Department of Physical Oceanography
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution


Woods Hole , Massachusetts 02543
United States

Science Specialties

oceanography, biogeochemistry, ocean engineering

Current Research

-Co-investigator of two projects which have become integral parts of the Arctic Observing Network: the Ice-Tethered Profiler (ITP) project and the Beaufort Gyre Observing System (BGOS). The success of these efforts over the past 6 years (over 30 ITPs deployed with the drifting ice and over 5 years of time series mooring data acquired under the ice pack) has lead to the continuation of these studies for another 5 years. These data support studies of physical and biological ocean processes, facilitates numerical model initialization and validation, and have stimulated general interest in Arctic science issues. Research and understanding that builds on these observations is contributing to a better appreciation of the Arctic's role in the earth's evolving climate system.