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Ruediger Stein rstein@awi.de

Organization: Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research

Department: Department of Marine Geology

Specialties: marine geology, organic geochemistry, glacimarine processes

Current Research: Laptev and Kara Sea continental margin, central Arctic Ocean, Yermak Plateau, East Greenland continental margin.

Michael Stekoll jfmss@acad1.alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences (SFOS) - Juneau Center

Specialties: algae, mariculture, marine ecology

Current Research: Pollution, oil spills - projects with Exon trustees on injury, recovery and restoration of macroalgae - both subtidal and intertidal - after the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Biological feasibility of the mariculture of Porphyra and other seaweeds. Effects of submarine tailings and disposal of mine tailings on the recovery of benthos. Toxicology of mine process wastes on marine biota.

Pete Stelling ftpls@uaf.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Geophysical Institute (GI)

Title: Research Assistant

Specialties: volcanology

Current Research: Conducting a comparison of contrasting eruptive styles for adjacent volcanic systems. Work focuses on Shishaldin Volcano and Fisher Caldera, in the Aleutian Islands, Alaska. Shishaldin is predominantly strombolian in character, whereas Fisher is dominated by Plinian and UltraPlinian (?) activity. These two systems are separatedby ~25 km. Other distinctions between these two systems are the presence of 54 flank vents associated with Shishaldin and less than 5 associated with Fisher. Research is being conducted through comparison of case studies on each system.

Heidi Steltzer steltzer_h@fortlewis.edu

Organization: Fort Lewis College

Department: Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory

Title: Professor

Specialties: biochemistry, ecology, ecosystem science

Current Research: treeline ecology and effects on system biogeochemistry nonlinear ecosystem responses to climate change in polar deserts Arctic ecosystem development

Lars Stemmerik ls@geus.dk

Organization: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland

Department: Department of Stratigraphy

Title: Senior Research Geologist

Specialties: geology, sedimentology, stratigraphy

Current Research: Upper Paleozoic sedimentology and stratigraphy, East and North Greenland.

Martin Stendel mas@dmi.dk

Organization: Danish Meteorological Institute

Department: Danish Climate Centre

Specialties: climate modeling, global change, cryosphere

Current Research: Arctic regional climate modeling, permafrost modelling, Greenland ice sheet and its mass balance, Arctic climate change

Alison Stenger alisonstenger@comcast.net

Organization: Institute For Archaeological Studies

Department: Department of Archaeology

Title: Director of Research -- Ph.D. in Cultural Anthropology

Specialties: archaeology, material culture, museum studies, prehistory, site location prediction, paleoarchaeological resources

Current Research: Prehistoric ceramics/cultures. Indications of migrations through material culture. Focus is on late Pleistocene archaeological sites. Separate research in late Pleistocene sites and paleoenvironments

Iain Stenhouse iain.stenhouse@briloon.org

Organization: Biodiversity Research Institute

Title: Arctic Program Director

Specialties: Biology, Ecology of birds and mammals
Mercury in wildlife

Douglas Stenton dstenton1@gov.nu.ca

Organization: Government of Nunavut

Department: Culture and Heritage Department

Title: Chief Archaeologist

Specialties: archaeology, Inuit culture, zooarchaeology

Current Research: Dorset-Thule contact. Inuit education and training. Terrestrial adaptations. Repatriation. Archaeology. Policy and legislation.

Igor Stepanov dspi@aari.nw.ru

Organization: Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute of Roshydromet

Department: Department of Ship Performance in Ice

Title: Leading Research Scientist

Specialties: marine engineering, oil and gas development, sea ice

Current Research: Ice loads on ship/offshore structures and submarine pipelines. Ship operation in ice-infested waters. Ice mechanics. Development of offshore oil and gas fields in the Arctic.

