
For more information on logistics support for U.S. scientists in
Chukotka, Russia, see the BASC web site at:
or call BASC at 907/852-4881.

Logistics Support for U.S. Scientists in Chukotka, Russia

NSF-funded scientists conducting research in Chukotka, Russia, can be
supported in planning, permitting (federal and state), and field
logistics (such as regional transportation, communications, room and
board, technical assistance, access to basic tools, etc.) by the Barrow
Arctic Science Consortium (BASC) and their Russian affiliate, the
Chukotka Science Support Group (CSSG). CSSG maintains facilities in the
villages of Provideniya and Lavrentiya and, shortly, in the state
capital of Anadyr. CSSG has been designated as point-of-contact for
foreign scientists wishing to conduct research in the state by Governor
Roman Abramovich. Non-NSF projects also can be supported by BASC and
CSSG but must pay for the support.

For further information see the BASC web site at: or call BASC at 907/852-4881.

BASC and CSSG currently work with NSF, NOAA, and EPA-supported
researchers in Chukotka.