Protected Resources Division
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM)


Anchorage , Alaska 99513
United States


Sea Ice, Physical Science, Life Science

Science Specialties

Marine bird and mammals

Current Research

EXPERTISE Population, foraging, and behavioral ecology of Pacific seabirds. Shorebird conservation. Avian molecular ecology. Sea Otter Enhydra lutris conservation and management. Marine mammal stranding and disease. Aerial surveys techniques. CURRENT PROJECTS Mortality trends and diseases of northern sea otters in south-central Alaska. Aerial surveys to assess the population status of northern sea otters in Alaska. Reproductive parameters of northern sea otters in regions of population increase and decline. Environmental change and trophic use by northern sea otters Black oystercatcher breeding success and paternity on Middleton Island, Alaska. The wintering range of black oystercatchers across Alaska. Population trends of near-shore avian species in the Western Aleutian Archipelago.