facility

Title: Deputy DAAC Manager

Specialties: physics, remote sensing, ocean-atmosphere interactions

Current Research: Interpretation of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery.

Peter Connors pgconnors@ucdavis.edu

Organization: University of California, Santa Barbara

Department: Bodega Marine Laboratory

Title: Research Ecologist

Specialties: ornithology, avian ecology, plant ecology

Current Research: Shorebird ecology and behavior. Shorebird breeding use of arctic and subarctic tundra. Shorebird use of arctic and subarctic coastal habitats.

Robert Conover rconover@eagle.ca

Organization: Trent University

Department: Watershed Ecosystems

Specialties: sea ice biota, ice chemistry, salmon

Current Research: Arctic community structure. Arctic zoo plankton.

Jon Conrad jmc16@cornell.edu

Organization: Cornell University

Title: Professor

Specialties: economics

Current Research: Bioeconomics and resource management.

Howard Conway hcon@uw.edu

Organization: University of Washington

Department: Earth and Space Sciences Department

Title: Research Professor

Specialties: glaciology, snow

Current Research: -Response of glaciers in Scandinavia and North America to climate change -Dynamic controls on tidewater-glacier retreat - a study of Columbia Glacier Controls on isotopic signatures recorded in snow and ice

David Cook drcook@anl.gov

Organization: Argonne National Laboratory

Department: Environmental Science Division

Title: Scientific Associate, Senior

Specialties: meteorology, meteorological instrumentation, atmospheric physics

Current Research: DOE ARM Program NSA; meteorological measurements in Barrow, AK.

Marilyn Cook mjcook@paisd.net

Organization: Port Aransas Independent School District

Title: Teacher

Specialties: education

Current Research: School teacher and work with our NSF project with the Dr. Ken Dunton. Also a Teachers Experiencing the Arctic and Antarctic associate as a teacher that uses polar science in the classroom.

Don Cook dcook@nrcan.gc.ca

Organization: Natural Resources Canada

Department: Geological Survey of Canada

Title: Research Scientist (Emeritus)

Specialties: structural geology, stratigraphy

Current Research: Sub-surface Proterozoic structure and stratigraphy of the northern Interior Plains.

Joseph Cook cookjose@unm.edu

Organization: University of New Mexico

Department: Biology Department

Title: Professor; Director of Museum of Southwestern Biology (MSB) and Curator, Division of Mammals, MSB

Specialties: mammalogy, evolution, conservation biology

Current Research: Host, pathogen, parasite dynamics. Molecular systematics of arctic vertebrates. Arctic biogeography. Beringia. Microtus. Sorex. Lepus. Spermophilus. Mydoes. Glaucomys. Phoca. Zapus.

Andrea Cook

Organization: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Department: Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry L-397

Specialties: physiological ecology, plant ecology, climate change

Current Research: Effects of long-term (>100 year) elevated CO2 exposure on terrestrial. Plant ecosystems: Lessons from natural CO2 springs worldwide.

Bill Cooke

Organization: Motorola

Department: Iridium Department

Title: Account Manager

Specialties: communications, satellites

John Cooley cooleyj@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Organization: Fisheries and Oceans Canada in the Arctic Region

Department: Central and Arctic Region

Title: Regional Director, Science, Oceans, and Environment

Specialties: science management

Lee Cooper cooper@umces.edu

Organization: Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

Department: Center for Environmental Science

Title: Research Professor

Specialties: chemical oceanography, biological oceanography

Current Research: Stable and radioisotope distributions, particularly as they relate to anthropogenic impacts. Benthic carbon cycling on arctic shelves and marginal seas. UV-B measurements, as they relate to cytological and molecular damage in high-latitude organisms.

Doreen Cooper dccooper_99840@yahoo.com

Organization: Arctic Interagency Visitor Center

Title: Volunteer

Specialties: archaeology, anthropology, history

Catharine Copass catharine_copass@nps.gov

Organization: U.S. National Park Service

Department: Institute of Arctic Biology (IAB)

Title: Plant Ecologist

Specialties: ecosystem modeling, plant ecology, CO2 modeling

Current Research: LAII/ATLAS Project. Development of a dynamic vegetation model of the Pan-Arctic.

Laurent Coppola laurent.coppola@nrm.se

Organization: Observatoire Oceanologique de Villefranche

Department: Laboratory of Isotope Geology (LIG)

Title: Researcher Assistant Physicist - Head of Observation Department

Specialties: marine geochemistry, marine chemistry

Current Research: Interaction of thorium with marine organic matter in the shelf region

Brian Corb corb@ohm.com

Organization: Ball Aerospace

Department: Technical Services

Title: Project Engineer

Specialties: environmental remediation, soil mechanics, geotechnical engineering

Current Research: Point Barrow/Icy Point

Helen Corbett helencorbett@shaw.ca

Organization: Arctic Institute of North America

Title: Researcher

Specialties: Aleut culture, human/environment interaction

Current Research: Impact of development on human communities of the Bering Sea, and in turn their impact on their natural communities (specifically, comparing Pribilof Islands, Alaska to Commander Islands, Russia). Aleut cultures and their island ecosystem. Bering Sea bioregion: island ecosystems, island botany, fur seals, seabirds, involuntary social change, animal rights, religious beliefs, psychology.

Debra Corbett debbie_corbett@fws.gov

Organization: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Department: Division of Visitors Services and Fire

Title: Archaeologist

Specialties: archaeology, human ecology, zooarchaeology

Current Research: Paleoecology -Human environment interactions -Plaeoecology of the Aleutian Islands -Aleutian archaelogy and history -Kenai Peninsula archaeology -Cultural landscapes

Néstor Correa ncorrea@t-online.de

Specialties: sustainable development, data management

Current Research: Sustainable human development. Protection of water and soil resources. Data collection, archive, management, and dissemination. Quality control and assurance systems. Climate change and modeling. El niño/southern oscillation. Environmental monitoring.

Edel Cortez ecortez@crrel.usace.army.mil

Organization: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory

Department: Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Research Division

Title: Research Scientist

Specialties: materials engineering, forensic engineering, pavements engineering

Current Research: Concrete admixtures. Cold weather construction and rehabilitation.

Susan Cosens cosenss@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Organization: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Bedford Institute of Oceanography

Department: Arctic Stock Assessment

Title: Research Scientist

Specialties: marine mammals, animal behavior, acoustics

Current Research: Status of Baffin Bay-Davis Strait and Hudson Bay-Foxe Basin bowhead whales: abundance estimation, stock discrimination, distribution and movements, recovery modeling.

Daniel Costa costa@ucsc.edu

Organization: University of California, Santa Cruz

Department: Department of Biology

Title: Distinguished Professor

Specialties: bioenergetics, marine mammals, ecology

Current Research: Foraging ecology and reproductive energetics of the Northern fur seal. Effects of oil on marine mammals. Marine mammal ecology. Foraging ecology and effects of low frequency water borne sounds