OrganizationUniversity of Washington/PMEL
Seattle , Washington 98115
United StatesBio
Most of my research is focused on climate change including:
-climate processes in middle and high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere
-impacts of climate change on ecosystems in the Pacific basin (including the Bering Sea) and Arctic
-components of Arctic climate system and their interactions among each other
-assessment of global coupled atmosphere-ocean climate models
-detection and attribution of climate change
Current research projects include BSIERP/BEST (Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research/Bering Ecosystem Study), Arctic Change Detection, Synthesis study of the Bering Sea - EcoFOCI, and Changing Seasonality of the Arctic Ocean (co-PI).
-climate processes in middle and high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere
-impacts of climate change on ecosystems in the Pacific basin (including the Bering Sea) and Arctic
-components of Arctic climate system and their interactions among each other
-assessment of global coupled atmosphere-ocean climate models
-detection and attribution of climate change
Current research projects include BSIERP/BEST (Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research/Bering Ecosystem Study), Arctic Change Detection, Synthesis study of the Bering Sea - EcoFOCI, and Changing Seasonality of the Arctic Ocean (co-PI).