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Sharon Smith ssmith@nrcan.gc.ca

Organization: Natural Resources Canada

Department: Terrain Sciences Division - Geological Survey of Canada

Title: Permafrost Research Scientist

Specialties: permafrost terrains, climate change, environmental sciences

Current Research: Permafrost sensitivity to climate change. Compilation of national permafrost and ground temperature databases. Natural gas hydrates. Geographic information system.

Thomas Smith fnts@uaf.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences (SFOS) - Seward Marine Center

Title: Assistant Director (Marine Superintendent)

Specialties: logistics

Current Research: Research vessel scheduling

Paul Smith paulallensmith@canada.com

Organization: Trent University

Department: Department of Biology

Specialties: ornithology, population ecology, seabirds

Current Research: Primary interests are in shorebird breeding ecology. Esp. the Red Phalaropes, Phalaropus fulicaria, of Southampton Island.

Sharon Smith ssmith@rsmas.miami.edu

Organization: University of Miami

Department: Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences – MBF

Specialties: biological oceanography, zooplankton

Current Research: Ecology of zooplankton of the Bering Sea shelf, the Fram Strait, the Northeast Water Polynya. Ice edge biology.

Kevin Smith kevin_p_smith@brown.edu

Organization: Haffenreffer Museum of Anthropology

Department: Haffenreffer Museum of Anthropology

Title: Deputy Director/Chief Curator

Specialties: Archaeology, Social Science/Humanities/Natural Science interface, North Atlantic, archaeological materials analysis

Current Research: Colonization, settlement, land-use, and political change in the North Atlantic. My primary research focuses on Iceland, preferring a long-term perspective on change spanning the 9th-19th centuries, rather than an exclusive focus on one period or analytical specialization. Current and active research on the use and interpretation of a Viking Age ritual site within one of Iceland's longest lava caves, on geochemical analyses of Icelandic opals and jaspers, and on the geochemical analysis of pigments used on Icelandic medieval illuminated manuscripts are all parts of a longer-term focus on materiality, mobility, and socio-political change in western Iceland and the North Atlantic.
I am also currently a co-PI on the NSF-funded Arctic Horizons project, examining priorities and goals for US social science research and funding in the North over the next decade.

Stacy Lynn Smith sstacy33@ims.alaska.edu

Specialties: marine chemistry, organic geochemistry

Current Research: Sediment trap work on the Bering Sea shelf.

Michele Smith michele_smith@brown.edu

Organization: Haffenreffer Museum of Anthropology

Department: Haffenreffer Museum of Anthropology

Title: Research Associate

Specialties: Archaeological textiles, gender, Norse societies of the Arctic.

Current Research: Textiles research in the North Atlantic, Iceland, Greenland, Faroe Islands and Scotland.

Jenny Leigh Smith jenny.smith@yale.edu

Organization: Yale University

Department: Department of History

Title: Postdoctoral Associate

Specialties: history of science, agriculture, resource management

Current Research: Svalbard and Murmansk Oblast

Valene Smith vsmith@oavax.csuchico.edu

Specialties: cultural anthropology, community development

Current Research: Tourism development in circumpolar areas.

David Smith dsmith3@d.umn.edu

Organization: University of Minnesota

Department: Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Specialties: cultural anthropology, ethnology, folklore

Current Research: Athabaskan ontology and mythology.

Joseph Smith jpsmith@usna.edu

Organization: U.S. Naval Academy

Department: Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences

Title: Associate Chair; Associate Professor

Specialties: Biogeochemistry

Current Research: The Alaska North Slope Material Flux Study (AKMFS), is a multi-year field project sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) The AKMFS is a collaboration between the U.S. Naval Academy Polar Science & Technology Program (USNA-PS&TP), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research & Development Center, Cold Regions Research & Engineering Laboratory (CRREL), Fairbanks, AK, the U.S. Military Academy (USMA), and the U.S. Coast Guard Academy (USCGA). The overall goal of the AKMFS project is to investigate how seasonal-to-interannual variability in landscape-specific source contributions changes surface water chemistry in the Sagavanirktok and Kuparuk Rivers on the North Slope of Alaska and how material and heat fluxes through these rivers change as they flow from the Brooks Range to the Beaufort Sea.

Laurence Smith laurence_smith@brown.edu

Organization: Brown University

Title: John Atwater and Diana Nelson University Professor of Environment and Society

Specialties: remote sensing, hydrology, cryosphere

Current Research: SAR remote sensing. Russian rivers. Glaciology.