Kathrin Stephen kathrin.stephen@iass-potsdam.de

Organization: Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies

Title: Scientific Projekt Leader; Senior Fellow

Specialties: Governance, sustainability, Arctic, cooperation and conflict, transdisciplinarity

Current Research: Global Change and Arctic Sustainable Transformations (GloCAST)
Arctic Impact on Weather and Climate (Blue-Action)

Scott Stephenson stephenson@uconn.edu

Organization: RAND Corporation

Department: Department of Geography

Title: Physical Scientist

Specialties: Environmental change, GIS, climate change, shipping, geopolitics, economic geography

Steven Stephenson slsteph@uark.edu

Organization: University of Arkansas

Department: Department of Biological Sciences

Title: Research Professor

Specialties: mycology, ecology, biodiversity

Current Research: Biodiversity and ecology of slime molds and fungi in high-latitude ecosystems.

Thomas Stephenson tomst@fishgame.state.ak.us

Organization: Alaska Department of Fish and Game

Department: Moose Research Center

Specialties: nutritional ecology, wildlife management

Current Research: Nutritional ecology and reproductive biology of moose, caribou, and wolves.

Velma Sterenberg velma.sterenberg@inac.gc.ca

Organization: Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada

Department: NT Mineral Development Division

Title: District Geologist

Specialties: mineral deposits, mine reclamation, geo-environmental modeling

Current Research: Mineral deposits, exploration, and mining.

Pamela Stern pstern@sterlingcollege.edu

Organization: Sterling College

Department: Center for Northern Studies

Title: Adjunct Lecturer

Specialties: Inuit culture, Native communities, social anthropology

Current Research: Work discipline and administration of work in contemporary Canadian Arctic.

Richard Stern dstern8107@aol.com

Organization: Cultural Resource Consultants LLC

Specialties: anthropology, archaeology, cultural adaptation

Current Research: Reindeer herding, culture change, and prehistoric, historic, and contemporary cultural adaptations to the changing environmental conditions in the Arctic and subarctic.

Harry Stern hstern@uw.edu

Organization: University of Washington

Department: Polar Science Center - Applied Physics Laboratory

Title: Mathematician

Specialties: sea ice remote sensing

Gary Stern gary.stern@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Organization: Centre of Earth Observation Science (University of Manitoba)

Department: Clayton H. Ridell Faculty of Environment, Earth and Resources

Title: Adjunct Faculty

Specialties: biogeochemistry, marine chemistry, beluga whales

DeAnne Stevens deanne_stevens@dnr.state.ak.us

Organization: Alaska Department of Natural Resources

Department: Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys (DGGS)

Title: Geologist

Specialties: quaternary geology, permafrost, engineering geology

Current Research: Quaternary, surficial, and engineering geology of the Rampart region, central Alaska. Quaternary, surficial, and engineering geology of the Ophir-Poorman area, west-central Alaska. Tephrochronology of the Kenai Peninsula, southcentral Alaska.

Michael Stevens stevens@uap2.nrl.navy.mil

Organization: U.S. Naval Research Laboratory

Department: Upper Atmospheric Physics Branch

Title: Research Physicist

Specialties: aeronomy, remote sensing, rockets and missiles

Current Research: Mesospheric Clouds, Decadal-scale change in the upper atmosphere

Henry Stewart hon-stew@hinocatv.ne.jp

Organization: Showa Women’s University

Department: School of Graduate Studies

Title: Professor

Specialties: cultural anthropology, Inuit culture, Native rights

Current Research: Netsilik Inuit concentrated in Canada NWT Pelly Bay (since 1975). Cultural continuity and transition. Subsistence activities: pre-war and present.

Jamie Stewart jamie.stewart@casp.co.uk

Organization: Cambridge Arctic Shelf Programme

Department: Earth Sciences

Title: Geologist

Specialties: geology, geographic information systems

Current Research: Arctic-wide reconstructions.

Andrew Stewart astewart@interware.net

Title: Consulting Archaeologist

Specialties: archaeology, Inuit culture, geoarchaeology

Current Research: Origins and land use of inland-dwelling Inuit west of Hudson Bay, Nunavut, Canada.

Brent Stewart brent@tmre.org

Organization: Terra Marine Research & Education Inc.

Title: Senior Research Biologist

Specialties: marine mammals, ecology, environmental law

Current Research: Distribution, habitat use, and foraging ecology of arctic marine mammals. Effects of natural vs. anthropogenic change, environmental change, and other human-related impacts of the demography and ecology of marine vertebrates. Domestic and international regimes governing the management of living marine resources.