Arthur Grantz, Consulting Geologist


Palo Alto , California 94303
United States


Dr Grantz main area of research interest is Arctic geology and tectonics. He has extensive knowledge and hands on experience performing research in the arctic. He views the arctic visiting speaker series as an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas on Arctic geology and tectonics with other workers.

Dr Grantz was in charge of the geologic framework and petroleum resource studies of the continental shelf and slope in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas from 1969-1987 and of the geologic framework and paleoclimate studies in the western Arctic Ocean Basin, from1988 to date. During this period he was the Senior Scientist on four multi-disciplinary geological/geophysical cruises to the Arctic Ocean Basin in 1988, 1989, 1992 and 1993. He was also the Senior Scientist on the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Polar Sea on a trans-polar transect from Alaska to Svalbard via the North Pole in 1994. Since 1995, he has been a Consulting Professor for the Department of Geology at Stanford University. He has been active in geologic mapping and structural, stratigraphic, petroleum resource, and aeromagnetic studies in Alaska between 1949 and 1988. In addition, he was the Lead editor for The Geology of North America, vol. L, the Arctic Ocean Region, which was published by the Geological Society of America and the Co-editor for the Tectonic Evolution of the Bering Shelf-Chukchi Sea-Arctic Margin and adjacent Landmasses published by the Geological Society of America as a special paper.

Dr Gantz is a member of a number of professional societies including; Fellow, Geological Society of America; Member, American Geophysical Union and American Association of Petroleum Geologists and the U.S. Geological Survey, 1949-1995.

Recent Committees:

Chairman, Polar Research Board/National Research Council Committee on Arctic Solid-Earth Sciences, 1987-1991

Arctic Magnetic Anomaly Map Committee of IAGA Working Group V-9,1990-1991 Nansen Arctic Drilling Program-Site Survey Subcommittee. 1991-1994

Planning Committee, 1994 International TransArctic Section, 1991-1994

Arctic Panel, Circum-Pacific Map Project, 1989-1995

Group of Advisors, United States Arctic Research Commission, 1986-2001

Member, U.S. Coast Guard Committee on the Utilization of Polar-Class Icebreakers for Polar Sciences, 1992-1993

Member, International Arctic Science Committees, MAST (Map of Arctic Sediment Thickness) project, 2000-date

Dr Grantz is interested in making presentations to academic and graduate audiences.

Science Specialties

geology, marine geology, marine geophysics

Current Research

-Sedimentary basins of the Arctic region -Geologic framework and tectonic development of the Amerasia Basin, Arctic Ocean