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First Name Last Name Email
Mark Moran mmoran@hanover-crrel.army.mil

Organization: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory

Specialties: ground penetrating radar, remote sensing, electromagnetic modeling

Current Research: Development of 3D electromagnetic propagation models for glaciers. Antenna array analysis and development on temperate glaciers.

Werner Morawitz morawitz@home.com

Specialties: ocean circulation, oceanography

Current Research: Greenland Sea

Myrtille Moreau myrtille.moreau@free.fr

Organization: GEOLAB - UMR 6042

Department: Department of Physical Geography

Specialties: biogeography, landscape ecology, periglacial environment

Current Research: Dynamics of vegetated landscapes since the end of the Little Ice Age Svalbard, Spitsbergen : Broggerhalvoya and Billefjorden. The aim is a better understanding of the impact of contemporary climatic changes on the glacial margin landscape with the study of the chronology of the plant colonization of deglaciated areas in relation with geomorphologic environments since the end of the Little Ice Age.

Mark Morehead morehead@uidaho.edu

Organization: University of Idaho

Department: Center for Ecohydraulics Research

Title: PHD

Specialties: marine geophysics, hydrology, marine sedimentology

Current Research: Fresh water influx into the arctic for past global change scenarios, and coastal ocean processes.

John Morgan jmorgan@towson.edu

Organization: Towson University

Department: Center for Geographic Information Sciences

Title: Professor and Director of CGIS

Specialties: geographic information systems, remote sensing, natural resources management

Current Research: Outdoor recreation planning and management.

David Morgan david.morgan@card-arctic.ca

Organization: C-CORE Centre for Arctic Research Development

Title: Numerical Modeller

Specialties: computer modeling, sea ice

Alan Morgan avmorgan@uwaterloo.ca

Organization: University of Waterloo

Department: Earth and Environmental Sciences

Title: Professor - Administrative Director, Canadian Geoscience Council

Specialties: quaternary geology, climate change, paleoecology

Current Research: Ecological data connected with Coleoptera distributions in Arctic Canada and Alaska. Fossil Coleoptera.

Alexandre Morin abh538@agora.ulaval.ca

Organization: Université Laval

Department: GETIC - Department of Sociology

Title: Researcher

Specialties: sociology, socioeconomics, economic sociology

Current Research: Economic structures in the North. Food industry in the North. Corporate culture in the North. Case study: Greenland.

James Morison morison@apl.washington.edu

Organization: University of Washington

Department: Polar Science Center

Title: Principal Oceanographer, Affiliate Professor

Specialties: physical oceanography, ocean-atmosphere interactions, ocean circulation

Current Research: Upper ocean processes in polar oceans: turbulence, internal waves, and interaction with ice cover.

Richard Moritz dickm@apl.washington.edu

Organization: University of Washington

Department: Polar Science Center - Applied Physics Laboratory

Title: Retired Principal Oceanographer

Specialties: Physics of sea ice, Climate Dynamics, Arctic Ocean, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics

Current Research: Kinematics of rigid plates in pack ice . Spatial and temporal variations of sea ice thickness distribution. Coupled modeling of the Arctic Ocean-atmosphere-ice system.

Richard Morlan richard.morlan@civilisations.ca

Organization: Canadian Museum of History

Department: Archaeological Survey of Canada - National Museums of Canada

Title: Curator, Paleoenvironmental Studies

Specialties: archaeology, paleontology, radiocarbon dating

Current Research: Compilation of Canadian Archaeological Radiocarbon Database posted at <http://www.canadianarchaeology.com>. Ongoing analysis of archaeological and paleontological sites in northern Yukon.

Elizabeth Morris emmo@nerc-bas.ac.uk

Organization: Scott Polar Research Institute (University of Cambridge)

Department: British Antarctic Survey

Title: Professor

Specialties: arctic science policy, glaciology

Current Research: Reconstructing past climate from ice and snow stratigraphy. Devon Island mass balance.

Douglas Morris douglas.morris@lakeheadu.ca

Organization: Lakehead University

Department: Department of Biology

Title: Professor

Specialties: habitat selection, population ecology, evolution

Current Research: Habitat selection, coexistence and dynamics of lemmings Adaptation to changing habitats Effects of predators on lemming coexistence

William Morris wfmorris@duke.edu

Organization: Duke University

Department: Department of Biology

Title: Associate Professor

Specialties: population ecology, plant/herbivore relations

Current Research: Demography of alpine plants and their responses to climate changes.

R.I. Guy Morrison guy.morrison@ec.gc.ca

Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Department: National Wildlife Research Centre Canadian Wildlife Service

Title: Research Scientist, Shorebirds

Specialties: avian ecology, bird migration, bird populations

Current Research: Research on ecophysiology, migration systems of shorebirds on northern Ellesmere Island, Canada.

David Morrison david.morrison@civilization.ca

Organization: Canadian Museum of History

Department: Archaeological Survey of Canada

Title: Curator of NWT and Yukon Archaeology

Specialties: archaeology, anthropology, zooarchaeology

Current Research: Western Canadian arctic, prehistory and history.

Phyllis Morrow pmorrow@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Department of Anthropology (emerita)

Title: Professor

Specialties: cultural anthropology, law, Yup'ik culture

Current Research: Retired from UAF. Consulting on a variety of research projects: e.g., with Center for Alaska Native Health Research - curriculum development; community-based participatory research (re: ethics of dissemination of genetic research results; pharmacogenetics); youth resilience. Also engaged in litigation consulting, often in cases involving cross-cultural and cross-linguistic issues.

David Morrow david.morrow@canada.ca

Organization: Natural Resources Canada

Department: Geological Survey of Canada (GSC)

Title: Volunteer, GSC-Calgary

Specialties: geology

Lars Moseholm lmo@dmu.dk

Organization: Danish National Environmental Research Institute

Title: Director of Research Department

Specialties: environmental policy, environmental remediation, atmospheric sciences

Current Research: Implementation of the Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy (AEPS) in Greenland.

Katrina Moser katrina.moser@geog.utah.edu

Organization: University of Utah

Department: Department of Geography

Title: Assistant Professor

Specialties: paleolimnology, paleoclimatology, limnology

Mikhail Moshkin mmp@eco.nsc.ru

Organization: Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals (Russian Academy of Sciences)

Title: Professor, Dr.Sci., Deputy Director

Specialties: physiology

Current Research: Human physiology in Taimyr Peninsula.

Ellen Mosley-Thompson thompson.4@osu.edu

Organization: Ohio State University

Department: Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center

Title: Director

Specialties: paleoclimatology, glaciology, climatology, climate change

Current Research: Paleoclimate reconstruction from ice cores - Antarctica, the Arctic including Greenland, Tibetan Plateau, South American Andes

Madonna Moss mmoss@oregon.uoregon.edu

Organization: University of Oregon

Department: Anthropology Department

Title: Professor

Specialties: anthropology, archaeology

Current Research: Southeast Alaska.

David Mosscrop david_mosscrop@umanitoba.ca

Organization: University of Manitoba

Department: Centre for Earth Observation Science

Title: Operations Manager

Specialties: remote sensing, climate modeling, ice physics

Current Research: Resolute Bay, Banks Island. SAR Remote Sensing. Geographic information systems.

Robert Mott rjmott@gsc.nrcan.gc.ca

Organization: Natural Resources Canada

Department: Geological Survey of Canada

Title: Research Scientist (Emeritus)

Specialties: quaternary palynology, quaternary paleoecology, quaternary geology

Current Research: Late-glacial palynology of Atlantic Canada.