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First Name Last Name Email
Henning Thing het@fi.dk

Title: Special Consultant

Specialties: ecology, logistics, information systems/technology

Rick Thoman rthoman@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Environmental and Scientific Services Division

Title: Alaska Climate Specialist

Current Research: Climate and weather

Gary Thomas thomas@alcor.colorado.edu

Organization: University of Colorado Boulder

Department: Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics

Specialties: aeronomy, atmospheric physics

Current Research: Aeronomy. Upper atmospheric physics. Noctilucent cloud (polar mesospheric clouds) research.

Bryan Thomas bryan.thomas@noaa.gov

Organization: NOAA Arctic Research Program

Department: Earth System Research Laboratory, Global Monitoring Division

Title: Station Chief, NOAA Barrow Observatory

Specialties: data management, data processing/analysis, computer simulation

Current Research: python pandas, greenhouse gases, albedo, aerosols, Earth's magnetic field, stratospheric ozone, tropospheric ozone, theory of operation of scientific instruments, meteorology, extreme weather events, remotely-piloted aerial systems

Mary Ellen Thomas maryellen.thomas@arcticcollege.ca

Organization: Nunavut Research Institute

Title: Manager and Research Liaison

Specialties: science management

Current Research: Research licensing. Government policy. Logistics. Science education and promotion in Nunavut.

Laura Thomas laura.thomas@north-slope.org

Organization: Alaska North Slope Borough

Department: Department of Health & Social Services

Specialties: archaeology, anthropology, human/environment interaction

Current Research: Education -Food procurement and distribution on the North Slope -Ethomathematics

Laura Thomas backdirt@gmail.com

Organization: Iḷisaġvik College

Department: Cooperative Extension

Specialties: agriculture, anthropology, archaeology, food science, nutrition

Robert Thomas thomas@osb.wff.nasa.gov

Organization: U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Department: EG and G Services - Wallops Flight Center

Specialties: glaciology, climatology

Current Research: Greenland ice sheet mass balance: measurement and investigation of its causes; application of airborne and satellite remote sensing to these tasks; glacier dynamics; floating ice shelves. Ice sheets of Antarctica

Bjorn Thomassen bth@geus.dk

Organization: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland

Department: Department of Economic Geology

Title: Senior Geologist

Specialties: mining

Current Research: Mineral exploration. Economic geology.

Starley Thompson starley@ucar.edu

Organization: National Center for Atmospheric Research

Department: Climate Change Research Section Climate and Global Dynamics Division

Title: Deputy Head

Specialties: climate modeling, global change, glaciology

Current Research: Global paleoclimate modeling. Ice sheet mass balance. Interactive vegetation/climate simulations.

Lonnie Thompson thompson.3@osu.edu

Organization: Ohio State University

Department: Byrd Polar Research Center

Specialties: glaciology, paleoclimatology, global change

Current Research: Franz Josef Land, High Russian Artctic. Greenland ice core accumulation reconstruction.

David Thompson davet@atmos.colostate.edu

Organization: Colorado State University

Department: Department of Atmospheric Science

Specialties: atmospheric sciences, climate change

Current Research: Large-scale modes of variability in the atmosphere and their signature in arctic climate on month-to-month, year-to-year, and secular time scales.

Karo Thomsen figaro@greennet.gl

Organization: National Institute of Public Health (University of Southern Denmark)

Specialties: public health

Current Research: Public health in Saami communities.

Henrik Hoejmark Thomsen hht@geus.dk

Organization: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland

Title: Senior Researcher/Danish Scientific Liaison Officer for Greenland

Specialties: glaciology, hydrology, remote sensing

Current Research: Science management. Hydropower investigations and ice and climate studies in Greenland. General arctic science coodination.

Callum Thomson thomsonheritage@canada.com

Organization: Self

Title: Principal

Specialties: archaeology, environmental assessment, tourism

Current Research: Paleo-Eskimo art. Dorset-Thule contact. North Atlantic and circumpolar adaptations. Site inventory and assessment of winter ice road routes and mineral exploration areas. Northern pipeline assessment. Adventure/eco-tourism in the Nort( Atlantic/circumpolar area and its effect on archaeological sites.

Jane Thomson jsthomso@ucalgary.ca

Organization: University of Calgary

Department: Fine Arts - Arctic Institute of NA

Title: Lecturer (FA), Research Associate (AINA)

Specialties: art, Inuit

Current Research: Inuit art and culture Art and culture of the Arctic Contemporary Inuit art Native art of North America archaeology and cultures of the North Atlantic region

Thora Ellen Thorhallsdottir theth@hi.is

Organization: University of Iceland

Department: Institute of Biology

Title: Professor

Specialties: plant ecology, wetlands

Current Research: Reproductive and population ecology of the central highland flora of Thjorsarver, Iceland. Long-term experiment on effects of raised air temperature, fertilizer, and hand pollination on reproductive success in Saxifraga hirculus. Capability of Arctic plant species to respond to rapid environmental change.

Harvey Thorleifson thorleifson@gsc.nrcan.gc.ca

Organization: Natural Resources Canada

Department: Geological Survey of Canada

Title: Research Scientist

Specialties: glacial geology, mineral exploration, soil chemistry

Current Research: Hudson Bay lowland quaternary stratigraphy

Colin Thorn c-thorn@uiuc.edu

Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Department: Department of Geography

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: geomorphology, periglacial environment

Current Research: Alpind and arctic research in Karkevagge, arctic Sweden.

John Thornley john.thornley@wsp.com

Organization: U.S. Permafrost Association

Title: Senior Geotechnical and Cold Regions Engineer

Specialties: Cold regions engineering, including permafrost and seasonally frozen ground. Work for public and private infrastructure.

Earthquake engineering, including cold regions site response.

Current Research: Engineering response to climactic impacts on permafrost
Seismic impacts at thawing permafrost sites

Thomas Thornton tthornto@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Southeast

Department: Department of Anthropology

Title: Director of Alaska Coastal Rainforest Center & Professor of Environment and Society

Specialties: Local and Indigenous knowledge systems, space and place, sustainability, climate change impacts and adaptation, subsistence, social-ecological systems, environmental governance and justice.

Current Research: Native geographic names in Southeast Alaska. Subsistence policy in Alaska.

Alex Thornton alexander.e.thornton@gmail.com

Department: Community Development

Specialties: seabird and marine mammal ecology, marine biology, oceanography, climate change, science communication, STEM education, conservation canines (wildlife detection dogs)

Sue Thorsen sitkasue@gmail.com

Specialties: ethnology, museum studies, archaeology

Current Research: Russian American archaeological study collections. Sitka Tlingit material culture and lineage. Sitka Historical photos and archives.

Thorsteinn Thorsteinsson ththor@raunvis.hi.js

Organization: University of Iceland

Department: Department of Geophysics

Specialties: glaciology, paleoclimatology, ice drilling

Current Research: Deep ice coring programs on the Greenland ice sheet (NGRIP, GRIP). Surface traverses and shallow ice drilling on the Greenland ice sheet. Ice core studies on Icelandic ice caps. Expertise: Study of textures, fabrics, and stratigraphy on ice cores, in relation to paleoclimate studies and ice sheet flow.

Throstur Thorsteinsson thorstur@hi.is

Organization: University of Iceland

Department: Environment and Natural Resources

Title: Professor

Specialties: Air pollution, Climate change, Sustainability, Anisotropy

Current Research: Air pollution.