Environmental Assessment
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management


Anchorage , Alaska 99503
United States


Jeffrey J. Brooks is a social scientist at the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM). Jeff began his federal career in 1990 as a United States Peace Corps Volunteer in Benin, West Africa where he led public health and rural community development projects. He earned a bachelor of science in biology at Saginaw Valley State University, a master of science in conservation ecology and sustainable development at the University of Georgia, and a doctorate in natural resources recreation at Colorado State University. In 2006, Dr. Brooks completed a post-doctoral fellowship in the social sciences at the United States Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. He served as a social scientist for seven years with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Alaska Region in the National Wildlife Refuge System and the Office of Subsistence Management. Jeff has been with BOEM’s Office of Environment in Anchorage since 2015 where he serves in the Environmental Sciences Management and Environmental Analysis sections. Jeff lives in Anchorage with his family and enjoys reading, writing, travel, cooking, fishing, biking, hiking, river canoe camping, and snowshoeing.


Social Science, Interdisciplinary Research, Indigenous Knowledge

Science Specialties

collaboration, cross-cultural communication, subsistence, traditional knowledge, outdoor recreation, sense of place

Current Research

J. Kendall, C. Campbell, J. Brooks, K. Wedemeyer, C. Coon, S. Warren, G. Auad, D. Thurston, R. Cluck, F. Mann, S. Randall, M. Storzer, D. Johnston, D. Meyer-Pietruszka, and M. Haller. (in review). The use of traditional knowledge by the United States Bureau of Ocean Energy Management to support resource management decisions. Czech Polar Reports.

Fix, P. J., Brooks, J. J., & Harrington, A. M. (in review). Achieving goals and making meanings: Toward a unified model of recreational experience. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism.

Brooks, J. J. (in press). The Canoe Trip: Confluence of leisure experience and the self. Journal of Unconventional Park, Tourism, and Recreation Research.

Brooks, J. J., & Bartley, K. A. (2016). What is a meaningful role? Accounting for culture in fish and wildlife management in rural Alaska. Human Ecology, 44(5), 517-531.

Brooks, J. J., Dvorak, R. G., Spindler, M., & Miller, S. (2015). Relationship-scale conservation. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 39(1), 147-158.