Deep Consulting


Yellowknife , Northwest Territories X1A 1S9


Dr. Christopher Darren James Paci works to improve the capacity of northern indigenous peoples to address environment and natural resource management issues. While mostly working at the community level, Paci has also been involved in raising awareness of various audiences about circumpolar environmental issues, climate change, and contaminants.

Paci started Deep Consulting Inc. to work with the Dene governments on natural resource management issues. He has advised the Chiefs of the Yellowknives Dene as their Executive Assistant and the Center for Indigenous Environment and Resources on their five-year organizational planning process. He has also advised the Arctic Athabaskan Council on sustainable development, governance, and policy issues. His work has included translation of science and the stewardship of indigenous concepts into action (scientific research and public policy).

Paci holds an interdisciplinary Ph.D. from the University of Manitoba. He is a member of the University of the Arctic, both as a Roving Faculty member and past member of the Indigenous Issues Standing Committee. Paci is an experienced speaker, having lectured at the University of Northern British Columbia, University of Manitoba, Athabasca University, Carleton University, and Umea University.

Paci is interested in speaking to all audiences and is generally available throughout the year.

Representative lecture titles include:

Requisites for sustainable healthy northern communities

There is no wilderness here: connectivity of northern communities to globalizing influences

Water is more than two hydrogen and one oxygen: northern views on water management

Knowledge engines: northern and southern comparisons

Traditional Knowledge and the role of northern communities in environmental impact assessment

Science Specialties

traditional knowledge and wisdom, sustainable development, resource management