Department of Biology
University of California Davis


Davis , California 95616
United States


Dr. Post is interested in ecological dynamics at many levels of organization and across multiple scales of space and time. He finds the most fundamental questions in ecology to be the most intriguing. For example, what combination of biotic and abiotic factors determines whether an individual survives and reproduces from one year to the next; how do those same factors interact to influence population dynamics; how does community composition vary in time and space in relation to species interactions and environmental conditions; and how do interactions across trophic levels, and between the abiotic environment and organisms at different trophic levels, influence ecosystem function? Most of his research relates to climate change, and is conducted almost exclusively in the Arctic. In his research group, he employs an array of approaches, including mathematical and statistical modeling, observation, and experimentation.

Science Specialties

population biology, ecology, climate change

Current Research

Theoretical ecology. Effects of environmental stochasticity, and in particular, climatic variability, on population dynamics, behavior, and life history traits of northern animal species.