Daniel Smith dwsmith@ualberta.ca

Organization: University of Alberta

Department: Civil and Environmental Engineering

Title: Professor and Director

Specialties: environmental engineering, wastewater management, water quality

Current Research: Public and environmental health protection through water treatment and wastewater treatment are my primary areas of work. I am involved in both areas of research in the prairie provinces and the territories. I also work on the application of advanced oxidation processes for water and wastewater treatment.

Howard Smith hsmith@ak.blm.gov

Organization: Bureau of Land Management Alaska

Department: Northwest Management Team

Title: Archaeologist

Specialties: archaeology

Current Research: Northwest Alaska historic mining archaeology.

Laura Smith laura.smith@arcticscience.org

Organization: Barrow Arctic Science Consortium

Department: ECHO - Nuvuk Project

Specialties: archaeology, human/environment interaction, subsistence

Current Research: Western Arctic. Marine mammal hunting. Old Whaling. Choris/Norton. Pottery. Lower Alaska Peninsula. Pleistocene/Holocene transition.

Roger Smith rwsmith@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Geophysical Institute, Space Physics

Title: Emeritus Director

Specialties: aeronomy, auroral studies, ionospheric physics

Current Research: Studies of dayside auroral dynamics. Studies of magnetospheric imaging. Studies of mesospheric dynamics. Ion drift and ion temperature studies. Studies of upper thermosphere temperatures at the South Pole.

David Smith dcsmith@gso.uri.edu

Organization: University of Rhode Island

Department: Graduate School of Oceanography

Specialties: biological oceanography, aquatic microbiology, biogeochemistry

Current Research: Characterization of microbial communities residing in deeply buried arctic sediments.

Rod Smith rodsmith@nrcan.gc.ca

Organization: Natural Resources Canada

Department: Natural Resources Canada

Title: Research Scientist

Specialties: glacial geomorphology, climate change, paleolimnology

Current Research: Quaternary geology Banks Island and Tertiary Beaufort Formation

Eric Smith easmith@u.washington.edu

Organization: University of Washington

Department: Department of Anthropology

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: anthropology, human ecology, demography

William Smoker ffwws@uaf.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences (SFOS) - Juneau Center

Specialties: salmon, fish populations, fisheries management

Current Research: Conservation Biology of Pacific Salmon. Outbreeding Depression Ocean Ranching of Pacific Salmon.

John Smol smolj@biology.queensu.ca

Organization: Queen's University

Department: Department of Biology

Title: Professor

Specialties: paleolimnology, limnology, algae

Current Research: Limnology and paleolimnology of high arctic islands, as well as Alaska and Siberia.

Vasily Smolyanitsky vms@aari.nw.ru

Organization: Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute of Roshydromet

Department: Laboratory of Sea Ice Climate Manuals

Title: Head of Laboratory

Specialties: data management, sea ice, physical oceanography

Current Research: WMO/IOC JCOMM Expert Team on Sea Ice. WMO project "Global Digital Sea Ice Data Bank." Joint USA-Russian Arctic Sea Ice Atlas on CD-ROM.

Steven Smyth smyth.s@klondiker.com

Organization: Yukon University

Department: Arts and Science Department

Title: Adjunct Instructor

Specialties: political science

Current Research: Yukon Constitution. Comparative research on the constitutional development of Alaska, Yukon, and Greenland.

Ian Snowball ian.snowball@geol.lu.se

Organization: Lund University

Department: Quaternary Geology Department

Specialties: quaternary geology, paleomagnetism, paleoclimatology

Current Research: Carved-lake sediments as archives of environmental and climate change.

Lloyd Snowdon snowdon@nrcan.gc.ca

Organization: Natural Resources Canada

Department: Geological Survey of Canada - Calgary

Title: Research Scientist

Specialties: organic geochemistry, environmental chemistry

Current Research: Oil source systems in the Liard, Mackenzie Corridor, Eagle Plain, Mackenzie Delta, Beaufort Sea, Sverdrup, and Franklinian Geosyncline Basins. Petroleum generation kinetics with an emphasis on natural gas generation at low levels of thermal stress. Occurrence and stability of permafrost hydrates. Naturally occurring background levels of hydrocarbons such as PAH and petroleum biomarkers in Arctic sediments.