University of Alaska Anchorage


Anchorage , Alaska 99517
United States


Audrey Taylor served on the faculty at the University of Alaska Anchorage for 10 years before leaving academia in 2022 to take a sailing sabbatical through the South Pacific with her family. She used citizen science frequently as a tool in her avian research toolbox, and was an advocate for the contributions of citizen and community science to Arctic observing. She is currently working for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game coordinating a major revision of the State of Alaska Wildlife Action Plan, but is still trying to stay involved with citizen science initiatives where possible. She is very excited to be participating in the Citizens of the Sea marine biodiversity and coral photogrammetry project this spring while en route to Fiji.

Science Specialties

environmental monitoring, avian ecology, bird migration

Current Research

Landscape ecology. Postbreeding distribution and ecology of shorebirds on Alaska's North Slope. Effects of sixty years of environmental change on shorebird breeding ecology in Barrow, Alaska.