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First Name Last Name Email
Maria Ananicheva maranan@gmail.com

Organization: Earth Cryosphere Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch

Department: Glaciology

Title: Leading Researcher

Specialties: water quality

Current Research: INTAS on interection of glacial and buried natural ice RFBR on reconstruction of main glaciologic parameters by the climatic paleo scenarios for the warming period in the past

Cort Anastasio canastasio@ucdavis.edu

Organization: University of California, Davis

Department: Department of Land, Air & Water Resources

Title: Professor

Specialties: snow chemistry, ice chemistry, atmospheric chemistry

Current Research: Photochemistry on snow and ice grains and its effects on snow composition and emissions to the atmosphere

Dale Andersen dandersen@seti.org

Organization: U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Department: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI Institute)

Specialties: limnology, geography, biogeochemistry

Current Research: Studies of perennial springs in thick, continuous permafrost. Ice-covered, ice-dammed lakes of the Canadian high arctic.

Ole Andersen luscus@mail.dk

Organization: Luscus Nature Watch

Title: Director, and employed off and on as scientific assistant at Aarhus University, Bioscience

Specialties: marine invertebrates, zooplankton, sea ice biota, benthos

Current Research: Marine ecology, marine benthos, Marine zooplankton - primary productivity and hydrography.

Bo Andersen bo.andersen@spacecentre.no

Organization: Norwegian Space Centre

Department: Department of Space and Earth Sciences

Title: Director General

Specialties: solar physics, satellites, science management

Current Research: Atmospheric sciences. EISCAT, Svalsat, Svalrak, Space Research.

David Andersen resnorth@eagle.ptialaska.net

Organization: Retired

Specialties: Native studies, subsistence, wildlife management

Current Research: Interior Alaska subsistence economies and wildlife resource issues. Yukon River subsistence salmon fisheries. Contemporary use of dog teams. Subsistence harvest and use of Koyukuk River moose, caribou, and bears.

Katrine Andersen kka@dmi.dk

Organization: Technical University of Denmark

Title: Senior Vice President and Dean of Research

Specialties: climate modeling, paleoclimatology, glaciology

Current Research: Modeling of atmospheric tracers (dust). NGRIP ice core drilling.

James Anderson james.anderson@asu.edu

Organization: Arizona State University

Department: Environmental Fluid Dynamics Program

Title: Research Scientist

Specialties: atmospheric chemistry, air pollution

Current Research: Tropospheric aerosols in Arctic (Spitsbergen, Alaska, Siberia).

Douglas Anderson douglas_anderson@brown.edu

Organization: Brown University

Department: Department of Anthropology

Title: Chairman

Specialties: archaeology, ethnology

Current Research: Late prehistoric-early historic archaeology in northwest Alaska.

Wanni Anderson wanni_anderson@brown.edu

Organization: Brown University

Department: Department of Anthropology

Title: Adjunct Professor of Anthropology

Specialties: ethnology, folklore

Current Research: Oral history among Selawik and Kobuk Inupiat, northwest Alaska.

David Anderson david.anderson@abdn.ac.uk

Organization: University of Aberdeen

Department: Department of Archaeology and Social Anthropology

Title: Chair in The Anthropology of the North

Specialties: anthropology, Athabaskan studies, Siberian peoples

Current Research: Comparative study of local models of caribou behaviour in Taimyr and in the Mackenzie Delta. Starting a project on models of plant and forest use in Gwich'in communities in Canada. General interest includes the study of aboriginal rights in a circumpolar perspective, northern development policy, reindeer herding, animal translocations in the circumpolar north, and the ideology of mixed-blood (metis) and 'pure blood' identities.

Myrdene Anderson myanders@purdue.edu

Organization: Purdue University

Department: Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Title: Associate Professor of Anthropology

Specialties: anthropology, linguistics, ecology

Current Research: Saami ethnoecology.

Roger Anderson roger@apl.washington.edu

Organization: University of Washington

Department: Polar Science Center - Applied Physics Laboratory

Title: Principal Mathematician

Specialties: oceanography, meteorology, logistics

Mark Anderson mra@unl.edu

Organization: University of Nebraska - Lincoln

Department: Department of Geosciences

Title: Associate Professor

Specialties: meteorology, climatology, sea ice remote sensing

Current Research: Melt onset in Arctic sea ice regions. Passive microwave remote sensing. Atmospheric/ice interactions. Climate variability.

Robert Anderson robert.m.anderson@saic.com

Organization: Science Applications International Corporation

Department: Maritime Systems Solutions Division

Title: Acoustician

Specialties: acoustics, bathymetry, ocean engineering

Current Research: Development of new buoy mounted instrument to acquire bathymetry in polar regions; arctic science observations from submarines; scientific adviser to General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans and International Bathymetric Charts of Arctic and Southern Oceans

N. John Anderson njanderson@smm.org

Organization: St. Croix Watershed Research Station

Title: Professor

Current Research: Environment. Diatoms, lake sediments, atmospheric pollution, paleoecology. West Greenland.

David Anderson dave.anderson@noaa.gov

Organization: U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Department: National Weather Service

Title: Officer in Charge

Specialties: climatology

T.I. Hauge Andersson

Organization: Danish Geodata Agency

Title: Logistics Officer

Specialties: logistics

Current Research: Logistics officer.

Per Andersson per.andersson@nrm.se

Organization: Swedish Museum of Natural History

Department: Laboratory for Isotope Geology

Title: Senior researcher

Specialties: geochemistry, ocean geochemistry

Current Research: The behavior of Nd isotopes in the Arctic Ocean. Reconstruction of freshwater input, mixing, and past circulation.

Leif Andersson leif.anderson@marine.gu.se

Organization: University of Gothenburg

Department: Department of Chemistry

Title: Professor

Specialties: chemical oceanography, CO2 chemistry, ocean circulation

Current Research: Chemical oceanography of the high-latitude oceans, including the investigation of the oceanic circulation, the transformation and fluxes of carbon including the air-sea exchange and anthropogenic sequestering.

Nancy Andes afna@uaa.alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Anchorage

Department: Department of Sociology

Title: Professor Emerita of Sociology

Specialties: sociology, demography, public health

Current Research: Community, health care, and public health factors important to infant mortality.

Claus Andreasen claus.andreasen@natmus.gl

Organization: Greenland National Museum and Archives

Department: Department of Archaeology

Title: Curator

Specialties: archaeology, human/environment interaction

Current Research: Paleoeskimo archaeology, Independence II, Northeast-Greenland

Andrei Andreev aandreev@uni-koeln.de

Organization: University of Cologne

Specialties: quaternary palynology, paleogeography, paleoecology

Current Research: Late Quaternary environment in Arctic Siberia, Alaska.

Tatiana Andreeva tania@caravan.ru

Organization: Russian State Historical Museum

Title: Researcher

Specialties: history, cultural anthropology, museum studies

Current Research: Relations between Russian settlers and Siberian Aborigines. Museum and cultural studies. Traditional food. Material culture.

William Andrefsky and@wsu.edu

Organization: Washington State University

Department: Department of Anthropology

Title: Professor/Chair Anthropology

Specialties: archaeology

Current Research: Hunter-Gatherer Human Organization, Lithic Analysis, Neolithic Transition, and Cultural Resource Management.