Arctic Technology
The University Center in Svalbard (UNIS)


Longyearbyen , Svalbard 9170


Sea Ice

Science Specialties

sea ice navigation

Current Research

Since 2008 I worked for a UNIS researcher for PetroArctic project on Task 8 "Collection of ice pilot experiences." I carried out historical and geographical review and described when, why and how Russians sailed in the Arctic, what troubles with ice condition seamen had and how they managed it. I concentrated on accidents in the Arctic caused by the action of ice. Now, I am finalizing the project by monograph with a draft title of "EXPERIENCES of RUSSIAN ARCTIC NAVIGATION." It will consist of INTRODUCTION (Common features of Russian seas and the main stages of northern sea navigation and vessels development) and the MAIN PART devoted to four Russian Arctic Seas (Kara, Laptev, East-Siberian, Chukchi Seas). There will be 5 chapters for each sea. These are GEOGRAPHICAL CHARACTERISTIC, PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT, SEA ICE, NAVIGATION, AND ACCIDENTS. The most original part of study is the set of maps of accident locations according to accident classification. There will be photos and pictures from different sources in monograph.