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Vladimir Churun churun@aari.nw.ru

Organization: Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute of Roshydromet

Department: Department of Oceanography

Title: Senior Scientist

Specialties: ocean engineering, oceanography, sea ice

Current Research: Joint Russian-German project "Laptev Sea System 2001."

Boris Cisewski boris.cisewski@thuenen.de

Organization: Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute

Specialties: Physical Oceanography, Climate variability, Operational Oceanography, Biological Oceanography

Current Research: Physical oceanography of the North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean
Investigation on the influence of physical processes on fish stocks and marine ecosystems in the North Atlantic and Arctic Ocean
Development of non-invasive measuring methods and new measuring strategies for the monitoring of fish stocks and marine ecosystem

Thomas Clair tom.clair@ec.gc.ca

Organization: Dalhousie University

Department: Canadian Wildlife Service - Atlantic Region

Title: Adjunct Professor

Specialties: climate change, aquatic chemistry, hydrology

Current Research: Water resource-ecosystem interactions in a changing climate.

James Clark jclark@crrel41.crrel.usace.army.mil

Organization: U.S. Navy

Department: Engineering Department

Title: Lieutenant Commander

Specialties: structural engineering, acoustics, materials engineering

Current Research: Optical properties of sea ice.

David Clark dlclarksr@gmail.com

Specialties: marine geology, micropaleontology, paleoclimatology

Current Research: Arctic Ocean sediment and geochemistry of the water. Early history of the Arctic Ocean.

Ian Clark idclark@uottawa.ca

Organization: University of Ottawa

Department: Department of Earth Sciences

Title: Professor

Specialties: groundwater, climate change, paleoclimatology

Current Research: Arctic Hydrogeology and Paleohydrogeology.

Fred Clark fclark@fs.fed.us

Organization: U.S. Department of Agriculture

Department: Wildlife, Fisheries, Ecology, and Watershed

Title: Director, Office of Tribal Relations

Specialties: anthropology, Native studies, resource management

Current Research: SE Alaska/Community-based decision making. Alaska/traditional ecological knowledge and Western science collaboration. SE and Southcentral Alaska/Heritage management. Subsistence management.

Chris Clark c.clark@sheffield.ac.uk

Organization: University of Sheffield

Department: Department of Geography

Title: Sorby Chair of Geoscience

Specialties: paleoglaciology, glacial geomorphology, remote sensing

Current Research: Arctic Canada, and Kola Peninsula, Russia

R. Allyn Clarke clarkea@mar.dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Organization: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Bedford Institute of Oceanography

Department: Department of Fisheries and Oceans

Title: Scientist Emeritus

Specialties: physical oceanography, climate change, ocean circulation

Current Research: Labrador Sea circulation. Labrador current. Flow through the Arctic Archipelago.

Garry Clarke clarke@eos.ubc.ca

Organization: University of British Columbia

Department: Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences

Title: Professor

Specialties: glaciology, global change, geophysics

Current Research: Field research on Trapridge Glacier, St Elias Mtns, Yukon, on "Cause and mechanics of glacier surging". Computer-based research on stability of ice sheets and mechanisms of abrupt climate change. Projections of future deglaciation.

C. Robert Clauer rclauer@vt.edu

Organization: Virginia Tech

Department: Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Science

Title: Professor

Specialties: magnetospheric physics, space physics, ionospheric physics

Current Research: Solar wind, magnetosphere, ionosphere electrodynamics and energy coupling. Greenland magnetometer arrays. Incoherent scatter radar.

Preben Clausen pc@dmu.dk

Organization: Danish National Environmental Research Institute

Department: Department of Coastal Zone Ecology

Title: Research Biologist

Specialties: avian biology, bird populations, bird migration

Current Research: Atlantic Brant population dynamics and ecology (Greenland/Svalbard Archipelago populations). Predator/breeding Brant interactions.

