Institute of Ecology and Evolution
Russian Academy of Sciences


Russian Federation


Leonid M. Baskin was born at Moscow, 04 September 1939. He was educated in the Moscow State University as biologist-zoologist. After the university he was used as a director of reindeer farm at Kamchatka. Then, he finished post-graduation curse in the Moscow State University where in 1968 he received a degree of a candidate of biological sciences. The title of his candidate dissertation was "Ecological fundamentals of reindeer husbandry". Just after that Baskin was invited at the Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences where he was used as a junior scientist, later senior scientist, and since 1994 a chief scientist. In 1975, Baskin received a degree of doctor of biological sciences. The title of doctoral dissertation was "Behavioral fundamentals of ungulates' behavior". In 2006, Baskin received a title of Professor as a scientific leader of 8 doctors and candidates of sciences.

During his scientific career Baskin published 12 books and about 200 papers. His most well-known books are:

Baskin, L.M. Reindeer. Ecology and behavior. Nauka publications, Moscow. 1970. 150 p (in Russian)

Baskin, L.M. Behavior of ungulates. Nauka publications, Moscow. 1976 (in Russian). 295 p.

Hudson, R.J., Drew, K.R., and Baskin, L.M. Wildlife Production Systems. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 1989. 469 p (In English)

Baskin, L.M. and Danell, K. Ecology of Ungulates. Springer, Berlin. 2003. 434 p. (In English)

Pruitt, W.O. and L.M. Baskin. Boreal forest of Canada and Russia. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia. 2004. 163 p., (In English)

Baskin, L.M. Reindeer. Behavior and management. Hunting and reindeer husbandry. KMK Publications, Moscow. 2009. 284 p. (in Russian)

Baskin, L.M. and Okhlopkov, I.M. Protection of large mammals from industrial threats. KMK Publications, Moscow. 2012. 201 p. (in Russian).

Science Specialties

animal husbandry

Current Research

Indigenous knowledge. Ecology, behaviour, and management of arctic ungulates. Alertness and vigilance of reindeer and moose. Conservation of biodiversity in Taimyr. Ethnical culture of aboriginal people in a field of reindeer husbandry.