
Doctorate Position Available at NPI

For more information on this 3-year doctorate position available at the
Norwegian Polar Institute, please contact:

Dr. Jan-Gunnar Winther
Norwegian Polar Institute
Polar Environmental Centre
N-9296 Tromso, Norway
Phone: +47/7775-0531
Fax: +47/7775-0501
E-Mail: jan-gunnar.winther [at]


A three-year doctorate position is available at the Norwegian Polar
Institute (NPI)

This doctorate position is included in an international research project
that aims at improving today's parameterisation of snow and ice albedo
in the ECHAM5 General Circulation Model (GCM). We will make use of
albedo data collected in the past, e.g., from Russian North Pole
drifting stations, Alaska, Antarctica, Greenland, the Barents Sea, and
Svalbard to develop robust (empirical) decay functions and algorithms
describing the variability of snow and ice albedo spectrally, as well as
in time and space.

These decay funtions and algorithms will be used to revise the present
parameterisation of albedo in ECHAM5. Additionally, we wish to test the
potential of using satellite-derived albedo as model input data.
Finally, the ECHAM5 model and also a coupled atmosphere-ocean GCM
(ECHAM/HOPE) will be used to perform sensitivity analysis using various
combinations of parameterisation. Thus, the main goal of the doctorate
scholarship will be to improve today's parameterisation of snow and ice
albedo in the ECHAM5 GCM and thereby provide more realistic climate
modeling predictions.

The starting date is 1 September 2002. The salary for doctorate
positions at NPI is currently 256.200,- NOK/year (taxes excluded). The
candidate will have NPI in Tromso as working place but formally be
affiliated to one of the Norwegian Universities. Some research visits to
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg will be necessary.

The Norwegian Polar Institute is the principal supplier of scientific
information on Norwegian polar regions for the central government
administration, acting as its consultant on polar matters and helping to
ensure that the environment is managed as efficiently as possible, in
keeping with international efforts to promote sustainable development.

The Institute is the main Norwegian institution concerned with mapping
and scientific and environmental investigations of Norwegian polar
regions in the Arctic and Antarctica. It has the status of a
directorate, and is responsible to the Norwegian Ministry of

Applicants are asked to send their letter of intent and CV by 20 April
2002 to:

Dr. Jan-Gunnar Winther
Norwegian Polar Institute
Polar Environmental Centre
N-9296 Tromso, Norway