Thomas Clausen tpclausen@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Specialties: organic chemistry, ecology

Current Research: -Examination of Alaska Bog Blueberry for secondary metabolites that influence cells undergoing oxidative stress. This is a project that is run in conjuction with Dr. Kuhn's laboratory in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. Dr. Kuhn oversees the development and running of bioassays while I isolate compounds for identification and testing as well as design and run quantitative analyses of the active compounds.

Karen Clautice karen@dnr.state.ak.us

Organization: Alaska Department of Natural Resources

Department: Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys (DGGS)

Specialties: geology, mineralogy, mining

Current Research: Geologic map of the Healy A-6 quadrangle, southcentral Alaska.

Pablo Clemente-Colón geosentio@gmail.com

Organization: U.S. National Ice Center

Department: U.S. National Ice Center (NIC)

Title: NIC Chief Scientist

Specialties: sea ice, remote sensing, satellites, oceanography, Arctic and Antarctic buoy observing networks

Karina Clemmensen karina.clemmensen@slu.se

Organization: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Department: Department of Forest Mycology Pathology

Specialties: plant ecology, soil ecology

Lisa Clough lclough@nsf.gov

Organization: U.S. National Science Foundation

Department: Division of Ocean Sciences

Title: Section Head

Specialties: benthic ecology, benthic oceanography, geochemistry

Current Research: Northeast water polynya. Arctic ocean section.

Jim Clough jgclough@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS)

Title: Affiliate Professor

Specialties: geology, sedimentology, stratigraphy

Current Research: Carbonate sequence stratigraphy. Brooks Range and North Slope carbonate sequence stratigraphy. Sedimentology, especially Proterozoic-age rocks. Coalbed methane.

Gary Clow gclow@colorado.edu

Organization: University of Colorado Boulder

Department: Earth Surface Dynamics

Title: Sr. Research Associate

Specialties: climate change, ice sheet geophysics, paleoclimatology

Current Research: Borehole Paleothermometry - Paleoclimate reconstruction using high-precision borehole temperature measurements acquired in polar ice sheets (Greenland/Antarctica) and in permafrost. Monitoring shallow permafrost temperatures as an indicator of contemporary climate change.

H. Dean Cluff dean_cluff@gov.nt.ca

Organization: Government of the Northwest Territories

Department: Environment and Natural Resources

Title: Regional Biologist

Specialties: wolves, wolf populations, bears, caribou

Current Research: Wolf denning and abundance in the central Arctic of mainland Canada. Movements and genetics of northern wolves. Ecology of barren-ground grizzly bears.

Bernard Coakley bjcoakley@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Department of Geology and Geophysics

Title: Professor

Specialties: marine geophysics, tectonophysics, data processing/analysis

Current Research: Analysis of multi-channel seismic reflection, bathymetry and gravity anomaly data collected from ice breakers nuclear-powered submarines all over the Arctic Ocean.

Janice Cori Cobb rtcanal@over-the-rainbow.com

Title: M.A., Physical Anthropology (UAF)

Specialties: anthropology, archaeology, forensic anthropology

Current Research: Molecular anthropology/archaeology. Paleopathology. Human osteology. Polar expeditionary history, physiological adaptation (especially regarding 18th-19th century polar explorers).

James Cochran jrc@ldeo.columbia.edu

Organization: Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (Columbia University)

Department: Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

Title: Research Professor

Specialties: marine geophysics, geodynamics, tectonophysics

Current Research: Analysis of gravity and bathymetry data obtained on nuclear submarines. Offshore relict permafrost and associated methane hydrates

J. Kirk Cochran kcochran@notes.cc.sunysb.edu

Organization: State University of New York at Stony Brook

Department: Marine Sciences Research Center

Title: Professor

Specialties: chemical oceanography, marine geochemistry, radioactive isotopes

Current Research: Chemical oceanography of the northeast water polynya.

Oakley Cochran icewave@alaska.com

Organization: Self

Title: Freelance Journalist and Scientist

Specialties: glaciology, animal behavior, anthropology

Current Research: Photographer and writer specializing in the Arctic -- both underwater/ice and topside (video and stills). Currently researching Inuit history of North Baffin Island. Marine mammals -- especially whale and polar bear behaviour.