
For more detailed information about the Second AMAP International
Symposium on Environmental Pollution in the Arctic to be held in
Rovaniemi, Finland, from 1-4 October 2002, please look at the web site
at: (see News and Announcements)

or download the first announcement directly at:



The Second AMAP International Symposium on Environmental Pollution in
the Arctic Rovaniemi, Finland

1-4 October 2002

The First AMAP International Symposium on Environmental Pollution in the
Arctic was held in Tromsø, Norway, in June 1997, and attracted some 450
participants to discuss the results and implications of the first AMAP
assessment of environmental pollution in the Arctic.

A considerable amount of new information on the threats posed by various
types of pollutants to the arctic environment and its ecosystems has now
become available and the Second AMAP International Symposium on
Environmental Pollution in the Arctic will take place in Rovaniemi,
Finland, 1-4 October 2002.

This second international scientific symposium dealing with pollution of
the Arctic in an integrated circumpolar context will showcase results of
recent research and monitoring into the sources and pathways, levels,
trends, and effects of persistent organic pollutants, heavy metals, and
radioactivity in the Arctic, including the implications for human health
of arctic residents. It will highlight work conducted under the auspices
of AMAP during the second phase of activities (1998-2003).

The Symposium is arranged as a prelude to the Third Arctic Council
Ministerial Conference, which will be held in Inari, Finland,immediately
following the symposium. The Symposium therefore constitutes an important
part of the process by which the results and conclusions of the AMAP
assessments are delivered to Ministers and communicated to arctic

The AMAP assessments will be discussed within the context of regional
and sub-regional environment management and policy development and the
concluding part of the symposium will concentrate on the implications of
the studies, the conclusions and recommendations arising from the AMAP
assessments, and options for implementing appropriate remedial actions,

Communication of both the scientific information and its implications to
appropriate audiences is a fundamental objective of the conference. The
Symposium will therefore be directed towards interest groups including:
- scientists working on arctic and pollution issues; - administrators,
managers, and decision-makers with responsibility at both the local and
regional level, including those concerned with health care and education
in arctic communities; - Indigenous peoples organizations; -
representatives of industries and international and non-governmental
organizations with interests in the Arctic.

Conference Organization and Structure:
The Symposium will include key speaker presentations and selected oral
and poster presentations. The latter will be selected from submitted
abstracts, and will also include presentations on significant national,
bilateral, and multilateral activities. The programme will allow for short
oral presentations of posters during the symposium sessions. The meeting
will conclude with a special Panel Discussion, bringing together invited
experts representing the scientific community, environmental managers and
decision-makers, Indigenous peoples groups, etc. This session is designed
to achieve a serious dialogue between parties representing the above interest
groups and will focus on the implications of the results presented at the

Information about the symposium can be found on the AMAP web site at: (see News and Announcements)

If you would like to submit a presentation or receive subsequent
information about the symposium, please complete and return the reply
slip (available from the web site) by: 15 January 2002

The detailed programme of the meeting and information about deadlines
for abstract submission, etc., will be included in the second
announcement, to be sent out on 1 May 2002.