Department of Earth Sciences
University of Minnesota


Minneapolis , Minnesota 55455
United States

Science Specialties

geology, tectonics and sedimentary basin analysis, sedimentology, geodynamics, structural geology

Current Research

Oblique rifting in Svalbard and the Late Eocene-Oligocene demise of Laurasia with inception of Molloy Ridge
Evolution and deformation of Forlandsundet Basin, Svalbard
Early Cretaceous sedimentation and Tertiary deformation if the Braents Shelf in north-central Spitsbergen: Bohemanflya, Isfjorden, Svalbard
Tectonically vesus climatically driven Cenozoic exhumation of the Eurasian plate margin, Svalbard: fission-track analyses.
Syn-glacial rebound and origin of fjords: Intraplate mountain belts and isostatic uplift due to surface processes.