fisheries recruitment
arctic cod
fish larvae
fisheries oceanography
lower trophic production
Loss of Sea Ice
Advection and Transport
Larval fish; age-0s
Arctic cod/Saffron cod
Community changes, species composition
Mechanistic understanding
Climate-mediated trophic shifts
Gulf of Maine Research Institute
Portland , Maine 04101
United StatesBio
Janet Duffy-Anderson is the Chief Scientific Officer of the Gulf of Maine Research Institute. She is interested in climate-mediated changes in arctic marine ecosystems, particularly with respect to how oceanographic changes affect arctic benthic and pelagic ecosystems. Janet studies the biology and ecology of marine fishes, their interactions with prevailing atmospheric and oceanographic processes, particularly with respect to climate change, and implications for recruitment and ecosystem functioning.
Physical Science, Life Science, Interdisciplinary ResearchScience Specialties
ecosystem ecologyfisheries recruitment
arctic cod
fish larvae
fisheries oceanography
lower trophic production
Current Research
Spatial and temporal shifts in fish production and distributionLoss of Sea Ice
Advection and Transport
Larval fish; age-0s
Arctic cod/Saffron cod
Community changes, species composition
Mechanistic understanding
Climate-mediated trophic shifts